God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2000: I am a smooth person

The second thousand chapters I am as smooth

The attack of this Elong drill did not have any fancy at all. It was all straight and straight, but it was to defeat the opponent with a powerful force.

Qin Qi is so happy.

And to sense the power of this attack, Qin Qi did not dare to neglect, no longer the dragon claws against each other, but against Kunlun.

A sword, the murderous moment broke through the nine.

There are scarlet murderous everywhere, even if it is the diamond of Erlong, it suddenly feels cold and cold.

Horrible murder, this is a young back can have?

Cross sword!

The sword is moving forward, but it is an irresistible situation.

Above the blade, the Kunlun sacred pattern shines, including the Kunlun Mountains, which can make the opponent's power appear extremely short-lived, and at the same time, it has the ability to both must and disregard defense.

Can't evade and can't defend.

Such an attack, the gods must also recognize it!

The dragon of Elong saw this sword, and the dawn suddenly rose, and he was able to sense the danger in this sword.

There is a feeling of being stared, there is nowhere to escape, can not be blocked!

This young man is so powerful?


Jianguang was broken before the Essence, but it also cut off the attack of Ess, which was expected in the drill of Erlong.

He is not worried about Qin Qi, the cross sword, because he can resist, but what about the next sword?

Sure enough, at the time when the cross sword was standing out, Qin Qi’s other sword had already fallen, and the speed was so great that it was a big shock, and this sword was obviously stronger.

A sword is invincible.

The dragon of Erlong screamed and folded his hands in front of him, then slammed it out.

With one hand and one god, the disaster will be difficult!

The two forces merged into one place, and Qin Qi’s invincible sword also resisted.

However, the drill of Erlong was a few steps back from this, and his face was pale and pale.

This sword was indeed blocked by him, but he knew that he had already suffered a dark loss.

Qin Qi's sword is extremely incomparable, and it can interfere with his diamond gas, so that there is no sign of distraction. Although the power of the dragon has been restored, it can be instantly restored.

But in this level of combat, this is already fatal enough.

"It seems that I am indeed old and the future belongs to young people."

"But, after all, I am not willing to lose to the years!"

"Young people, no matter what the outcome, this battle, I should be smooth!" Erlong's mouth corner actually set off a smile.

He now finds that the realm of the realm is not enough to defeat the young people in front of him.

Maybe you can rely on the diamond god.

However, Qin Qi did not display the diamond gods.

Well, since it is such a close battle, don’t be lucky again.

The momentum of the Elong drill has changed again.

His figure was quite straightforward. The wrinkled skin on his body gradually regained its luster. It was like the smoldering gas that fell into the earth and disappeared.

He, like a reversal of time, reproduces a few years of prime!

"He is accumulating the vitality of the past, and seeking a moment in the past, but even if it is accumulated for a million years, it can only be exchanged for the strength of this moment!"

"With so many years of accumulation, only such a moment of glory, hey, the hero can't see the whitehead!"

"However, as a result, the diamond of Erlong will surely win!"

"Yes, Qin Qi relies on the mysterious mountain of God to suppress the dragon road by nature, plus the strangeness of the sword, and the addition of the sword, it is really extraordinary, but it will stop here!"

The changes in the diamonds of Erlong are embarrassing, amazing, and more concerned about this battle.

Next, who wins and who loses?

The dragon of Erlong did not wait for him, he has already shot.

Still the god.

But this shock is actually much stronger than before.

Is this the Elong Diamond that has restored a few years of growth?

It is like a disaster itself.

Qin Qi out of the sword, murderous swaying the world, Jianguang as a practice, and instantly came out.

Still can make the other party's strength smash, still is a must, still ignore the defense.

The Kunlun sacred pattern shines, and the body of the Kunlun heart and the dragon vein are almost connected together. The chain of the slap is swaying, and the shadow of the mountain is more solid.

The sword slammed down and greeted the power of the dragon.

Another terrorist collision.

The layers of space have collapsed, and the huge void cracks, the Hengdan above the high heavens, are shocking.

But this time, it turned out to be Qin Qi.

The drill of Erlong is even more powerful, and the right hand is moving forward, and the offensive does not stop.

Qin Qi still resists with the sword, under the sword, annihilating everything, the thunder is added, corroding everything, how to control your strength, can still resist.


Once again, the drill of Erlong suddenly came forward, and the violent raging out, Qin Qi actually only retreated.

This sense of oppression is too unreasonable.

The gods of disaster, the gods, are all supernatural powers, and the power of the diamonds of Erlong is the dragon road!

Because it is naturally suppressed, it no longer depends on it?

Just kidding.

Which strong person is not convinced that his strength is the best in the world!

The dragon of the catastrophe, condensed behind the drill of Erlong, the huge body, full of horrible power, as if the disaster came to the world!


The disaster is long!

"Ergan Rumble!"

The dragon of Erlong screamed in the sky, although it was a human voice, but like a dragon, the rolling sound wave swayed out, and Qin Qi could not suppress it.

This is the first time that Qin Qi can't suppress other dragons!

So strong, really strong!

Qin Qi looked at the old man who recreated the scene of the prime of life, and couldn't help but admire and respect him.

Of course, Qin Qi also knows that it is not Kunlun, but that part of what he has now is still too little.

On the other hand, it is the diamond of Erlong, which is indeed strong enough.

Qin Qi’s eyes are extremely dignified and serious.

Giving the strongest respect to the strong is to fight against him!

Qin Qi also snarled, and on the Kunlun Mountains, the dragon slammed.


Go out!

The battle to win this state is at your fingertips.

Qin Qi has no advantage at all, and the catastrophic body is even weakening his power and it is difficult to eliminate.

The great light of the Holy Light.

The Bright Pastor wants to dispel this influence with the supreme light, but this is not the path of disaster, but the dragon road. What the Holy Light can affect is really limited.


The two stood together again and resorted to it.

The diamond of Erlong is an old diamond. There is more than one magical power in the hand, and few of them are weaker than the diamond level. They are all powerful.

Once the combination of magical powers is formed, the power is even stronger.

For this kind of older generation, the experience, Qin Qi will still be a little bit worse.

Fortunately, the different Kunlun is constantly calculating, and will never let Erlong's diamonds easily combine the magical powers, but the same, the diamonds of Erlong will not give Qin Qi the opportunity to enter his own rhythm.

The real strong showdown.

It is a classic war, except that the combat power used is not the top. In other respects, it is at the textbook level.

All the people watching the battle, even if the realm is still on the diamond of Erlong, can also gain a lot in this battle.

Constantly out of the sword, the killing of the sword is constantly sublimating, and many martial arts, almost all have shots, pushing Qin Qi's combat power to a peak.

The disaster caused the disaster, and the diamond of Erlong seems to have returned to the past. Although the realm has not been upgraded, the combat power is constantly sublimating.

Every move is a natural rhyme.

"Dragon Fighting King!"

In the fierce battle, there is even more violent, as if you can win the game!

"Old friend, can you still use this trick?"

Dragon King.

Take the Dragon King!

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