God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2001: Dragon King

Chapter 2, Chapter 1, Dragon Fighting

Long Hao, ringing the sky.

Even though the projection is separated, it makes people feel a big shock and the scalp is numb.

The power of a violent violent force broke out from the body of Erlong's drill and directly collapsed the sky. The strength of the catastrophic dragon reached its peak.

The gray-black atmosphere, soaking the world, Qin Qi's natural restraint of the dragon's power, was actually reversed.

So powerful?

Qin Qi’s face has changed dramatically, and he has to respond quickly.

Just holding the hand of the sword is waiting to be pulled out, a gray palm, like a dragon claw, directly on his arm.

The speed and the strength of the force are unparalleled.

On Qin Qi's body, the power of color squirmed and swayed, blocking the claws for a few minutes, and then the sound suddenly blurred, turned into a black shadow, and was completely torn.

Then, Qin Qi reappeared from the shadows, and the arm was already sunken. If the body of the body of the dragon is far beyond the same territory, this is enough to tear his hand off.

Qin Qi snorted, the light in the blood rushed rapidly, and the depression on the arm instantly recovered. At the same time, he had already fallen under a sword.

Qin Qi did not know what magical powers were used by Erlong's drills, but it is clear that the drill of Erlong has become stronger. If at this time, let the battle fall into the rhythm of the opponent, then Qin Qi will not have to play.

Even if you pay a certain price, you must not let Erlong's drill completely grasp the initiative of the battle.

Swords, Kunlun emerged.

Positive and negative two Kunlun!

This sword of Qin Qi is also the power of the sky.

The fluctuations are enough to make the people of the battle change.

However, at this moment, the drill of Erlong, the breath has been like a wolf, and it is rushing, and the prosperity of Longwei cannot limit the half point.

I saw the drill of Erlong's hand, and the hand of God, the one hand, the catastrophe, if there is a tendency to open the sky, it will actually block the two Kunlun.

So strong!

Dragon King.

This is the magic of the dragon, created in order to fight with the king!

He only fought the king once in his life.

That is the king of Hengsha.

In the end, there is no doubt that it will be defeated.

However, from the mouth of Hengsha Wang, he got the word "good".

Being able to get a "good" in the endless years of the endless years in the endless world, it is already glory.

It is a great affirmation.


The dragonfly is more prosperous.

Erlong’s drills became more and more violent, and it seemed that Kunlun’s suppression of him had completely disappeared.

"Tear off!"

There were blood cockroaches flying out, and Erlong's drill rushed several times. Although Qin Qi reacted extremely quickly, he was still injured, his chest was torn open, and several bones were broken.

The Holy Light fell, helping Qin Qi to recover the injury and picking up this claw. Qin Qi did not retreat, and turned against Kunlun.

The Kunlun sacred pattern almost burned up, the power of this sword, the peerless horror!

Even if it is the drill of Erlong, it is impossible to continue to forcibly counterbalance. Only one point can be withdrawn, and then it is a fierce counterattack!

However, even if it is only a point of retreat, even if the more aggressive counterattack is formed in an instant, the rhythm is indeed disrupted by Qin Qi, and does not let the Elong diamond play as desired.

However, it is not yet sighable.

Under the blessing of Dragon King, the power of the dragon will only be even more shocking!

"Wonderful, this battle is really wonderful, the dragon fighting king of Erlong's drill, it is amazing!"

"It is fortunate to be able to see such a battle. Dragon King, so tyrannical, it is no wonder that King Hengsha can be affirmed!"

"Qin Hao that kid has been in a disadvantage, Dragon Fighting King, broke his suppression of the Dragon Road!"

"It is true, but it must be said that this person is really terrible. Even in this case, it can still block the snowball-like rhythm of Erlong, as if born by the war!"

"But this can only delay a few points, and it won't last long."

"It can't be said that Qin Hao is already a diamond's order, but his diamond gods have been used?"

"That's what you said, isn't the diamond **** of the elders of Erlong's diamonds not used?"

"It seems that there will be more fierce confrontation. Look at it with great eyes. Otherwise, it will be a pity!"

The people watching the battles are all eyes wide open, and they are afraid of missing a detail.

They believe that this battle of Erlong can win the final victory, but it will never be so simple, there must be a more violent collision.

Sure enough, the fierce battle, add another change.

Qin Qi's body, the power of color lingers, more raging than before, Long Wei rolling, is the source of Wanlong, above all dragons.

Qin Qi’s suppression of Longdao can be upgraded again?


The dragon slammed and Qin Qi was almost torn at the cost of his left arm. The breath suddenly rose to the peak, and the reverse Kunlun slanted down and took the drill of Erlong.

This sword once again suppressed the power of the Elong drill, endless and sharp, with the shadow of Kunlun, killing everything!

The dragon of Erlong was smashed, and the dragon of the disaster vacated and collided with Kunlun.

Dragon King!


The sky is loud.

The aftermath of the two men oscillated and the sky was twisted in a million miles.

"How can it be!"

Before the projection, many diamond powers exclaimed, and their eyes were almost prominent.

"This is a barrier!" The green diamond face changed wildly.

Just kidding.

This power!

The green diamond is extremely concerned about this battle.

At the beginning of the news of Qin Qi's gram, his attention was not high.

After all, these messages do not contain specific combat images, and even the fighting methods are not accurately circulated.

That is the black palace and the fire palace.

Although they do not intend to conceal the Kunlun Mountains.

But it will not take the initiative to spread.

The appearance of Qin Qi, although it has been transmitted, is quite different from that of Tianyuan.

The face is awkward, the face value is too low, more thorough than the facelift.

Of course, this is not enough to hold the diamond.

However, how long has Qin Qi escaped from the green drill, and less than half a year, how could he launch a diamond challenge against Dreamworld and win.

You must know that Qin Qi was not even silver.

However, Qin Qi returned from the world of flowers, and after the challenge of Tongtianling was opened, he finally realized that Qin Qi is Qin Qi!

In this case, of course, the green diamond must be returned to Qin Qi.

In his view, Qin Qi is able to overcome the fantasy sky, it is indeed amazing.

But what about that?

Although the quenched green diamond is not a top diamond, it cannot compete with the Black Yao Diamond or the Yan Jun Diamond.

But for a dream diamond in the upper district, it is still a matter of words.

Only things changed faster than he expected.

The ice rain drill was instantly killed.

Then, there was another diamond of Erlong.

The battle is so intense, far beyond the imagination of the green diamond.

In this case, further, Qin Qi is afraid to be able to compete with him!

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