God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2002: Hero does not see whitehead

The second thousand and two chapters of the hero do not see the white head

But even if you know this, but now, the green diamond can not do anything, he is absolutely impossible to intervene in this battle.

He can only hope that Erlong's diamonds and Qin Qi will lose both sides and make him cheap.

No longer, the dragon of Erlong directly killed Qin Qi!

After all, the green diamond is also very clear, just like he will not let Qin Qi, Qin Qi will not let him go.

Dragon King Warfare, pushed the diamond of Erlong to the peak, and Qin Qi, has lost.

This is seen in the green drilled phase.

The power of Qin Qi’s mountain is even more itchy, but unfortunately, it has now been exposed to the eyes of all the powerful outsiders. Perhaps, nothing has happened to him.

That's not as good, just die!

But now, Qin Qi has once again reversed the situation, and the power he has played is enough to resist the diamonds of Erlong!

In the sky, two arrogances can almost break through the clouds and rush into the extraterrestrial stars.

And they are so close, they are violent and unparalleled, and they have a kind of anger!

Dragon King!

The same Dragon Fighting King.

Qin Qi actually used the unique dragon fighting technique of Erlong's drill!

"This is impossible!" The green diamond was first smashed.

He and Qin Qi handed over, knowing that Qin Qi has the power of a colorless diamond, and the diamondless **** of the colorless diamond is to copy everything.

The Dragon King of the Eyre Dragon Drill is different. This is not a simple magical power. More is the will of the Elong Diamond itself and a deep understanding of this magical power.

This part is not a colorless drill that can be copied directly.

Therefore, for Qin Qi to copy the Dragon King, the green diamond will never be surprised, but the power is so amazing, it seems that there is no weakening, but it is greatly unexpected.

This is the unique magical power of Erlong's drill, Qin Qi, how to have the same depth of understanding, and the will to match it?

But the facts are already in sight.

The quenched diamond may be better, after all, know that Qin Qi can copy the magical power.

But other strong people can be shocked to say nothing.

For them, it is a double shock.

Shocked by Qin Qi's exhibition of Dragon Fighting King.

Shocked by Qin Qi, you can cast Dragon King to such a height!


The dragon slammed, the dragon was on the dragon!

Qin Qi copied the Dragon King Warcraft early on, but found that it was impossible to play the true standard of the Dragon King.

Such a half-hanger, it is better not to use it, otherwise the class door will be axe, but it is very likely to give Erlong a chance to drill.

However, such a force, Qin Qi did not want to give up.

On the one hand, he allowed the different Kunlun to calculate the best way to use Dragon King. On the other hand, he combined his own dragon road and deepened his understanding through the battle with Erlong.

Finally, he showed this move out, and power is never weaker than the diamond of Erlong!

In this case, the heart of Erlong’s drill is also a big shock.

He did not expect Qin Qi to copy the Dragon King, but did not expect that Qin Qi can have an understanding of his equal.

This is really incredible.

Throughout the ages, the diamonds of Erlong only know that the once-colourless diamonds have such power, but even if it is a colorless diamond, it is impossible to bring Dragon King to this point.

Afterlife, awesome!

There was a bit more sigh in the eyes of Erlong, but then it was completely overwhelmed by the war.

Perhaps he can't do this in this battle.

However, after being so quiet for so long, it is only a long time since it was so hard to steal a little life from the hands of the years.

Fight once.

As a result, who is going to take care of it?

Erlong's drill completely released the hands and feet, fighting style, but also reproduces the invincible posture of the prime year.

Qin Qi’s glory skyrocketed, and he gave up all thoughts and went up.

The two men fought again, like two dragons, biting in a madness.

Erlong's diamonds have a deeper understanding of the power with a higher level of realism, richer combat experience, and the position of the peak.

Qin Qi relies on the power of Kunlun, the strong dragon, the edge of the blade, the soul of Wuhun, and its own unparalleled combat skills.

Really, the tip of the needle is on the mans!

"It's a pity, I don't want to wait, this state of aging can not last long, only, with this trick, the winners!" Erlong's drill whispered.

Some regret.

He can't keep this state all the time.

He must win the game.

Even this is not the best time.

Diamond gods, the disaster star!

The breath of Erlong's drills rose again, and behind him, the illusion of the catastrophic dragon almost turned into substance, so fierce, like a disaster itself.

The dragon of the catastrophe opened its mouth, and the dark light of the scorpion condensed in it.

Like a dark star.

And you can clearly feel the terrible power contained in this dark star!

This is his diamond god, the disaster!

Combined with Dragon Fighting King, it will reach a higher level!

In fact, this is his new insight, and he has not used this power in the past years.

Now let the world see the power of his Elong drill!

Dragon King, the disaster!

At this moment, the drill of Erlong is like invincible.

There is no change in Qin Qi's look.

He knows that this is not the perfect time to start the most powerful power of the Olong Diamond.

However, the other party can't wait.

This is a pity.

The diamond of Erlong is like this.

Qin Qi is also true.

However, this is already the last battle of the Elong Diamond.

In any case, Qin Qi will meet the enemy with the strongest posture.

Otherwise, there will only be more regrets.

"come on!"

Qin Qi body, blood suddenly rose.

Before that, it has already been amazingly killing the sword. At this moment, it has completely completed the liberation. It has already started to rush, and it seems that the whole sky will be dyed into a scarlet color.

Unparalleled murder, unmatched killing, unparalleled killing!

Diamond gods, kill the wolf!

The dragon of Erlong felt the power of Qin Qi, and his eyes flashed a touch of pleasure.

This is the case.

Immediately, his look was condensed, the catastrophe star shone, and the dragon was mighty, only between one finger.

Point out, a beam of light, straight to Qin Qi.

Qin Qi holds the sword, and all the murderous gas is poured into it. It is like a mad dragon, and it is like a wolf!

A sword waved, a touch of sword light, and slammed into Erlong.

A duel, under the shock of this world, finally came to a close.

The battle is over.

The people watching the battle could not wake up in the shock caused by this final blow.

Just because, no matter which side, this last blow is too strong.

However, there is always a result.

Everyone is nervously watching the projection, for fear of missing something.

The chaotic power gradually dissipated.

There is only one person left in the sky.

That is, Qin Qi.

And the diamond of Erlong has fallen from the sky and lies on the ground.

Qin Qi did not reach out to serve.

That would be an insult.

Landing like this, buried in this battlefield is his best destination.

He lost.

he died.

For a time, the world is silent.

Wrestling, sighing, and finally, turned into speechless.

The power of the Elong drill is unquestionable.

If he can maintain his physical activity for a long time, the outcome of this battle may change.

But no, if.


He did not lose to Qin Qi, but lost to the ruthless years.

In this world, since ancient times, heroes have not seen whiteheads.

"Old friends, all the way, you always give this time, leaving something."

"This future, let the real master of this era!" Long old sighed, more and more lonely, he, has already whitened his head.

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