God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2003: undercurrent

The second thousand and three chapters of the dark tide

The battle is over.

But before the image, the strong-minded people who watched this battle were unable to calm down for a long time, and even were still shocked and unable to extricate themselves.

Just now, what kind of matchup?

The Dragon King Warrior cooperates with the Evil Disaster Star, and it can burst out of such power. It is not as simple as one plus one and two is a sublimation!

It was the peak of Erlong's diamonds, and there was no such trick.

It is indeed a great privilege to be able to witness here.

After seeing the power of Erlong's drills, almost everyone thought that Qin Qi would have lost.

Qin Qi, it is bound to stop.

Copying magic power is also useless.

Erlong's diamond originally had these two kinds of magical powers, but he did not have such cooperation during the peak period. Qin Qi copied them and absolutely could not exert the power of mutual sublimation.

And Qin Qi, did not use the same trick to meet the enemy.

But he used his own diamond talent.

The blood of the sky, the killing of the earth, Qin Qi, the power of this diamond god, so that everyone is shocked, let alone in the battlefield, is across the projection, but also feel a scalp tingling.

Such killings can no longer be described in words, terrible to the extreme.

The use of such a killing, Qin Qi's next sword, is completely beyond imagination.

The power of Erlong's drill was opened by Qin Qi and the sword. The perfect match between the Dragon King and the disaster-stricken star could not stop Qin Qi's killing the wolf.

"He actually condensed such a diamond god, damn, **** it!" The green diamond face changed and changed pale and became a bit pale.

The power of Qin Qi’s sword can already threaten his life!

If Qin Qi grows up again, he will one day die in the hands of Qin Qi.

"No, this seat will not give you such an opportunity, here is the outside world, not the place where you can dominate!"

He will have a way to deal with Qin Qi.

"This obstacle seems to have an intersection with the granddaughter of the King of Fire... Yes, the King of the Lotus is her..." The green diamond thought of something.

He decided to try it out. He believes that there will be a chance to succeed.

Except for the strong green diamonds and Qin Qi who have a festival, the rest of the people have witnessed such a battle, they can not help but admire.

Qin Qi, really too strong.

"This guy, it is so powerful, really, in the future, it depends on the secret treasure, and can not hold him." Jiang whispering is sitting in danger, the action is meticulous.

However, my heart was surprised and shouted.

When I first saw Qin Qi, Qin Qi was only golden.

Now, even the diamonds of Erlong have been defeated in the hands of Qin Qi.

If you don't experience this kind of thing, how do you believe it?

"Yes, very good." Black Wang smiled slightly and seemed to be very satisfied with the power of Qin Qi.

"After the mother, is it going to pull him to our side?" Jiang Wenyu asked with courage.

The black king licked the head of the whisper of the Minjiang River. Hehe smiled and said: "You are also very good. Your father and the king have already realized the mountain of God from you. Is there any Qin Qin, oh, or Qin Qi? Important."

"Look at him like this, the chance of crowning is not small?" Jiang whispered.

"He does have this possibility, but you look at your brother, but it is almost finished." Black Wang smiled.


Looking to the landlord!

Jiang Qingyu was shocked. Although he still felt that the attitude of Black King was very strange, he did not mention Qin Qi.

In any case, if the landlord alone is really successful, then the power of the Black Palace will be strengthened again!

"If Zhang Shixiong’s words, you should be able to make it." Jiang whispered.

"He is the most proud student of your father, and there is a father who personally protects the law for him. How can it not be done?" Hei Wang smiled and smiled slightly. "There are some people who want to set foot in this field." Some are too unwise."

"I thought I could get rid of the **** after I became a man, then I have to become a talent!" The depths of the eyes of the black king ,, flashed a touch of color.

"What are you talking about after the mother?" Jiang whispered.

"Nothing, let's go, take you to meet a few aunts, they are all good sisters behind your mother, before you go out to play, they all blame you." Black Wang smiled.

Jiang whispered a look of rigidity, but did not dare to refuse, but had to leave with the black king.

Those eight women, Jiang light language really want to take out the bricks, one by one!

"Winning beautiful, such a diamond god, so strong!" Tang Si Nuo Mei Jing Liang, such a battle, it is really a heartbeat.

Even the drill of Erlong is not the opponent of Qin Qi, and Qin Qi, even going to the road of the sky to fight for a fight.

So, how can she give up like this?

"After Platinum, my road ahead is unimpeded. The accumulation of the past can break out together. The order of diamonds can't stop me, and my gods can't be weak!" Tang Sinuo pinched his hands.

She finally glanced at the image and immediately closed it.

She has no time to waste.

Everywhere in the world, it’s an exclamation.

The end of the diamond for Erlong is also the strong rise of Qin Qi!

"It looks like this time, the number of places on the road to the sky has changed again!"

"Qin Xi this son, have to say, afraid that there is the potential of becoming a king."

"This is a bit overdone. I have never had countless talents in the world. There are not many people who surpass him, but how many people become kings?"

"Yes, the strength of Qin Lan is unquestionable, but it is still too early to say that it is king!"

"But it’s not a chance to add a star."

"Oh, this is a very likely thing. The glory of the glory, although it is not like Wang Hao, but how to say it is also crowned, the power is very different, it can be said that it has surpassed the diamond."

"Speaking of it, the presence of some star-studded glory is no worse than Wang Hao."

"Do you mean the drill of a thousand feathers? But there are no special cases of the second case in the past and the present, and it is impossible to compare the overall combat power of this realm."

"makes sense."

"Oh, unfortunately, the diamond of Erlong, if it was added to the starry glory, there would be no such ending."

"More than saying that it is useless, and adding a star to the glory is also a coronation. How many people have been successful in the past, how easy is it?"

"When the world is approaching, there may be more people who will succeed in it. Isn't it the most promising student of Black King, who is already looking at the landlord, is it going to be crowned?"

"Not bad, I have heard it."


The shocking confrontation between Qin Qi and Erlong's drill has ended, and the subsequent influence is naturally huge. At this moment, no one can deny the power of Qin Qi.

Even if Qin Qin is from the world of Tianyuan, Qin Qin is actually called Qin Qi, it does not matter.

Diamonds are enough to win the minimum respect, not to mention that Qin Qi is not a normal diamond.

He is already strong enough to be a big man!

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