God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2004: Strong strength

The second thousand and four chapters of the strength rose

Qin Qi slowly fell from the sky.

Killing the diamonds of Erlong, Qin Qi’s realm has naturally soared. He has already come to a star of Diamond II, and his body is filled with diamonds, which is strong enough to crush the sky.

With this power, whoever wants to take the shots of Qin Qi must take good care of it.

"Predecessors, all the way."

Qin Qi looked at the drill of Erlong lying on the ground and sighed, and then took his space ring away.

Qin Qi respects the diamond of Erlong, but the spoils will not be.

After all, he is very clear, if he is defeated, then it is him who may be lying on the ground.

Staying strong is the most important thing. This is respect for yourself.

Immediately, Qin Qi's feet stepped on the ground, and the earth began to crack. The rolling of the veins was like a big hand, grabbing the drill of Erlong and sinking under the earth.

The body of the Elong drill will flow with the veins. If Qin Qi does not deliberately pay attention, then no one knows where he will go.

The name of the Oelong drill, let it stay in the years.

"The next step is the road to heaven. Nobody wants to stop me!" Qin Qi’s light condenses and will never let anyone stop him from going to the star!

Replicating the magical power of Erlong's drill, Qin Qi's dragon chain has been added again, and it is very close to the center of the nine chains, extremely strong.

The strength of Qin Qi’s promotion is also not to be underestimated, indicating that he can use more power of Kunlun.

After that, it was a period of calm.

Qin Qiwei is famous, and ordinary diamonds can't compete with it. The only thing that can threaten him is diamond I.

However, the road to Tongtian is just around the corner. Diamond I has the opportunity to win the quota. Naturally, it is impossible to jump out to deal with Qin Qi at this time.

In this case, Qin Qi did not ask for anything. At this time, he did not take the initiative to attack and kill.

Stabilize the rear first, then expand the pattern and talk about it.

After the optimization of the boundary gate, the connection between the alien world and the flower world is closer, and the resources required to open the gate are greatly reduced.

After the peaches and red lotuses stabilize the world of flowers, they will arrive at the opposite world and begin to sprint to higher realms.

No matter which aspect, cultivation in the opposite world is definitely faster than in the world of flowers.

Hong Lian intends to form a wolf-smoke regiment again. Qin Qi will certainly not refuse. The emperor respects the country. As long as she picks it, she can be led by her.

With the talents of Honglian and the characteristics of the smoldering wolf, this wolf smoke will surely become the master of the king again.

Moreover, it is no longer a matter of particularity. Perhaps it will be famous.

These things, Qin Qi completely let them let go of their hands and feet, the military power of the entire emperor country, all controlled by Hong Lian, this is Qin Qi's most reassuring place.

As for the emperor's national affairs, it is biased towards Xingshan, killing love and rain Botao, etc. They are familiar with Qin Qi, and indeed have a set of management affairs.

In particular, Yu Botao and Liu Yefei are good players in this respect. One is good at co-ordination, the other is longer than balance, and there is the stability of Xingshan. This team has already taken shape.

Although the younger generation is gaining momentum, the school, the family and the sects are included behind it, which is enough to establish a balance in the territory of the emperor.

What's more, Qin Qi is also spared no effort in investing in them. I believe that it will take a long time to be alone!

After the follow-up personnel selection changes, Qin Qi is just too eye-catching, the key position is a trustworthy person, it is enough.

And everyone is also familiar with Qin Qi, Qin Qi is only decentralized, do not want to manage things, not a fool, if the selfishness is too much, fake public and private.

At that time, I am afraid that I am looking for a dead end.

Therefore, these forces following Qin Qi, although they took advantage of the opportunity, but did not dare to go too far, everything is in the right range.

I believe that it will not take long for the emperor to be truly stable.

"not bad."

Qin Qi retired from the state of cultivation.

After the initial busy, all the regulations were set, Qin Qi will be free, only need to carry out their own cultivation.

He does not want to be bound by the power, picking up the treasurer, is what he is good at.

"The collection of Erlong's diamonds is really amazing." Qin Qi slowly spit out a sigh of relief, faintly visible, behind the Kunlun ups and downs.

In the past, Qin Qi needed to concentrate on being able to condense Kunlun's illusion, but now, unconsciously, he can summon the power of Kunlun.

These changes are all closer to the connection between Kunlun and the body of the dragon.

The dragon of Erlong is the strong dragon. The collected things are naturally the treasures that help the dragon. For Qin Qi, there is no doubt that it is very helpful.

Not only did Qin Qi come to the Second Star Diamond II, but also let the Dragon Chain chain exceed 100.

The two upgrades have made Qin Qi's combat power soar again, and the diamond gas is infinitely condensed. I am afraid that it will be a small realm and it is impossible to fight with Diamond I.

Of course, it is only possible.

Diamond I is still too strong in the end, and the black Yao drill and the Yan Jun drill are in this realm.

When I first felt their breath in the world of flowers, Qin Qi still remembers and wants to confront them. The current strength is not enough.

"I don't know what the road to the sky will be like, what kind of diamond I, don't play with me." Qin Qi muttered.

With his current strength, he wants to forcibly seize the only place, for fear that it is still not enough to see.

However, taking a step by step, I will not be able to kill I on the road. This quota will be said to be in the hands.

There is a heavenly order in hand, Qin Qi knows the progress of Tongtian Road, and it is between the two months.

During this time, Qin Qi certainly cannot be idle.

When the emperor's kingdom is almost stable, Qin Qi directly uses soldiers in neighboring countries!

When the border wars opened, there was Qin Qi’s unparalleled fighting force. Red Lotus led the army to sweep the battlefield. Several neighboring countries could not be Qin Qi’s opponents.

War is an eternal theme, and plundering is the companion of war. The number of wars has been successful. The emperor's kingdom has been greatly expanded, and the resources that Qin Qi can control are also overwhelming.

Such a strong war will inevitably lead to the unhappiness of other powerful countries, and internal fear is difficult to digest these war gains.

But as long as the war does not stop, then these internal contradictions can be alleviated by the war until they are balanced in the war.

This is very risky, but Qin Qi needs to devour more resources, he must do so.

To reach this realm, it is not easy to rely on engulfing to light the stars. In the past two months, Qin Qi has joined three neighboring countries and inherited the different worlds they have mastered.

But the stars are only lit up in half.

Compared with the murder upgrade, this is indeed too slow. Unfortunately, Qin Qi wants to upgrade now, and must kill the existence of Diamond II and even Diamond I.

But these people have a deep background and often have a king behind them.

Qin Qi can't easily offend.

After all, he was too eye-catching during this time. Mu Xiu Yu Lin, the wind will destroy it. Some people can't find an excuse.

Perhaps, the battle for the road to heaven will be an action against Qin Qi.

"Samsung Diamond II is almost the limit. Look, there will be someone who can't help but shoot at me." Qin Qi whispered.

The road to the sky, open soon.

However, in the final preparations for many diamonds, I plan to go to the road of the sky.

Two big things, shaking the outside world.

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