God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2005: Xing Yao

The second thousand and five chapters of the star

The first big thing.

A strong person succeeded in crowning!

When the black palace was over the sky, the stars were shining and the visions were mixed. The momentum can be said to be earth-shattering. I don’t know how many miles can be seen.

And between the stars and the world, the slowly condensing starlight finally turned into a crown.

Stars crown!

Someone, successfully crowned the crown of Xingyao!

It is indeed a major event that shakes the world.

There are many different talents, heroes come forth, countless geniuses like meteors cut through the sky, legendary stories never stop, but among them, how many people are there?

Even though the outside world has completely entered the era of the hegemony of the heavens millions of years ago, the overall strength has risen steadily, but the coronation does not seem to have much movement.

Even if it is, it is only the glory of the star.

Millions of years ago, the King of Hunting went against the sky, Wang Hao added, the strongest king, the shaking of the heavens, the power of the power, and the old king.

In the next 200,000 years, the college sent another hero, the Ghost Valley, to the stars, and also shake the world.

At that time, it was the era of academic barbarism. In order to continue to expand the power of the academic school, the Hunting King spared no effort in helping the Ghost Valley.

It can be said that the ghost of the Ghost Valley is the king of the hunting king.

Therefore, some people mentioned that when they drilled in Ghost Valley, they only had superficial respect, but they were deep inside, but they were disdainful.

The Ghost Valley is the crown of the starry glory, but it is a bit bleak. It is the weakest of the strongest stars.

Of course, for whatever reason, coronation is crowning, which represents absolute strength. To this day, the Ghost Valley Diamond is also the second character of the Academy, which is enough to be a Megatron and become a hegemon.

After the Ghost Valley drill, the aliens have been successfully crowned for a long time.

Some people have tried it, but in the end it has failed. Even the examples of death and death are not rare.

Until 100,000 years ago, the bones of the bones were successfully added to the stars, and once again let the outside world boil.

This means that there is another overlord in the opposite world!

For ordinary diamonds, it may not be a good thing, after all, they are very likely to be the object of being robbed by the new star.

But for the existence of already crowned, it is a good news.

After all, if the local forces are not strong enough, then there is the possibility of being invaded by other powerful worlds.

Don't look at the current world, continue to use troops in other worlds, but in fact, there are still many worlds that are stalking the outside world. If there is no strongman who is crowned, the outside world will become a battlefield.

Originally thought that the bones of the diamond will lead a wave of twisting, at least within tens of thousands of years, there should be other strong people successfully crowned.

Unfortunately, until today, there have been no latecomers.

However, despite this, this generation has been highly anticipated, and many of the top diamond powerhouses have the potential to increase.

Such as the space of the first white diamond, such as the hope of the landlord, such as the dark diamonds, etc., have the opportunity to crown.

And today, someone is successful.

The most proud of the black Wang Hao, who took charge of the monopoly building for nearly a million years, finally took this step.

Adding a star to the glory, becoming the supreme power of coronation!

The strongmen in this realm, though diamonds, can no longer be seen with the eyes of diamonds. They are qualified to enjoy some of the king's respected people.

Even sometimes, you can treat it as equal.

Aside from these, the landlord succeeded in adding stars to the world, and the world was shaken. The aftermath of Qin Qi’s battle was also instantly dispelled.

Everyone is discussing this.

The black king sat down and added a sturdy person. The power of this black palace is beyond imagination!

In addition, although it has reached the end of the late years, and has been rehabilitated in the Black King Palace, but still alive another star Yao Yao, the power of the Black Palace has reached an unprecedented strength.

If the rumor is not false before, then the power of the Black King is only going to reach the first place in the near future!

Even the forces behind the Hengsha Tower are not necessarily able to compete with it.

Don't underestimate a coroner, he definitely has the power to change the existing pattern of the outside world.

Therefore, after the news was passed, those forces at the level of the real hegemony of the outside world began to move their minds, and some strategies in the general direction would even change.

This is the power of the starry glory, and it is not as simple as wearing a crown.

However, this is not the most popular talks recently.

Earlier, there was news that Black King’s only daughter was attacked while playing outside, and the person who shot was the strong man from the Xuanqing world.

This incident caused a small range of shocks, and those people have speculated that the Black King is absolutely impossible to stop.

And recently, there is news back.

The black king, who entered the Xuanqing world alone, and the Qingwang war that mastered the world's sacred objects, ended up with the black king's victory and the green king disappeared.

Compared with Xing Yao, this incident is equally shocking and even has far-reaching significance.

The world of Xuanqing is not comparable to the world of flowers.

The world of flowers is only a medium-sized world, and it is still the lower category.

But the mysterious world is a real high world. Although it can't be compared with the top world like the outside world, the upper limit of its power system is enough to fight the king.

The Qing Wang is the master of the Xuan Qing world.

In fact, if you want to be elegant, Green King can't be called a king, because according to the system of aliens, he can only be regarded as a star.

But he is the master of the Xuanqing world, and he has mastered the world's sacred objects in his hands, and successfully opened the liberation form. As long as he is in the Xuanqing world, the Qingwang is really not afraid of the Black King.

In the past millions of years of competition, this is the case, otherwise the Black King will not be able to take the world of Xuanqing.

Even the black king sat down and the other star was so seriously injured that he could only stay in the Black King Palace, which was also given by the King of Green.

But now, all the arguments have been subverted.

The Black King has the atmosphere and directly enters the local base camp, ignoring the power of the world, fighting at the home of the Green King, and finally, it is the return of victory.

The Qing Wang is life and death.


Only these two words are the first thoughts of all those who get the message.

The strength of the Black King is becoming more and more unfathomable.

Another important point is that the Green King is missing, but the Black King Palace has added another star. Does this mean that the Black King Palace will really capture the Xuanqing world?

This is the best opportunity to fight for millions of years!

And if successful, then the power of the Black King will take it to the next level.

This matter is very important and significant.

To know the whole world, only Hengshata holds a higher world in its hands. Other hegemonic forces have more or less the world, but they have not reached the higher level.

Black Palace, this is completely to challenge the ancient authority!

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