God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2008: Send experience

Chapter 2, 08, Sending Experience

If he dares to shoot, Qin Qi will kill him first!

It seems that I felt the killing of Qin Qi’s heart, and then I remembered the diamond-matching battle with Erlong. The earth-shattering diamond goddess, the pharmacist’s drill light flashed slightly.

She did not let the person say it anymore.

Instead, he interrupted: "Why must you argue for this kind of thing, all the way to the sky, just to fight for the possibility, it is not wise to catch a life."

With so many diamonds, only one person can pass, and there is no hope that most diamonds are still clear.

It’s just that I’m not willing to miss it.

Therefore, most of these things will only occur among those who are truly capable of getting this opportunity.

And in the event of a situation like the same as losing both, then their chances will come.

"Hey, since the pharmacist spoke, I will spare you a life, but I urge you to leave now, otherwise, I am afraid that you will never go back." The diamond was cold and cold.

"Who knows." Qin Qi did not say much.

The pharmacist's drill shook his head and sighed slightly.

However, she did not say anything in her mouth, but a spiritual voice was passed to Qin Qi.

"But you are right, confidence does have to be, but the reality needs to be faced. You see how this is done. Let's join hands and go to the end!" The pharmacist's drill.


Qin Qi was shocked.

The pharmacist's drill came to take the initiative to talk, it should be this, but the diamonds around him and Qin Qi have become conflicting people, so she can not explain.

However, in this case, she still voiced the Qin Qi spirit and wanted to seek cooperation.

In her opinion, these diamonds around me are not as good as Qin Qi?

"The basis of cooperation is trust, I see, or forget it." Qin Qi refused.

The pharmacist’s drill sighed slightly and said: “Since you refuse, then forget it, when will you change your mind and when will you talk?”

In this way, the two sides did not say anything, and each waited for the thorough opening of the road to heaven.

The rest of the diamonds also regained their perception. As far as the mind thinks, they are different.

With the advent of a subsequent diamond, the atmosphere at this intersection has become much stiffer. No one talks any more, and they are closing their eyes and adjusting their state.

Finally, the time for the opening of the road to heaven has arrived.

Immediately before the light curtain fell, all the diamonds reacted in the first time. When the time was gone, the voids were broken, and the diamond gas swept out, and the confusion was extremely extreme.

All diamonds are broken into the void, want to compete for speed first, after all, whoever arrives at the end, who can enter the gate.

There are no other rules, speed is everything.

The diamond-level reaction is actually almost the same, even if there is no special advantage in drilling I, but after leaving, the gap will be opened instantly.

Drilling I strong, the speed is almost the fastest, and has already rushed to the front, pulling away from the drill II behind him.

As for the drill III, it falls behind.

Qin Qi, is out of the middle, and did not catch up with the first strong.

In fact, he is capable, and the speed of the airspace Longxiang is enough for him to have the speed of shoulders and even beyond.

But now, in the early days, I am afraid that it will be torn in an instant.

The first place is not so easy to wait.

Sure enough, this is just the first paragraph of the road to the sky, but the diamonds have been unable to hold back and start to fight.

Whether it is the drill I of the first echelon or the drill II of the second echelon, the war broke out.

At the end of the drill I, there is only one target, that is, the one flying in the forefront, no matter who he is, will bear the siege of the latter strong.

On the side of Drill II, there is an organized interception. Obviously many of them have already cooperated with a driller in front of them to help them intercept.

Even if it is not appropriate, it is possible that even the drill I will be stopped by them.

After all, there are many people.

It is possible to say that defeat is too exaggerated, but it is possible to stop and delay.

For a time, this road to heaven has become chaotic, and powerful diamonds are everywhere, and anyone can become the target of others.

Especially those lone rangers are more likely to be stared.

For example, Qin Qi is.

Qin Qi followed suit.

This road to the sky is not a smooth road. There are many dangers in the middle and the back. It is the combination of the kings. Although they are built from the hands of diamonds, they themselves have many taboos.

Originally, Qin Qi felt that there would be trouble in the middle and late stages, but he did not want to, and there was a hindrance here.

"The funeral dog from Tianyuan World dares to come here to compete for the creation. I really don't know how to live and die. You think, you can also match it!" The diamond that had been arguing with Qin Qi before blocked Qin Qi's way, cold and cold.

He is a drill of fire, good at the fire, and is famous for nearly 10,000 different firepower. Now the strength of the four-star diamond II is indeed very strong.

The other one is his good friend, the hurricane drill, good at wind power, the realm is similar to the drill of the fire.

The two have a wind and a fire. Once they join forces, the combat power has indeed multiplied.

"Hey, this kind of people from the lower world dare to despise the strong people in my different worlds, and the death is not enough!" The hurricane's diamonds are indifferent.

On both of them, the diamond gas is raging like two mountains, blocking the way of Qin Qi.

In the distance, the pharmacist's drill looked at this side and couldn't help but sigh.

She has the heart to stop, but the fire of the fire is not hers, but only a temporary cooperation relationship. Now they have to deal with Qin Qi, she can only persuade one sentence, if it does not listen, it is helpless.

She can't be here, wasting time.

"Is it so eager to find death?" Qin Qi sighed coldly.

"A family dog, but also dare to be crazy, but defeated the diamond of Erlong, in front of me, what do you count!"

"Don't talk nonsense with him, suppress him, and then take it back to look at the mountain gate!"

"Haha, it's just right, if you come from a low world, you should do these things!" Wanhuo drilled and laughed.

They are extremely prejudiced against people in different worlds, but they are extremists, not to mention that this time Qin Qi and their already have contradictions, it is even more impossible to stop.

However, they are the strongest in this realm. Although they are a squatter and a family dog, they have not despised Qin Qi.

When a shot is taken, it is the two people joining forces. The wind helps the fire, and the power is extremely terrifying.

Two big five-star diamonds II, this kind of attribute cooperation, Qin Qi, although the diamond gods are powerful, can copy the magical powers, but it is definitely not their opponent.

After all, the more the realm is behind, the more difficult the gap is.

A Qin Qi, why fight with them?

"I will remember the help you gave me. Next time, come and give me experience!" Qin Qi smiled slightly.

He is already Samsung close to the four-star Diamond II.

Even if the gap behind the diamond is getting bigger and bigger, how can Qin Qi cross the gap?

These two people, when they are living Bodhisattvas, are afraid that Qin Qi will not be the last one, and they must send experience at this time.

Then, meet them!

The king appears and the soul merges.

Qin Qi body, blood light immersed in the Zhou Kong, against Kunlun, has already pulled out.

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