God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2009: a sword double kill

The second thousand and nine chapters

The fire in the sky has already been completed, and the power of the drill of the fire is really terrible. The strength of all kinds of fires is condensed, making it difficult to defend.

The strength of the hurricane drill is equally powerful. While the wind helps the fire, the sharp wind blade is hidden in the flame. Because of the numerous forces of the fire system, it is almost impossible to detect the existence of the wind blade.

Wan Huo was buried!

Fengshen Blade!

They are all diamond-level magical powers, and they are powerful from the hands of two five-star diamonds II. This kind of character, the understanding of their own magical powers, will never be bad.

In their view, such a joint blow is enough to instantly destroy the diamonds of Erlong. I believe Qin Qi is even stronger than the drill of Erlong, and can't resist it.

Flames and winds are raging.

Qin Qi was shrouded in, Zhou Zhou was crushed in this power, the power of the power, the rest of the diamonds are not afraid to approach easily, afraid to be involved.

That is equivalent to a flame tornado, but there is no calm eye, it will only be more raging.

"Don't be picked up by him!" The fire of the fire shouted.

He did not really despise Qin Qi and would not give Qin Qi a chance.

"Do not worry, they are in control!" The hurricane's diamond faint smile, the wind, the wind!

The four wind columns are divided into four parts, and the whole area is controlled. No matter which direction Qin Qi wants to break out, it will be hit hard.

"He is coming!" The hurricane drill sensed the action of Qin Qi through the ubiquitous wind.

Sure enough, in the whirlwind of the flame, there was a wave of volatility.

A sword, the flame whirlwind to open the waist, Qin Qi standing in the fire and the wind, the body blood and ups and downs, even the cloakroom did not appear damaged!

Obviously, their joint attack is not enough to hit Qin Qi.

Still underestimating his strength?

I did not expect that just two months, Qin Qi has such growth!

However, this is not enough to cause them trouble.

"Hey, try this!" The hurricane's diamonds were cold and cold, and the four-pole wind gusts responded instantly. The hurricane swept through, with countless vertical and horizontal wind needles.

These wind needles can be said to be pervasive, and they cannot be changed after agglomeration. Once they are hindered, they will become a style and then recondense.

It is a force that cannot be resisted.

The wind column impact, in the moment of the emergence of Qin Qi has been attacked, that power can be really strong, Qin Qi can not easily resist, is it.

However, the next scene is to make the hurricane drills horrified.

Qin Qi snorted, and the momentum suddenly broke out, forming a special field. In this field, the power of the four-pole wind array directly dissipated.

Even if it is blocked, it can be turned into a style, and then re-aggregate the numerous wind needles.

This time, it has never re-aggregated.

People king field!

In this field, the wind stopped, the fire went out, Qin Qi became the king!

"This is the case, old friends, can not keep hands, kill him with all strength!" The fire of the fire shouted.

He did not expect Qin Qi to have a power in the battle with Erlong. Although he could not say that it was a stronger level of power, it was never seen before.

The best way is to go all out.

Although they were surprised, they still remained calm, and they did not think that Qin Qi could overcome them.

How much power he has, how to shoot with all his strength, naturally kill!

"Diamond gods, but fire!"

Flames, everywhere, the power of all kinds of flames, the ultimate burning, this area has been turned into purgatory.

"The diamond goddess, the wind gods!"

Around the hurricane's drill, the hurricane rolled up, letting the power of the slain be pushed to the next level. At the same time, he constantly put the diamond gas into the sword and condensed the strongest!

The two great diamond gods are the general strength of the bottom of the box. Once they are displayed, even if it is a diamond I, it should be taboo.

Although Qin Qi is strong, but at the same time is faced with two strong, under the distraction, how can they be their opponents?

This is, go all out!

It is not important to despise or not. All the power is put in, and Qin Qi does not live.

The majestic power of Huanghuang is indeed amazing. Compared with the sounds that broke out during the battle between Qin Qi and Erlong, the horror was too many times. The Zhoukong continued to collapse, and the explosive atmosphere was raging.

Although there is no confrontation between the soldiers, the battle is not intense enough, but it must be said that the two are still strong.

They just want to kill Qin Qi as soon as possible.

Of course, although strength is undeniable, if there is more strength, then there is only one result.

"Come on, let us look at your diamond gods." The fire of the fire is proud.

Qin Qi shook his head.

"You too can afford to see yourself." Qin Qi cold and cold.

It is said that the two diamonds are all furious, and the two diamonds are very solid, and they are going to kill Qin Qi.

However, Qin Qi’s body, the power of the king’s field, has once again skyrocketed.

This is the first time Qin Qi has merged with the King of the Soul, and the power that can be erupted is even stronger than he expected.

Kill these people, where can you use the diamond gods?

A sword, enough.

Invincible a sword.

The sword came out.

What is extinguished in Hell, the flames burn, it seems that you can burn everything, if other diamonds II are trapped, fear that it is impossible to escape.

But in front of this sword, it was directly plowed into two halves, and it was impossible to get close to Qin Qi.

As for the Fengshen of the hurricane, I was smashed by Qin Qi and I couldn’t even resist it.

Both diamonds are shocking and can't help but be cold.

Just kidding.

Qin Qi is not difficult to solve with Erlong's drills, and finally wins. How is it nowadays, it is strong enough.

Even the diamond gods are not used, just a sword, they will break their diamonds, and it is not yet.

Avoid, escape!

This thought instantly took over all the thoughts of the two diamonds.

They know that they are still looking down on Qin Qi. This is not an opponent that they can overcome if they go all out, but they will go all out and they will not be able to save their lives!

Unfortunately, they can't escape.

On the back of Kunlun, the Kunlun sacred pattern is bright, and the effect must be so that they can only face Qin Qi, an invincible sword.

"That's the case, then resist it. If you drag it, you don't believe that other friends will watch us being killed by a different world!"

The sound swayed out and wanted to attract other diamonds.

At the same time, he and the hurricane diamonds are all maddening in the diamond gas, all kinds of defense magic, and defense secrets, all use.

Take the sword first and say it!

"This seat does not believe, this sword can also double-click to kill us!"

At most, it is also an injury.

Although it is still a very serious consequence, after all, Qin Qi can't just look at it, there is no next step.

However, they can't take care of that much.

But they soon discovered that they really thought too much.

Then take the sword and say it?

I can see myself too much.

I saw two blood lines splashing out, and the hurricane drill and the fire of the fire of the fire broke into two parts, and the vitality was instantly extinct.

The Kunlun sacred pattern is not only necessary, but also defies defense.

"Two diamond gods, it is not bad, different Kunlun, you hurry to help me optimize." Qin Qi laughed, the diamond **** Fu, still worth replicating.

"The realm reaches the five-star diamond II, a good start." Qin Qi feels the strength of the body, his eyes are more determined.

Killing two people, and collecting the space ring, then Qin Qi did not care about the horror of the rest of the diamonds, and swiftly swept away.

That is a diamond, not a fly, just kill it?

That way, it is like doing a trivial thing.

For Qin Qi, to set foot on the road to heaven, it is time to prepare for enemies.


so what?

What Qin Qi intended, this is all the way to kill.

And to the five-star diamond II, Qin Qi also has the confidence, a battle with the diamond I.

The first one, who will be!

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