God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2014: Promotion

The second thousand and fifteen chapters are promoted

The shadowless drill was shocked, Qin Qi was crazy, injured eight hundred, and suffered a thousand losses?

This is to be the same.

But the shadowless drill has nowhere to escape. The Qin Qi sword is too powerful, and the killing of the wolf and the dragon fighting king are all raised to the peak.

Even if he used the transfer to change the image, it would be useless. Not to mention that Qin Qi’s attack was so fierce that he had collapsed the void, and that Alice’s shot and freezing everything had made it difficult for him to complete the transfer.

Qin Qi’s attack will inevitably hit him.

However, he does not believe that Qin Qi dared to do so.

The nail shuttle also locked Qin Qi.

If Qin Qi dares to kneel down this sword, then the nail shuttle will also penetrate Qin Qi.

This is the secret treasure that once nailed the star, and Qin Qi could not hold it.

However, Qin Qi’s choice made him desperate.

This sword, without any tremors, straight down.

"You crazy, crazy!" The shadowless drill roared, completely unable to understand the decision of Qin Qi.

Only such an evaluation can sum up the madness of Qin Qi at the moment.

The shadowless drill received this sword.

He was directly smashed into two paragraphs, and the dead can no longer die.

But in the end he also showed a sneer, because Qin Qi also died.

At the same time as Qin Qi’s sword, the nails penetrated into the void, and even if it was a teleport, it could not be completely removed.

Qin Qi looks very dignified, Alice freezes the void, and the king opens the field, but it can't stop the nail.

The sound of "嗤", the nail shuttle hit the left rib of Qin Qi, and Qin Qi, it collapsed directly, turned into a shadow.

It is the avatar of the night shadow.

However, Qin Qi, who stood up again from the shadows, still looks ugly.

Left rib, there is still a wound, just a little bit offset from the previous one, slightly deviated from the heart.

"Sure enough, can't you avoid it?" Qin Qi sighed and was able to kill the secret treasure of Xing Yao, and it was no small feat.

When Qin Qi reappeared, the Kunlun was poured into the body, and under the sword, the entire left chest disappeared.

This is Qin Qi's own hands, no hesitation.

Under the killing of the wolf, Qin Qi's vitality is concise, even if the heart is destroyed, it will not affect his survival.

As for the ruined body, it is again that this thing is not a thing for the body of the dragon.

However, the final result is that Qin Qi is bitter.

Although he broke the chest on the left side for the first time, he wanted to curb the toxins invading other areas of the body, especially the place where the vitality condensed.

But even so, the toxins invaded his body.

It is indeed the highest record that has killed the secret treasure of Xing Yao, indeed it is the name.

Fortunately, the use of killing the wolf, Qin Qi will not be dangerous for the time being, but Qin Qi can not always maintain the state of killing the wolf.

Such poison, even if Qin Qi smashed the shadowless diamond has entered the ranks of a star diamond I, but also some helpless.

Put away the space ring of the shadowless diamond, and searched it again, but did not find the antidote.

If you want to come to this poison, you can't have an antidote.

"Temporarily use the detoxification Dan to ease it." Qin Qi sighed and continued to display the killing of the wolf, his state, it is difficult to recover.

The detoxification of the shadowless diamond collection is advanced, although it is impossible to detoxify, but there is no problem in relieving it, and Qin Qi also does not use the holy light to reinforce it, and once again relieves the poison of the nail.

Of course, if it is not the special constitution of the Dragon's body, Qin Qi can't hold on.

"I don't know, which side is the big man, I want my life." Qin Qi smiled.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to check, but most of them are the existence of crowning.

As for why this is done, perhaps, is it related to the mountain?

Or simply don't want to let him live.

Aside from these, Qin Qi's state recovered well after the promotion, although the toxin remains in the body, but the impact on the combat power is not large.

And at the last moment, Qin Qi also succeeded in copying the invisible and invisible. For the battles in the future, the help is not small.

Plus Qin Qi, who has already arrived at Diamond I, is naturally a bit more natural.

The airspace Longxiang fanned, and Qin Qi rushed to the end of the Tongtian Road. Here, there is a third difficulty waiting for him.

The third is difficult, the gas is difficult.

Want to pass here, the word is the word of air transport.

What is the most important thing for a warrior or a repairer?

Talents, roots, resources, etc. These are indeed all important, but there are still the same, but it is also very important.

That is the air transport.

No air transport, no matter how good the bones, no amount of resources, no use.

Poor air transport, can not become a strong.

And the generations that can get powerful power, the air transport will not be bad, can be said to be the existence of being ignored.

Nowadays, in order to capture the creation of the Blue Star, the long-awaited so-called king opportunity, air transport, is naturally the key.

Therefore, the third difficulty is difficult, and it has become the last difficulty.

To put it simply, this difficulty is a huge labyrinth. Whoever can get out of it can stand before the gate.

And this maze is a special construction, in which the perception is unusable, and the maze is changing all the time. The first second may be the right way, and the next second will become wrong.

So even if the diamond powerhouse was involved in the construction, but do not want to have any advantage, after entering, I am afraid that it is also a second.

In the labyrinth, there are still many dangerous places. If you step on foot, you may even be in danger.

In addition, there is only one labyrinth, and anyone can enter the maze. That is to say, when the drill III enters, it may turn to turn to encounter the drill I, which can be called sad reminder.

This third difficulty is indeed simple and clear, and the most test is the air transport.

If you are unlucky, if you go into dangerous land or encounter other strong enemies, you may have to cry, but if you are lucky, it is not impossible to go all the way to the exit.

Of course, if you are in real danger, the diamond can leave the maze with a heavenly order.

However, once they left, they also gave up the competition for this qualification, because the maze can only enter once.

"Fortunately, my luck has always been good." Qin Qi exhaled and entered the maze.

Inside the labyrinth, it is not a strip of vertical and horizontal, but a small world connection, space folding, which is a lot more difficult than the maze drawn on the drawing.

When Qin Qi walked in, he came to a desert, and the naked eye saw that there was no danger.

It is a pity that the perception cannot be used here, that is, the small map of different Kunlun is also suppressed very seriously.

"How come?" Qin Qi also had some troubles.

There is no clue at all.

It can only be done by air.

The so-called all rely on air transport, that is to follow the feelings, do not entangle and do not think too much, just go on.

In this way, Qin Qi began to walk casually, strolling in this boundless desert, and even walking with his eyes closed.

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