God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2015: Labyrinth interior

The second thousand and fifteen chapters of the maze interior

Soon, Qin Qi went to another place, the folding space sent him to another small world, where the birds and flowers are a beautiful place.

Qin Qi walked in a stroll, simply stabilizing the toxins while walking, and finally even spent all his energy on the fight against toxins. As for where to go, who cares?

In this way, after a full half-day, there are no fewer than ten small worlds, and many of them are repeated. It can be seen that the folded space is indeed switching back and forth, and there is no law.

As a result, the powerful computing power of the different Kunlun is useless. The only reliable one is luck.

However, this is not bad. At least the leading edge of the strong players has been weakened by a large margin. Although it is not good at all, it is a good thing for the latecomers.

Qin Qi’s luck is indeed good. He did not encounter anyone and did not encounter any danger.

Even Qin Qi himself felt that he might go to the exit like this.

Just thinking like this, it seems that it is not just following the feeling, Qin Qi once again stepped into the folding space, and the small world that appeared immediately was not calm at all.

There is a war broke out.

"Two stars drill I, this is the **** of the diamond?" Qin Qigang came in, there will be a battle aftermath rushed, from this violent impact, it should be a **** of diamonds.

This person's strength is indeed very powerful, has been ranked in the second star diamond I, the main is the physical strength, similar to the black Yao diamond, pursues the brute force to crush everything.

At this moment, he is fighting a strong enemy.

The speed of the man is extremely fast, and each shot is extremely sharp. Although there is no terror of the big gods in the shots, the power is not bad.

This person should be a light drill, the same is the existence of two-star diamond I.

These two people, one is the strength to see, the other is the speed first, it is indeed the needle tip of the wheat, I am afraid that for a while, there is no way to win or lose.

The two of them are also enemies, and they have a lot of entanglements. At this moment, there are no other options, so let’s start.

After all, in this maze, as long as you cut your opponent, there is only one left, so you will spend all your life and always go out.

Seeing the strength of the two people with their own eyes, Qin Qi’s heart is still somewhat dignified, and it is more clear that above the level of this diamond I, the gap between each star is greater than the previous one.

Now he is already a star diamond I, and one of the two is not necessarily good.

However, they are fighting at the moment, but they can't take care of Qin Qi.

And Qin Qi, of course, is not likely to ask for fun, turn around and leave.

The other side is fighting, it is indeed an opportunity to shoot, but they are not idiots, it is impossible to allow Qin Qi to be a fisherman.

If Qin Qi continues to stay, it is not impossible to join forces to kill Qin Qi.

Qin Qi did not want to be affected by them.

After leaving quickly, Qin Qi once again came to another small world.

Here, Qin Qi met some people again.

Although it is not as big as the **** of the gods and the light spirit of the drill, but it has already opened up the battle, you can shoot at any time.

Several drills III, II, encountered a drill I?

"Thunder diamonds, you are the one who is a strong diamond, why bother with us?" The pharmacist's drill could not help but the silver teeth clenched.

The Thunder's Diamond, the horror of the Second Star I, has clearly shown hostility.

Sure enough, the Thunder's drill was just a cold whisper, indifferent: "Pharmacist, this seat is on the face of the black king, this is not directly hands-on, if not, do you think that in front of this work, there is a chance to speak? ”

The pharmacist's drill is closely related to the Black Palace. The Thunder's drill does not want to be easily offended.

Of course, if the pharmacist does not know the time, then he will not mind the expulsion, or even the killing.

"As for the hardships of you, hey, it is awkward, and how?" Thunder's drill snorted.

It is in this voice, there are actually thunders accompanied, there is a drill III here, has been pale, was suppressed, and my heart is even more dazed.

In front of the drill I, they are not one.

It’s like the Thunder’s drill, and it’s nothing to kill them.

"Pharmacist, in your position, this seat does not want to force you anything, but this one is only one, so leave yourself, do not force this shot!" Thunder diamond overlooking the pharmacist's drill, indifferent.

This is only what Qin Qi has seen. It is conceivable that apart from the two gods and the light-hearted diamonds that are fighting, other diamonds exist, and I am afraid they are doing the same thing.

They will clear these fish as soon as possible and will never give them a chance to pass the maze!

Constantly reducing the number of people in the maze, their chances will naturally increase.

This strategy is well understood and, absolutely, works well.

As for the person being expelled, hey, the weak, never need to care.

The pharmacist drilled the eyebrows.

She didn't want to give up.

Only her gas is obviously not good, and she encountered a Thunder diamond, otherwise she would change a diamond I. She is not without the possibility of a war.

"How, pharmacist, are you not forced to shoot?" Thunder's drill snorted.

In an instant, it is like a thunderstorm in nine days. Even the master of Drill II is a white face, and a heart sinks further.

A strong enemy is in the front and can only give up.

Otherwise, the Thunder Diamond will definitely shoot them.

Qin Qi stood in the distance and looked at it without any plans to show up.

The perception in this maze is greatly weakened. Even if it is the thunder of the thunder, if it is not directly seen by Qin Qi, it is difficult to detect where Qin Qi is.

The small world before, that is where Qin Qi appeared, is precisely the position of the two major diamond battles, otherwise Qin Qi will not go up, you can hide a wave, waiting for the opportunity.

And now, it is the opportunity.

Of course, there will not necessarily be a result. After all, the ghost knows when the folding space will appear, and it is possible to suddenly send him or throw the Thunder to other small worlds.

The Thunder's diamonds are unmatched and cannot be rebellious. Even if these diamonds are not willing, they can only yield.

It’s strange to blame, they are not lucky.

And this maze is to eliminate these bad luck guys.

Just leaving this place, it means that all the resources invested in the past have been invalidated, and can only wait for the next opening of the future, and whoever changes it, will not feel good in my heart.

Finally, before the Thunder's diamonds were to be worn out, they gave up, took out the heavens, and left the maze.

For that possibility, it is too unwise to catch up with life.

The Thunder's drill snorted and it would be better to not shoot.

"Pharmacists, don't leave, don't blame this seat."

Finally, only the pharmacist was drilled.

She smiled bitterly and just left, it was really unwilling.

"Lord Thunder, everyone wants this opportunity, let me give up like this, it is impossible to do it." The pharmacist's drill bite.

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