God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2024: Who is Qin Qi?

The second thousand and twenty-four chapters who is Qin Qi

This person is not Qin Qi, but it seems to be a little older than Qin Qi, but between the eyebrows, it is definitely Qin Qi.

"Hey, what's the matter, have you not passed through the past, the body has forgotten?" Green Luo could not help but say.

It’s just Qin Qi’s heart, more shocking than green radish.

Before that, he and the other Kunlun were asked to prove that there is absolutely no body left here.

Who is this person in front of you!

"Different Kunlun, what the hell, you are not the body has dissipated?" Qin Qi asked quickly.

"It shouldn't be like this. Your body is the body of the dragon vein. It has been concentrated into a core and passed with your soul. This person is not you!" Yi Kunlun replied.

This kind of thing, he will never make a mistake.

As for who this person is, there is no clue about the different Kunlun.

"This person is not what I still use you to say." Qin Qi snorted.

He does not doubt the authenticity of his existence.

"Who are you!" Qin Qi squinted, cold channel.

When the man saw someone outside, the man was shocked and immediately said, "This is my home. This sentence should come to me and ask you!"

"Who are you, why are you coming to my house!" The man narrowed his eyes and looked bad.

Anyone who sees two more people at home suddenly won't be calm.

Especially the man in front of him is like a man in his twenties, which is too strange.

Of course, when you see the green radish, you can't calm down. This is simply the fairy that comes out of the painting.

"Hey, it won't be your dream?" Green Luo looked at Qin Qi and smiled.

Qin Qi snorted and looked indifferently at the man in front of him.

He does not believe that everything in his memory is false.

But who is the person in front of me?

When the different Kunlun took him through, what was the real BUG, ​​leaving such a person down?

"Who are you?" Qin Qi cold channel.

The man looked at Qin Qi and his brow wrinkled. "My name is Qin Qi. Who are you two, what do you want to do?"

Green Luo looked at Qin Qi curiously. It doesn't matter to anyone who is her. Anyway, what she knows is Qin Qi here.

However, for Qin Qi, it is obviously not a trivial matter.

“Is it?” Qin Qi snorted and said: “I know that you are not Qin Qi, and I advise you not to challenge my patience.”

The man heard the words, his face sank, and then he said: "What is going on with you, neuropathy, and then leave me to call the police!"

"So, you still don't admit that you are fake?"

"Inexplicable, I warn you, you are already a crime, I can call the police now!"

Qin Qi blinked and it seems that only mandatory measures have been taken.

"Hey, don't be impulsive, what if he is really?" Green Rose smiled.

It’s not too big to watch the bustle.

Qin Qi’s eyes trembled. “You don’t want to be noisy.”

"No trouble, this is not impossible. In case, your memory is fake, what if, or the person who took you through, lied?" Green Luo smiled.

Qin Qi did not conceal the existence of different Kunlun from the green radish.

The green radish, obviously not as preoccupied as Qin Qi, unconsciously ruled out this suspicion.

"I don't care if you are who, but you should need to figure it out?" Green Luo said again.

Qin Qi's look flashed slightly.

He did not doubt the different Kunlun.

He didn't think that Heilongjiang lied to him.

In addition, he does not believe that his existence is actually false.

When people live forever, how can everything in the past be just a dream!

At this point, Qin Qi believes in no doubt.

Qin Qi spit out a sigh, saying: "Well, since you are Qin Qi, then I will ask you a few things in the past. If it is true Qin Qi, you can definitely answer it."

"Why should I answer you!" the man called.

"I don't think you have a choice!" Qin Qi said indifferently.

Although Qin Qi came to the earth, it is difficult to display the gods and gods, but after all, the blood of the corpse is coming all the way, and the arrogant tyrannical momentum is not affordable for the average person.

"Neuropathy, tell you that I am Qin Qi, and I need to prove anything. Do you still know that I have nothing to do?" The man bit his teeth.

"You just have to say it!" Qin Qi cold and cold.

"Well, you ask," the man nodded.

When Qin Qi asked a lot of questions, it was private, and some only knew that he knew it. Some even didn't even know himself.

The other party’s answer was greatly unexpected.

Some of the things answered and Qin Qi’s own memories have many initial entries.

This seems to prove that the other party is fake.

However, Qin Qi knows that this will make the identity of the other party more confusing.

Because of the relationship between the Qin and Qi realms, everything in the past, even if he has forgotten it, can be found again. After all, he is no longer a mortal.

So if the other party is as much as he knows, it will be very strange.

After all, the other party is just a mortal.

Qin Qi is silent.

And that person is obviously a little surprised.

After all, Qin Qi actually knew those things.

Is he fake?

The man couldn’t help but have some doubts in his heart.

"Different Kunlun, give me an explanation!" Qin Qi Shen channel, his face is not good-looking.

Yi Kunlun was silent for a moment, then said: "I just used all computing cores to retrieve past traces of data one trillion times, but did not find any loopholes."

"The problem is not here, or what happened to me that I can't detect, but someone who does it to such a degree must have its intentions."

"Sit down and talk." Qin Qi finally sighed and put away the momentum.

The person who saw Qin Qi did not mean to hurt people. Although he still could not accept this sudden change, he still calmed down somewhat.

"Who are you, what are you doing here?" the man asked.

"I am Qin Qi, do you believe that?" Qin Qidao.

"But you are still so young." That humanity.

Indeed, according to the passage of the earth, the other party is more like Qin Qi.

"Right, this set of game equipment is very old, how are you still using it?" Qin Qi turned.

"This is the game company that I gave when I won the king of the arena. The configuration was top-notch at the time. Although I am old, I can still use it, and I don't want to change it." The man smiled.

This thing, Qin Qi naturally knows.

After the game of the king of the arena, the copy of the Queen of the Night Eve opened, and it was the most advanced game cabin at that time, which was a few generations ahead.

After that, Qin Qi talked about the things in the game.

After all, the Empress Dowager also followed him through, and the follow-up information piece of the Chaos Era, how is it going?

Qin Qi is still very interested in this. After all, it was a great pity that I couldn’t attack the Queen of the Night.

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