God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2025: See also Dragon Pulse

The second thousand and twenty-five chapters see the dragon

And according to that person's statement.

Because the Queen of the Night is artificial intelligence, the follow-up copy has a big BUG, ​​causing the game to almost collapse. After that, the game will be repaired for several days, and when released, the artificial intelligence of the Empress Night has been removed.

According to the game company, this technology still has loopholes and needs to be improved. They will release it in the next expansion pack.

Later, it was the normal expansion of the information piece, although the players felt that there was something missing after the chaotic era.

But this is, after all, the strongest game on the market, there is no substitute, so it is still hot now, but it is less fascinating.

After chatting a lot, Qin Qi still couldn't find any flaws.

The only anomaly is that the furnishings in the house have been around for so many years, and they have not changed.

However, the other party also said that in addition to the game, he rarely went out and rarely mobilized.

This makes Qin Qi think of himself in the past.

Not to mention, it’s exactly the same, you can stay in the game room, never go out!

In addition, before the crossing, Yi Kunlun set up a ban, which would make people unconsciously ignore the existence of this place.

But now, that power has disappeared.

It just doesn't prove anything.

After all, the present earth is very different from that time, and it may even be wiped out by the increasingly stable world laws.

Green Luo is worried about looking at Qin Qi, can't help but whisper: "What should I do now?"

Qin Qi spit out a breath, the power of the body madly shakes up, even if it is a price, he must forcibly break through the suppression of this world law.

Today, he must have a result.

Qin Qi snorted, his face brushed white, but a soul chain appeared, and extended to the opposite person.

If you look directly at the soul, you don't believe it is exactly the same.

And the different Kunlun is also ready.

All the computing cores have given up the calculations of other things, ready to fully search the soul of this person.

He also did not believe that this person turned out to be Qin Qi.

As long as there are traces of people, with his calculations, it is absolutely possible to find clues.

The chain of souls stretches out, and in the eyes of mortals, there is nothing in nature, and the person is unaware of it.

It’s just that the chain is waiting to invade the soul of the person. On that person, it is a powerful earthquake that bounces the soul chain!

Qin Qi violently coughed, and there was a faint **** spill, but Qin Qi did not care about this, but looked at the people in front of him.

Green radish is also faint to see something, can not help but shake.

On the contrary, the person himself did not notice anything.

"Dragon gas body!" Qin Qi breathe heavily.

This person has a dragon body.

Moreover, it is not ordinary dragon, it is colored!

It is the power of the dragon.

The body of the dragon vein?

how is this possible!

Qin Qi is really awkward.

Who is this person?

It is impossible for the body of the dragon vein to appear in two cases at the same time. This is the cause and effect karma, which is the common law of the heavens and the world!

Unless someone can even cover this rule.

So, will you choose the earth?

This law is stable to the extreme, the world of the last law, which has almost been forgotten by all the worlds.

Qin Qi had a thought in his heart, but he couldn’t grasp it.

But in any case, the people in front of him are too surprised to surprise him.

Qin Qi believes that he is Qin Qi.

Then, the person in front of him is attached to his memory, and life here is just a blind man.

In the end, who is going to do this?

"What happened to you?" The man looked at Qin Qi with some strangeness.

From his point of view, it is to see Qin Qi suddenly pale, almost spit bleeding.

Is this a disease, don't you have to see a doctor?

"Today's things are disturbing, I will help you repair the door." Qin Qi stood up and was ready to leave.

Staying there, obviously I can't get anything new.

"Oh, oh." The man was a little embarrassed.

When I saw that my home door was completely unloaded, I even widened my eyes.

This guy is superman?

Going back to the door, Qin Qi went back and said: "You don't want to go around this world, I will come back to find you again."

"Oh." The man nodded his hair.

He doesn't like to go out anyway.

Leaving from here, Qin Qi finally couldn't help but cough.

"You are all right!" Green Luo quickly said, nervously watching Qin Qi.

"It's okay, but the laws of this world are too overbearing. A little bit of a gap, there is such a counter-attack." Qin Qi smiled.

"What to do next, the situation of the man, do you know?" Green Luo asked.

"I don't know." Qin Qi shook his head.

This incident is completely beyond his expectations.

What is the identity of the other party, he did not have a clue.

After all, the body of the dragon vein is extremely rare, and there have been three cases in total.

"Three cases..." Qin Qi whispered and his look changed slightly.

The body of his dragon vein is undoubtedly passed down to the existence of the resurrection of the ancient taboo female emperor, because they are all the same, it is the dragon's half dragon.

However, the dragon vein inheritance can cover all the worlds, and it is uncertain. After the death of the man, the dragon veins disappeared into the world of Tianyuan, and eventually, it landed on the earth.

Later, it was discovered by the system.

This is the prelude to the opening of Qin Qi’s legendary life!

As for the last example of the body of the dragon vein, it is the younger brother of the imprisoned female emperor, the first generation of the dragon vein, which is the body of the true natural dragon vein.

This dragon vein is unique and will not be left behind. Once it has passed away, it is really gone.


There is a reincarnation.

"Hey, hello, don't tell me that this is the case, I don't believe it." Qin Qi shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

"Would you like to leave it?" Green Road.

"First of all, don't take too much attention. After all, this is not the most important thing for us at this stage." Qin Qidao.

"What is the most important thing?" Green Rose laughed.

"Give a small radish?" Qin Qi proposed.

"Oh? This suggestion is very constructive, or is it tonight?" Green Luo smiled.

"Really, can you change the shape of a tree, hey, I really don't dislike your body, just want to leave a good memory for the first time!" Qin Qimei dance.

"Where are you for the first time?" Green Luo laughed.

"Your!" Qin Qi laughed.

"Who told me there is still." Green Rose smiled brightly.

"I rely on, who, I beat his head!" Qin Qi shouted.

"I will blow your head first!" Green radiant bites his teeth and screamed with Qin Qi.

The situation here is unexpectedly complicated. Different Kunlun has put all the computing cores into it, and vowed to find flaws.

Qin Qi, this is to temporarily throw away this matter.

I haven't finished it yet, but in fact both of them know that the most important thing now is to find ways to leave the earth and go to the border.

The basis of this matter may be the power that should be contained in the earth.

The road to go back to the road to heaven must be opened with this force.

"Go, buy a dress, since you want to attend a dinner party, you have to dress up!" Green Luo laughed.

Qin Qi shrugged, he didn't have to buy it, just go.

For the so-called refiners, Qin Qi is also very interested.

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