God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2027: Golden Temple

The second thousand twenty-seventh chapter

Zhou Xiaomei let out a sigh of relief, pinching the hand of Ning Xiu and cheering him up.

The other side is very big, and there is no way to endure.

Ning Xiu sighed, only smile.

It is bound to be strong. Although he is many times better than Huang Mao, he has only a low-pitched share.

Fortunately, this matter is finally over.

Although Qin Qi does not want to attend the banquet, it can only be so, otherwise the consequences will be very serious.

Zhou Xiaomei looked at Qin Qi, and there was some grievance in his eyes.

Since there is no ability, then why should I be a green boyfriend, and finally they will have to clean up the mess.

Although I knew that Qin Qi was bound to be killed this evening, Zhou Xiaomei did not expect that Qin Qi did not even enter the Jinyu Hotel.

Zhou Xiaomei is facing the green ranunou mouth, meaning "about your boyfriend."

Green Luo just smiled and let Zhou Xiaomei don't worry.

"Beauty, see you later!" Huang Mao whistled at the green radish, and he planned to leave the gas pedal.

However, Qin Qi is a step forward, indifferent: "I see, or never see."

"Oops!" Ning Xiu was sinking in his heart.

"This guy, isn't it, can't you see the situation? I don't care about it this time!" Zhou Xiaomei was so angry.

This matter is over, how can Qin Qi still get together, isn't this looking for death?

"Hey, kid, you have a kind, but you are finished!" Huang Maoxiao laughed, and then there was a strong man going forward, and he was forced to press Qin Qi to the ground.

However, when the strong man had not responded, he suddenly became empty, and immediately slammed the sound of "squeaky" and directly hit the front cover of the super-running car.

This voice, everyone was shocked.

Qin Qi looks quite strong, but compared to this strong man, it seems to be thin. Now, even directly put the strong man into the car?

This strength is too great.

In addition, this is super run, tens of millions of cars, so bad?

Can you afford it?

"Mom, give it to me!" Huang Mao was also shocked, and then screamed and screamed.

Dare to fight back, find death!

The rest of the bodyguards were ordered, all of them rushed up, but the results did not make any difference, and they were all picked up in the car.

A super run, all of which can be ruined.

"Nyima, you dare to offend me, do you know the end?" Huang Mao shouted, but he did not feel afraid.

He really didn't believe what Qin Qi dared to do with him.

"Now, you should consider it and offend me." Qin Qi faintly said, reaching out and dragging the yellow hair directly from the car.

Huang Mao screamed and struggled, but in Qin Qi's hands, he was a weak chicken.

"You, what do you want to do!" Huang Mao was finally scared.

"That, brother, don't be impulsive!" Ning Xiu could not help but shout.

Qin Qi really wants to put the yellow hair, then there is really no room for change.

"Yes, don't be impulsive, this thing hasn't happened yet!" Huang Mao called quickly.

But how can Qin Qi pay attention to him.

Although he can't understand too much power, there is really no power on the earth to kill him. Even if it is a nuclear bomb, it will not die.

After all, the power of Qin Qi was only suppressed, not disappeared.

Since this is the case, what kind of scruples does Qin Qi have?


I really found the wrong object.

Qin Qi in the eyes of everyone's horror, hand in hand, directly to the yellow hair to the ground, look like that, the bones are broken, I do not know how much, it is estimated that one year do not think about the bed.

Zhou Xiaomei and others opened their mouths and couldn’t think of Qin Qi’s being so powerful. This is already Superman!

But after the shock, more is worried.

Offended the Liu family, they will have countless ways to deal with Qin Qi.

Qin Qi is stronger, it is just a fight, but can it be with guns and guns?

Ning Xiu sighed, just want to remind a sentence, and see Qin Qi kneeling beside Huang Mao, patted the face of Huang Mao: "I don't want to kill people here, let's leave you a life, of course, if you want to die, you can ,do you understand?"

Qin Qi’s voice is very calm, as if to say a little thing.

But the panic in the yellow eye is constantly growing.

Qin Qi gave him a sense of killing, which is enough to make the yellow hair bile burst out of the murderous.

"This guest, how are you, need an alarm!" The security guards of the hotel noticed that the situation here had rushed over.

But just now, why didn't you come over?

One of them raised the yellow hair and asked.

"Report your mother's police, and quickly send me to the hospital, today's things are like this, I heard no!" Huang Mao screamed, and died.

But more is fear, and it is still trembling.

He didn't understand what was going on, but he firmly believed that if he dared to challenge Qin Qi, he would really be killed.

Those security guards are also unknown, but Huang Mao said so, but he can only do it, and soon he left with yellow hair and those bodyguards.

"Is it so gone?" Ning Xiu's way.

"It must have been scared by Qin Qi!" Zhou Xiaomei laughed. As a girl, naturally there would not be so many considerations for Ning Xiu, just look at the eyes.

Qin Qi, handsome stayed!

"Radish, your boyfriend is too powerful, Shaolin Temple out, oh oh, I know, is the special forces right? Is that kind of martial arts?" Zhou Xiaomei excitedly said that it is obviously more urban novels.

"Where is this, he is more able to fight!" Green Luo smiled. "Let's go, the dinner is about to begin."

In this way, everyone went to the hotel door together.

Ning Xiu is still worried.

At the moment when money is supreme, one person’s force can change too little, and Huang Mao seems to be shocked, but will it change for a long time?

He is not sure.

Of course, he would not understand how worried Huang Mao is now. If he is dead, he will not be able to provoke Qin Qi again.

Everyone enters the hotel and takes the elevator straight up to the top floor.

At the moment, in the top floor, among the magnificent golden temples, there are several people in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the VIPs, looking at everything outside the window.

Here, you can overlook the entire city, standing here, there will be a feeling that the whole city is at the foot.

Among them, most of them are guys who are over half a year old. Their temperament is different. Only one young person is the natural focus.

He is dressed in a well-dressed dress, his long-sleeved posture is as straight as a pine, and his face is even more handsome. It seems that he is not a mortal.

He is looking at the bottom.

"Evergreen, that is what you said, may be the little girl of the spiritual body?" An old man with no eyes narrowed his mouth, his face was full of evil spirits.

Spirit, a word that touches the heart.

The temperature in the room rose slightly.

"Yes, it is her." Jing Changqing nodded.

"Oh, it looks really delicious. Of course, this is evergreen. We old couples won't grab it!" The old man smiled and laughed.

"The young man next to the little girl seems to be an expert in refining, and she doesn't know where it comes from."

"Hey, take care of where he came from, and send the fat to the door!"

"Okay, the dinner is about to begin, go see the guests!"

Several people retired the door behind them, where the main hall of the Golden Temple, the party, has begun.

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