God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2028: Can't escape the martyrdom

The second thousand and twenty-eight chapters can not escape the martyrdom

They didn't see what happened at the hotel door, but apart from the curiosity of Qin Qi, there was no other idea.

Then Liu Shao, who thought he was qualified to be a long and short with Jing Changqing, but in fact, in their eyes, it is simply a small role.

Just now, Huang Mao’s dad called from Dongdu, first screaming with scorn and asking what was the case.

It was learned that after Huang Mao himself provoked the guests invited by Jing Changqing, the Liu, who had a face in the east, suddenly trembled, and in addition to apologizing, he was not guilty of avenging, and he did not dare to have revenge.

And this is the seemingly terrible gap on the surface of the two sides who look like they can sit flat.

Huang Mao, who only knows the value of the company, will certainly not understand how terrible the power behind Jing Changqing is.

Of course, this is just a small episode.

Jing Changqing and others will not care, and Qin Qi is not likely to care about such things.

At the moment, they are taking the elevator to the top floor.

When he came out, Qin Qi couldn't help but feel a little brighter.

Although the strength of the earth is not good, but the creativity is still very powerful, this Golden Temple is located on the top floor of the Golden Dragon Hotel. It is luxuriously decorated, with both ancient and modern, which can be said to be a perfect combination.

Give people the feeling, high-end without losing weight, elegance and lack of vitality.

At first glance, it comes from the design master's handwriting.

"Ji Luo Xuemei, it’s great that you can come." Jing Changqing saw the green radish and they greeted them with a glass of wine.

And he is always young, wherever he goes, it is a star-studded moon, a group of students from the capital city, each family is prominent, but at the moment it is the foil of Jing Changqing.

"The invitation of the seniors, naturally come, have not had time to congratulate the seniors to return from school." Green Luo smiled.

"Ji Luo Xuemei, who is this person around you, how have you never seen it?" A young man suddenly asked, he is also a school man, called Qi Xuelin.

In fact, everyone wants to ask this question. After all, the practice of Green Luo is very incomparable, but whether it is a formal occasion or private, it will never be intimate with the man, let alone bring a party.

"Boyfriend." Green Luo looked at Qin Qi, and did not explain anything else.


Three words, the weight is too heavy.

Everyone was shocked, and I didn’t expect the green radish to come with my boyfriend.

In addition, who is this person, how have you never heard of it, with him, also with the boyfriend of Green Luo?

At the moment, almost all men's eyes have become hostile. As for other girls, they are a bit smiling.

Green Luo, the most beautiful school flower in Beijing University, recognized as the first goddess, any girl in front of her, must be short three points.

Especially the Jing Changqing, which is regarded by all the girls as the Prince Charming, the green radish is dismissive, and it is the girls who hate it.

I thought that the green radish was high in the sky, but now it’s just a look.

Qin Qi wearing Li Leyao's boyfriend's clothes is simply a roadside stall. On this occasion, it looks so poor.

Even Li Leyao's boyfriend, knowing that he wants to come here, has specially bought a piece of clothing. Although it is not comparable to other people, it is considered to be a certain grade.

Green Luo, I chose such a boyfriend?

These girls with green radish look at Qin Qi with contempt, but they are all happy in their hearts, and they feel that green radish is no different.

Look good and how, in the end, not looking for a silk boyfriend, not as good as them!

"Sister, I have never heard of any boyfriend you have, I don't know the so-called 'boyfriend', where is it?" Yan Xuelin laughed.

Obviously, it is to see that Qin Qi was born in general, deliberately wanting Qin Qi to be embarrassed.

"There is no work for the time being, the only occupation is her boyfriend." Qin Qi smiled.

Damn, also show love in public!

Which one is your onion!

A group of men are shaking their eyes, it looks like, do not give Qin Qi a little color to see, Qin Qi will not know how stupid!

"Hey, it turned out to be a poor man, hey, you are coming in with Jiluo, otherwise, it is estimated to be blocked by the security guard!" a female student sneered.

"School sisters don't want to say this, the poor are also people. It's nothing to rely on your girlfriend to come here." Another senior, Wang He, said, but it was full of embarrassment.

"Oh, yes, here is a high-end place. I think you are better off to change clothes." Wang He said faintly, pointing to a young man nearby. "You can change it with him, Xiaodong. It’s my servant, but this dress is OK, you wear it right.”

This is naked humiliation, comparing Qin Qi to his own servant.

In the vagueness, there were a lot of ridicules, and several girls were covering their mouths and laughing, while other boys were watching Qin Qi jokingly.

Green Luo's boyfriend, hey, you can also match.

They have to look at what Qin Qi wants to do, but it is estimated that it will only be swallowed, or let the green radish come out.

Hey, useless waste, a silk, and want to climb high?

"Hey, so many people, I don't want to hit you," Qin Qi shook his head.

"Huo, so arrogant, don't you dare to beat people, when our bodyguards are vegetarian?" Someone suddenly laughed.

"That is, obviously do not dare to fight, what to install, to find a step for yourself, it is useless." There is a girl whispered.

The voice is low, but it can be heard by everyone. It is obviously deliberate, that is, to make Qin Qi embarrassed.

"What are you doing? Why do you want to start this banquet for this new friend? I think everyone will be there first." Jing Changqing finally spoke up.

He looked at Qin Qi, and there was a strange light shining in his eyes.

Seeing Jing Changqing's opening and easing atmosphere, everyone had to give up, but unfortunately did not give Qin Qi more lessons.

"Schoolmaster, what you said, I just think that in such an occasion, what a cat and dog are coming in, it is an insult to you." Yan Xuelin shrugged.

"Forget it, the seniors are all open, don't be embarrassed by some people who are not self-sufficient." Wang Hehehe laughed.

Jing Changqing’s opening eased, and this matter naturally passed.

However, Zhou Xiaomei and others have other ideas.

If they were before, they must feel relieved. Fortunately, there is Jing Changqing, otherwise they do not know how to end.

But now, they feel that Qin Qi is not afraid of it.

After all, the example of Huang Mao is in front.

With the character of Qin Qi, I am afraid that I will never let myself suffer.

"I said……"

Sure enough, Qin Qi spoke up.

"My words have not finished yet," Qin Qi continued.

"Oh, OK, you talk about it!" Wang Hexiao smiled.

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