God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2029: layout

The second thousand and twenty-nine chapter layout

"It’s a bit too violent to hit you..."

Everyone is taunting, feeling that Qin Qi is a strong self-hardcover.

"Well, I will give the host a face, let you apologize." Qin Qi said lightly.

This sounds like a joke. Qin Qi actually said so naturally.

Does he really know what he is talking about?

Even if there are other guests not far away, they are all surprised.

Although these people are all college students, they are born in a more prominent place. In front of them, in addition to some big names, the ordinary billionaires must accompany their smiles.

This ordinary young man, you should not know this.

After a while, I am afraid that I will die very rhythm.

"Haha, I didn't get it wrong, he actually wants us to kneel down!" Wang Hehaha laughed.

"I think he is crazy!"

"Hey, why bother, in order to keep your face in front of your girlfriend, to this point, I really don't know what to say!"

"You didn't understand what I said?" Qin Qi was an indifferent opening.

And Wang He and others have changed their faces and are about to worry.

However, Qin Qi gave a low drink.

"Your Majesty!"

With a sip of it, the momentum of the silky spread spread, and this is where mortals can withstand it.

Wang He and others were pale and even went straight.

He can't control his body at all.

It’s all right.

The people who had just opened up all squatted in front of Qin Qi and became a circle.

This suddenly attracted the attention of other guests at the banquet, and now it is full of horror.

What did this young man come to, and these two generations were greeted on the ground?

Even for Jing Changqing, these second generations are also flattering, but they have never been so exaggerated.

"What are you doing, you still can't get up, it's a shame!" Several middle-aged couples came to hear the news, which was quite majestic, and it was the superior.

When I saw my children lying on the ground, they were all shocked and quickly yelled.

This is simply throwing their faces!

"Dad, I don't want to be jealous!" Wang He cried, his face was red, and such humiliation had never been seen in his life, especially in the eyes of the public.

This will be a big stain on their lives.

But damn, don't know why, the knee is soft, even if you want to stand up.

"Then you are not getting up, you want to lose your eyes and see you when!" Wang He's father roared.

What kind of person is his face and face, but his son is here, let his face go?

Wang He and others are crying, but they can't stand up!

Jing Changqing’s eyes shrank.

He felt the momentum of Qin Qi.

And the momentum of this series, he has not experienced it, even if it is himself, if you do not hide the strength, you can do it.

However, there is obviously no aura fluctuation in Qin Qi, how can this kind of momentum?

Before seeing Qin Qi’s skill in contact, Jing Changqing had speculation in his heart.

Qin Qi, I am afraid it is the existence of a mercenary soldier.

He once heard people say that some soldiers with blood in the hands of the soldiers, the trump card in the killer organization, they are killed from the body heap, even if there is no aura, not a refiner, you can also have a terrorist momentum.

Or, it is a practicing family in the deep mountains. Although it is a foreign work, it is possible to practice the transformation of the realm and achieve the master.

And this kind of existence makes it difficult for ordinary people to kneel down directly.

Is the boyfriend of Green Luo actually this kind of role?

It is not easy.

However, in the face of the refiners, this is no more than that.

"This friend, I also hope to give me a few thin faces, don't make things stiff." Jing Changqing said.

"It's you, you did it, what are you, dare to let my son kneel on the ground, do you know the consequences!" Wang He's dad looked at Qin Qi and shouted.

He is still in the company's momentum, but is dominated by the general, issued orders!

"Come on, drag this little chop to me!"

"A big courage, I dare to come here to make trouble, and it is against the sky!" All the people are drinking.

Qin Qi glanced at them with a faint look, and then swept the momentum.


It’s awkward.

Wang He’s boss is also jealous.

This is a huge capital in the capital, and the big bosses with business all over the world are directly in front of Qin Qi.

Then, several other parents, all of them fell.

This scene is like a dream to other guests.

Those who are here are all the big-name figures on the Chinese Ming Dynasty. They are all face-to-face politicians. They are all talking and laughing.

Almost all of them are smashed?

Many people are really scared.

"This friend!" Jing Changqing shouted, with anger.

"Hey, I just said that I don't want to repeat it." Qin Qi is directly speaking.

Just now?

What did you just say?

Yes, it is your apology.

Now, just squatting, no apology, so Qin Qi does not allow them to get up.

Wang He and others are really scared. This is where the horror guys are. The superman in the movie is not successful. At the moment, he still has a face, and all of them start to apologize and even "snap" their faces.

"Hey." Qin Qi snorted and let them go.

These people, like Meng Da, did not dare to stay here, and all of them retreated to the distance.

However, a few bright faces are flashing in the light. They have seen more of the world, but they are not completely shocked. At this moment, they are already calculating, how to abolish Qin Qi.

How can such humiliation be considered?

Qin Qi did not care for them.

As for Jing Changqing's face, his face is faint and blue, and he does not care.

He didn't need to give anyone face.

What Jing Changqing, what is it in front of him?

"School girl, your boyfriend, temper is not small, no one's face is given." Jing Changqing faint.

"The senior is wrong. He has a good temper, but if he takes the initiative to provoke him, the unlucky ones are mostly themselves." Green Luo smiled.

Jing Changqing smashed.

I feel that green radish is also somewhat different from the ones I used to contact.

But forget it, after tonight, he will come to another realm. As for the green radish, it is only his nourishment.

What Qin Qi, looking for the door to come, is to complete them!

"Well, let's go, let's go first, the party is happy!" Jing Changqing said, after he finished, he went back.

Both Qin Qi and Green Luo shrugged and didn't care. Several people didn't say much. They went to the side of the wine table. They should eat and drink.

The music is ringing, some people have entered the dance floor to dance, handsome men and beautiful women, quite eye-catching.

"How, see what is coming?" Green Luo asked.

"This golden temple has been set up forbidden, and the strength is not strong, but it is not easy to ban such a ban on such an earth. It seems that it is indeed the hand of the refiner." Qin Qi whispered.

"Can you judge the type of ban?" Green Road.

"But the outside world, but this prohibition is not the key. The key point is that there is still a way to do it."

"Array method?"

"Similar to the method of blood refining, now I have limited ability, and I can't see it completely, but it does not leave ten." Qin Qidao.

"It seems that they have really big moves tonight, but what is the purpose?" Green Rose frowned.

"Probably, it is the person who attended the banquet." Qin Qi said lightly.

He is now accustomed to the state of the earth, and his perception has gradually increased a few points. He is faintly able to judge. In this banquet, many people are born with a strong aura.

Such people can be called spiritual bodies, and they are extremely rare in the earth, but there are more than a dozen cases here.

Even in the eyes of the refiners, the green radish is considered a spiritual body, and the aura is extremely strong!

These refiners, clothed this game, have a picture!

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