God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2031: Double repair and recovery

The second and thirty-one chapters of the double repair and mining

She is wearing a delicate dress at the moment, with the accompanying of diamonds, quite a bit extravagant, and dressing has seen a lot of thoughts, enough to make her the focus of the banquet, attracting the eyes of many people.

However, it is a pity that it is still a little worse than the green radish.

Zhou Xiaomei frowned and was not happy.

Everyone is a roommate, but since Ye Xin has been in contact with Jing Changqing, he has become more and more alienated from them.

It's like disdaining with them.

Now, even if you don’t even say hello, just talk to Green Roe.

Can she appear so proud of Jing Changqing?

It is clear that Jing Changqing simply does not see her.

"You are too." Green Luo answered very simply.

Ye Xin’s eyes trembled unnotically, but his face still smiled and said: “I came with the seniors. This dress is chosen by the seniors for me.”

"Well, it’s good, it’s pretty good.” Green’s answer was still dull.

Ye Xinyin’s hands in the back are tight, she has done so much effort, and she is struggling to dress up, so that she is pressing over the green radish.

However, the green radish did not care, which made her feel like a fist to the empty space, very uncomfortable.

"This is your boyfriend, why didn't you mention it before?" Ye Xin asked.

"You rarely go back to the dormitory during this time, I don't know if it is normal." Green Luo still smiled faintly.

Ye Xin breathed a stagnation, her eyes flashed a few times, and her face still had a smile. "I have been busy recently. The seniors helped me arrange an internship unit."

"This way."

"Right, the seniors are over there, radish, you go with me, the schoolmaster seems to have something to tell you." Ye Xin said.

"Good." Green Luo nodded and walked straight toward Jing Changqing.

She naturally has nothing to fear.

When she saw her go, Ye Xin suddenly raised a few twists, but it quickly disappeared and followed.

Qin Qi glanced at Ye Xin. At that moment, he also felt the fluctuation of breath in Ye Xin.

This woman is also a refiner?

Not like!

Qin Qi vetoed in the heart, then blinked his eyes and a cold voice screamed at the tip of his nose.

He knows about the inheritance of Jing Changqing's cultivation.

Green Luo went to Jing Changqing and smiled slightly: "Schoolmaster, what is it for me?"

"There is one thing I want to tell you, can you speak in one step?" Jing Changqing said, his eyes fell on the green radish, without hiding.

"Okay." Green Luo directly agreed.

The next two people left the crowd and came to the inner hall, and Ye Xin followed and closed the door.

When I got here, Jing Changqing’s temperament suddenly began to change.

No longer a gentle and scholastic senior, but some of the king's arrogance, as if living in the general.

He stepped on the red carpet and slowly walked up to the gold chair in the inner hall, then sat down.

He is looking down at the green radish.

"Gila, I have always been very optimistic about you, I think only you are qualified to be my woman!" Jing Changqing faintly, not confession, but the order!

"Schoolmaster, I should have told you clearly before." Green Road.

Jing Changqing smiled and shook his head: "Jillow, you still don't understand what I am talking about, I mean, you must be my woman!"


"Just because I am Jing Changqing, I can give you the power that I can never imagine!" Jing Changqing said faintly, his appearance has been completely different from before.

"Power?" Green Luo doubts.

"This is power!" But Ye Xin opened her mouth. She reached out and volleyed it. She even mentioned the green radish in the air, just like magic!

"Gila, you should be thankful, the master chose you as the woman around, this is a great honor, you have to know, I do not know how many women are looking forward to this!" Ye Xin bite his teeth, very incomparable.

She didn't want that position, but Jiluo could get it directly.

"What power is this, so amazing!" Green Luo was surprised.

"Haha, it’s Ji Li’s sister. At this time, I can still keep calm. It’s good. It seems that I have not chosen the wrong person!”

"Come on, put in my arms, I can give you the power of far beyond Ye Xin!" Jing Changqing laughed.

Green Luo thought about it and said, "How do I get this power?"

"You just have to do a wonderful thing. God has said that this is a double-decoration. Of course, you can simply understand that you go to bed." Jing Changqing smiled.

His eyes were a little more bloody.

This time, it is not just a double repair. He went to Western Europe and got the vampire method of the local vampire. The powerful spirit of Green Roger will give him extraordinary strength.

Going up one level, it can be said that it is nailed!

"Schoolmaster, like you, you can't make it." Green Luo smiled.

"Gila, you better see the situation!" Ye Xin coldly shouted.

Jing Changqing waved his hand and smiled. "No matter, since Ji Luo Xuemei doesn't believe it, let me see it."

"You look at it and see how I can become the king of hundreds of millions of people!" Jing Changqing stood up and walked slowly.

This time, the temperament of his body did not change a bit, just like the king.

"Ye Xin, optimistic about her!" Jing Changqing faint.

Ye Xin took a deep breath and said: "Yes, master."

Jing Changqing pushed out the door and he was going to receive the income of the hard layout.

"Gila, this is not a category that you can understand. Follow the master and become his imprisonment. In this way, believe me, you will be grateful for today's choice." Ye Xin controlled Jiluo, faint.

"You, when you first met, it was a good girl. Why did it become like this?" Green Luo sighed.

Ye Xin is a sneer, "A person like me, if you want to go to heaven, you can only go this way!"

"You don't have to look down on me, because you will soon become like me."

"Do you give up your dignity?"

"What is the use of dignity, can I wear such expensive clothes and wear these luxury items?" Ye Xin sneered. "This is something that many people can't have for a lifetime."

"And, I still have the strength. Every time I double-repair, my strength can increase by one point, but with you, my progress may slow down." Ye Xin said coldly.

Green radish shook his head and put away the rest of the look, just said: "You don't understand at all, this is not a double repair, this is tonic!"


"Double repair is indeed a way for both men and women to gain strength through happiness, but except for the first time, it can only be slowly illustrated, and the progress will not be too fast."

"And the recovery is a unilateral force to seize, the progress is rapid, but the object to be recovered, but will wither and die." Green Luo slowly.

"I don't understand what you are saying, I am not withered now!" Ye Xin frowned.

"That is his power is still in your body, you think that the power is actually his, and the purpose of doing this is just to drain you out of nothing." Green Road, calm look.

Ye Xin did not believe, coldly said: "I know that you love to be clever, don't want to be alarmist, let me let you go!"

"Look and see." Green radish is just a road.

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