God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2032: Like the king

The second thousand thirty-two chapters are like the king

Outside, the main hall.

Jing Changqing pushed the door open and returned to here.

It’s just a change in his temperament, but anyone who is in the heart will be shocked and can’t help but be a little surprised.

Jing Changqing, the prince of the Sunshine, now, how suddenly feels like a sin?

Especially the look, contempt for everything, as if it is above the gods, eroding the ants, giving people a fear.

Even those who have to sneak a horse, at this moment, are instinctive and dare not approach.

Zheng Lao and others are screaming.

The small army and other strong players are all guarded.

This is evergreen, there is a problem!

"Well, everyone, now, let me reveal the secret, today invites you to this reason." Jing Changqing carrying his hands, no half before the humility, can not tell the arrogance.

"Today, I am only telling you one thing."

"That is from today, you, will become the slaves of my Jingqing!" Jing Changqing sighed, stone breaking!

He has no cover anymore, and he has said the thoughts in his heart directly.


He is a refiner.

These mortals, on average, are equal to him, only match, become his slave!

After Jing Changqing finished, he stood proudly and looked at everyone with contempt.

A few old men in the corner, at this moment, are flashing in the light, showing a smile.

There are a few who have begun to lick their lips and look at the young men and women in the field, the greed that can't be concealed in their eyes.

Finally I have to start.

So many years of preparation, just for today's feast!

" Evergreen, what are you talking about!" Jing Lao heard the words of Jing Changqing, and suddenly stood up, his face was blue, and his old body was already trembled.

"Grandpa, you just have to look at it. From today, this China, we have the final say!" Jing Changqing said lightly.

Today, the Golden Temple, where the bright faces and the secrets of the darkness gather together, controlling them, is equivalent to controlling the three circles of the political and business forces, saying that it is not an exaggeration to control half of China.

After all, Beijing is the national hub and the core.

As for other people, what happens later is the opportunity to slowly figure it out.

"When you are awkward, how can I have a family like you, why don't you kneel down and admit your mistakes to your uncles!" Jing said.

Jing Changqing is cold and faint, saying: "Grandpa, you don't understand at all, don't understand that I am above the mortal!"

"You can actually call me God!" Jing Changqing held out a hand and squeezed it gently.

Immediately, Jing Lao’s whole person was suspended in the air. From his horrified eyes, this is not a magic trick to deceive the eyes.

Jing Changqing, like a god, actually took the old man in the air and let him stop in the air.

It’s incredible!

Even the strong players such as the Xiaojun are all stunned. They are far stronger than mortals. In some respects, they can even be called Superman.

But the way Jing Qingqing is, they are not seen!

Really, is God?

"Grandpa, Jingjia does not need you to be the master, and the rest, give it to me, you can rest assured that the Jing family will be in my hands and become more powerful than ever." Jing Changqing said faintly.

Immediately, his eyes flashed sharply and his palms clenched.

I heard a scream.

That Jing Lao, even the volley burst into a blood fog!

Jing Changqing killed Jing Lao.

At this moment, everyone is in the cold.

They finally knew that this was not a joke, not that Jing Changqing suddenly became crazy, but that he was really ready to enslave everyone!

Hands and feet are cold.

Even some girls, already scared to the ground, burst into tears.

Zhou Xiaomei and others, all of them all screamed and quickly retreated.

Is this Jing Changqing that they know?

It is a demon at all.

Even his grandfather killed, so anyone who was present could not keep his hand.

"Radish, right, radish!" Zhou Xiaomei exclaimed.

Just now, the radish followed Jing Changqing into the inner hall. Has it been killed now?

"You are not a boyfriend of radish, think about it!" Zhou Xiaomei cried to Qin Qi.

"Don't worry, the radish is fine." Qin Qi shook his head, and his eyes looked at Jing Changqing.

Finally, there is no white.

Jing Changqing smiled a little and seemed to have done only a trivial matter.

But then, it was a burst of fire like a tiger, and Zheng Lao’s guardian army, step by step, speed, and there was a whistling sound.

He quickly deceived Jing Qingqing and punched it like a cannonball.

The martial arts king, the moment broke out, the sense of oppression is simply horrible.

However, Jing Changqing was just sneer, although he was able to respond, but he did not retreat, still standing there.

In the eyes of Xiaojun, the killing has been decided. This punch will use all the brute force.

Even if it is steel, it can be directly penetrated, not to mention the physical body.

However, the "bang", the small army of this punch, did not even hit Jing Changqing, but was blocked by an invisible strong.

"How come!" Xiaojun was shocked.

Is it the kind of power that Jing Changqing used?

Xiaojun missed a fist and went straight back, but a pair of squats slammed down and smashed the ground, showing the strength of the force.

If the non-small army has rich experience in combat and retreats in time, he is probably seriously injured.

"The soldiers are strong, this blood is really strong, if it is sucked, the wife is afraid to be young and young!" In the corner, the old guys stood up.

And one of the old women is watching Xiaojun. Just now, she is the hand.

Do these guys have the power of Jing Changqing?

"Commander, leave quickly!" Xiaojun back, pull up Zheng Lao, they have to go out.

And several other strong people have also taken Mo Lao and others to leave quickly.

No matter what power these guys have, there is nothing wrong with leaving.

As for the other guests, naturally all yelled and rushed to the gate.

However, those refiners and Jing Changqing, just watching, have no intention of blocking.


The first foreign master who took Mo Lao to the gate was blocked by an invisible wall.

On the ground, there are a lot of strange lines lit up. It seems that some kind of power is condensing, and this place is turned into a cage.


The foreign masters were awkward, and the double fists were like lions and tigers. The strength was even more terrible than the small army.

Even if it is such a fist, it still does not break the barrier.

No one can leave.

"Damn, then kill these ghosts first!" The woman's king of the killer is cold, and I don't know when to shoot a pistol.

Immediately after the gunshots sounded like a rainstorm, the bullets swept through the air and shot at Jing Changqing and others.

As the king of the killer, how can her bullets be general, each one does not fly in a straight line, but in a arc.

So even if it was shot from one direction, the final result was shot from all directions to Jing Changqing.

And whether it's a gun or a bullet, it's made to be special, with faster speed and penetration.

The other party is fast, can you really get through the bullets?

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