God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2036: Secret

The second thousand and thirty-six chapters

"Here, it is the legendary Taoist ancestral court, there is a big difference!" Shu Guangdao, the tone is full of respectful meaning.

Taoist ancestral court.

Qin Qi’s flash of light, the word, although not heard, but can be discouraged.

Seeing the so-called God, the choice of hiding places here, but also pay attention to it, afraid that there are some details.

"Two little friends, the evil person is afraid to operate here for more than a hundred years, perhaps already able to use the power of this mountain, or be careful." Shuguang Shen Shen, even if he is, can not be scornful.

Qin Qi does not matter.

It is the resurrection of this mountain. For Qin Qi, there is no power to fight.

"The predecessors are relieved." Qin Qi smiled and took the green radish and went to the mountains.

Dawn sees this, although his heart is not satisfied with Qin Qi's contempt for the enemy, but he can only keep up, and always guard.

"Predecessors, it is better to talk about the cultivation of the earth." Qin Qi said.

His feet fell to the ground, and the power of the dragon's body had already flowed out, looking down the veins and looking for the place where God was.

So in terms of action, it doesn't need to be quick.

"You don't know?" Twilight was amazed.

"I don't know, or even the fur is not mastered." Qin Qi said directly.

Twilight was amazed, but he didn't ask much, just said: "The refining sergeant, there is an old age, the little friend may wish to guess, how long has the old life been living?"

Qin Qi has a lot of thoughts, but he did not say it, just shaking his head.

Twilight smiled and said: "The old age has lived for nearly a thousand years!"

"Millennium? So the predecessors were already refiners before the nuclear explosion?" Qin Qi could not help.

"Not bad," Twilight nodded.

Immediately he talked about some history of the refiners.

The refining sergeant has really been in existence for a long time. Today’s history of the times has been broken. Only the dawn, the people who lived before the end of the world, only know the longer history.

But even if it is known by the dawn, it is actually limited.

He only knows that everything can be traced back to the ancient times.

Of course, this is the algorithm of the earth. In fact, it is only a span of more than 5,000 years. For other worlds, it is nothing.

In that wild age, the refiners have already existed, even far more powerful than they are now!

But somehow, as the wheel of history rolled in, the cultivation world began to decline.

The supernatural powers of those who were shocked and fading gradually disappeared during the old years, as if they had never appeared before.

As they disappeared, the strong people in the cultivation industry became increasingly scarce. Until then, human beings entered the era of science and technology, and even more rare.

After that, it was the nuclear explosion, not just the dust, but the cultivation industry was also devastated.

This is a decline, and now, it is even more declining, there is no more inheritance.

Perhaps as the dawn said, waiting for him to die, this cultivation world, fearing that it will completely disappear from the earth.

The root of all this is in fact the fact that the earth is becoming more and more unsuitable for cultivation. This is the culprit.

After the nuclear explosion, this is especially true. The cultivation is becoming more and more difficult, and the spiritual source of spiritual practice can be provided, and it is exhausted.

Especially in the last ten years, it is even more so, the aura is shrinking all over, and I don’t know where to go.

This era is completely unsuitable for cultivation. It is the true era of the end of law!

Qin Qi listened, and the heart could not help but be shocked. I did not expect that the refiners had existed for so long at the level that mortal people could not reach.

Even the great supernaturals have appeared.

"Those big magical powers have disappeared?" Qin Qidao.

"It is said that they may have died, or they have left the earth, or even entered a different time and space. In short, there are many sayings, but no one can confirm it."

"In addition, there is a secret rumor in the cultivation world..."

"Predecessors please say."

"It is said that before the ancient times, before the history known to the old man, the earth once died, perhaps more than once!"

"And it is like a nuclear explosion. The history of the earth has been completely banned. Perhaps, in the more ancient years, the refiners have already existed." But it is a smile, saying that this is just an unfounded legend.

However, Qin Qi is concerned about it.

Possibly, Twilight did not say anything wrong. This earth is far more mysterious than imagined.

Perhaps, in the early days, it was impossible to trace back, and the earth that had not been studied for a long time passed, and the earth once had a brilliant cultivation civilization.

It is not unfounded for Qin Qi to think so.

At least Kunlun, Qin Qi feels that he can't get away with the earth. It is even possible that the earth is the initial place of Kunlun.

If the Kunlun of the earth and the power of Kunlun owned by Qin Qi are really related, then the earth that has nurtured Kunlun is really like this?

Qin Qi believes that even the vast world like the outside world will not be able to breed Kunlun Mountain!

"It is difficult, because of the lack of aura, let the earth shrink and fold?" Qin Qi flashed a thought in his heart.

Every world needs strength to support it. Once power has passed, the world structure is difficult to maintain.

Or destroy in the exhaustion.

Or, shrink in the wither.

Of course, this is an idea that Qin Qi suddenly appeared in his heart. It is ridiculous. Qin Qi has no way to confirm it.

And these can be left unchecked.

What is important is why the earth's aura is becoming more and more scarce, which directly leads to the earth's difficulty in cultivation.

Unfortunately, even this incident can not answer Qin Qi.

Because the history he knows is rolling in the process of decreasing Aura. As for when it becomes like this, he does not know.

Qin Qi exhaled a breath, and immediately said: "Predecessors, before the Kunlun relics nuclear explosion, what is it?"

Twilight did not expect Qin Qi to ask.

Because Kunlun is very unusual for the cultivation industry, even on this Dragon and Tiger Mountain!

"At that time, there was a winding mountain range, and it was the end of the ancestor of Wanshan. It was also one of the birthplaces of my refiners," recalls Twilight.

"However, it was destroyed in the nuclear explosion." Twilight sighed.

On that day, when the nuclear explosion broke out, the major powers launched all the nuclear weapons in one breath, and most of them fell to Kunlun.

The scene at the time was really terrifying, and the whole earth was shaking.

This is the strongest technological crystallization of mankind in the old days, and it has declared its powerful power to the world in an explosive way.

At that time, even a refiner like Twilight was running away, and nothing could be taken care of.

By the time the world has once again returned to calm, the Kunlun Mountains have completely disappeared and destroyed in the nuclear explosion.

"Predecessors thought that Kunlun Mountain was really destroyed by a nuclear bomb?" Qin Qi asked.

At dawn, I did not expect Qin Qi to ask.

After all, he never thought about this problem.

The nuclear bomb exploded in the Kunlun Mountains, and then calmed down. The Kunlun Mountains disappeared. Everything is reasonable. Who will doubt?

"Little friends, what do you mean by this?"

"Just just ask a question," Qin Qi shook his head.

The answer is to wait until he goes to the Kunlun ruins to explore.

Now, let's solve the problem at hand.

Qin Qi has found the so-called God by the veins.

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