God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2037: Tianshifu

The second thousand zero thirty seven chapter Tianshifu

Dragon and Tiger Mountain, the weather is extraordinary, but unfortunately in this era of the end of the law, nothing can be seen, perhaps before the nuclear explosion, dating back to the ancient times, this place will be an extremely amazing cave.

Qin Qi and others climbed all the way and came to a cliff.

There are no outsiders here.

When the original nuclear bombs were launched all over the world, Longhushan suffered a lot of nuclear explosions. Now, there are still radiations, and mortals cannot dare to approach.

“Is it just below this?” The twilight flashed.

Under the cliff, it is black and it is difficult to see the bottom with the naked eye, but the repair of the dawn is not bad. It has a unique method, and it is faintly aware of some changes.

Longhushan, as a former Taoist ancestral court, Twilight naturally cannot be without attention.

However, although it is not directly destroyed like Kunlun, it is no longer a god.

It seems that it is now that he has gone.

Under the Dragon and Tiger Mountain, the area that was blasted by the nuclear bombs, and then digging deep into the depths, there was an aura fluctuation.

Below, is there a hole in the sky?

"Go and see." Qin Qi smiled and walked down step by step.

Although it is a vertical cliff, Qin Qi is like a rooting, like a flat, so go down the cliff.

Along the way, the traces of nuclear explosions can be identified. It is the ultimate high temperature burning mountain, which is turned into a magma fluid and finally condensed again.

Now that I have been here for so many years, I am still alive.

And then down, the mountain has changed again. The rock wall here is more like being excavated, not caused by a nuclear bomb explosion.

Someone found something in the nuclear crater, so he dug again and finally found the aura that was already very rare on Earth.

I want to come, it is the masterpiece of God.

"Tianshifu, Huo, a big tone!" Qin Qi and others finally came to the bottom of the cliff, where there is a hole leading to the ground.

At the end of the game, there was a stone gate, and a plaque was hung on the stone gate.

"It is so deep hidden, it is no wonder that the old man had no idea before." Twilight could not help but admire, so deep, it is already several kilometers underground.

Coupled with radiation interference outside, it is normal for the Twilight to not notice the difference.

"Longhushan is the Taoist ancestral court. During the glorious period, there was a celestial celestial being born. It has the power of the world, and the word Tianshi is in Taoism. It can be called supreme!"

"It seems that this person has got some of the Taoist ways." Qin Qi faintly, one hand pressed on the stone door.

"This door looks like it was built by King Kong Moyu. It is not brute force. I think it is..." Twilight just wants to make a reminder, but after the "bang", the second half of the sentence swallowed back.

That Shimen, was shocked by Qin Qiyi as a piece.

The twilight corners of the eyes are dithered, and it is so divine power that they can shatter the stone doors directly.

“What did the seniors say?” Qin Qi asked back.

"Nothing..." Twilight mouth twitched, simply did not speak, followed by Qin Qi.

After Shimen, it can be seen that the signs of human beings are actually a large-scale underground palace. It looks like it has been around for a few years.

However, Qin Qi forced the door to break, and I must have already alarmed the god. This palace is afraid to become a dragon pool.

Sure enough, on the road ahead, there is a faint sigh of sorrow, which gradually turns into a dragon and tiger, and the breath becomes more fierce, which makes people feel tempted.

This is not counting, when the dragon and tiger imaged, a thunder was born from the void, and the sound of thunder was loud.

"The Thunder of the Dragon and Tiger Mountain!" Twilight was shocked, this is a powerful means of fighting.

Tianshifu has many unspoken laws, and Leifa is the only one in the world.

At this moment, Qin Qi can also feel the power of this Leifa.

Being able to reach the level of the virtual thunder in this era of law is absolutely not simple, I am afraid that even if it is the dawn, it will feel a little tricky.

It is a pity that this is enough to be respected by the Earth, but now it is Qin Qi.

A enchanting return from the opposite world.

When Qin Qi came forward, the Thunder lion and tiger screamed and screamed, and the power was strong. The whole space was full of burnt smell.

Qin Qi, just a punch.

Immediately, the lion and tiger were shattered, and Qin Qi’s fist directly broke the Lei Fa of the Tianshi government.

"This..." The twilight was shocked, and it was too strong.

Green Luo is not surprised, just follow Qin Qi and continue to go deep into the underground palace.

After seeing Qin Qi’s family, Yi Kunlun was stimulated to mobilize all the computing cores and try to retrieve everything from the past.

He felt that the emergence of another dragon pulse had something to do with him. At least that part of the memory belonging to Qin Qi could only flow out from him.

In this case, no matter how clever the means, there will always be clues left behind.

What Xiao Kunlun has to do is to find it out.

Therefore, Qin Qi can not get any other help from the different Kunlun, but even if there is no different Kunlun, Qin Qi can also see that the construction of this palace should be between two or three thousand years.

It is not an ancient era that can be traced back.

It is no wonder that this Leifa was so easily broken by Qin Qi.

If Tianshi is really as strong as the legend, even Qin Qi, it is impossible to break it so easily, and even have the possibility of some twists and turns.

Here, it should be built by the descendants of the Heavenly Masters, and at that time, the power decline has been more serious.

Going forward, many of the arrays in this palace have also been touched by Qin Qi. For the earth, these arrays are already very powerful, and there are more than two stages in the blood.

But for Qin Qi, it is still as smooth.

Finally, Qin Qi and others came to the deepest part of the underground palace.

Here, there is a stone platform, above the stone platform, a skinny old man is sitting there, his breath is very dry and rotten.

I am afraid that Yangshou is running out.

"Zhang Yuyuan, I didn't expect you to be alive!" Shuguang saw the old man and couldn't help but exclaim.

Zhang Yuyuan, before the nuclear explosion, was an all-nighter in the cultivation world. The global law enforcers were arresting him, only because he cultivated evil laws and harmed many refiners.

Twilight thought that the other party had already died, but he did not expect to survive with the nuclear explosion, even to live with him.

"Twilight, it turned out to be you, no wonder you can come here all the way." Zhang Yuyuan slightly raised his head, from behind the grass-like hair, you can see two gaps.

"However, even if you are, it should not be so easy to break the Lei Fa of the Heavenly Masters. It seems that even in this era of law, your cultivation is steadily improving."

"You are now afraid to enter the door?" Zhang Yuyuan saw Twilight, but also surprised.

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