"Actually, you don't have to think so much, what you want to do, tell me, you can do it for the poor, I will do it for you!" Qin Qi smiled.

Don Sinuo stayed, and nodded, she believed Qin Qi said.

However, she only wants to stay so much now, and practice well. If necessary, she can also exert some strength.

The two talked for a while, but they did not touch the things that happened once, so that they would not be embarrassed.

For the time being, nothing has happened.

Don't worry about it anymore, Qin Qi is naturally relaxed. Next, it is to rectify and rectify this emperor country.

Whether it is the border or the interior.

However, Qin Qi’s current combat power is totally different from the territory he possesses.

His current foundation is based on the previous dream country, and then annexed several similar countries. It is only the level of Diamond II.

But Qin Qi, already under the stars, is invincible.

The development potential of the emperor country is not too big.

By now, the entire outer world is shrouded in an extreme repression, like a tight bowstring, which has reached the extreme.

Everyone knows that the war will start, but no one has taken the lead.

However, the top-level forces have been unable to hold back, and are not prepared to continue to test and endure. No one will put such a large piece of fat without taking a bite.

The black king is fallen, the fire king is old, the family is so faint, how can the alien wars be avoided?

In this case, it will start a **** battle, and the winner of the war may become the king of the world!

Hunting King College created an opportunity for the war in different circles, and now, it has also provoked everything!

Send troops, Black Palace!

This is the beginning, the war, and the moment spreads across the world.

After the border friction gradually began, Qin Qi was no longer polite.

Declaring war, cleaning, annexation, Qin Qi directly used the iron and blood means, began the crazy expansion of the emperor country.

Of course, doing so will also become an excuse for some powerful forces to declare war on them, but since it is an inevitable war, it is naturally fearless.

And this is just a corner of the outside world.

In other territories, the same thing is also being staged, and many generations who have been obscured in the past have risen in the war and smashed the territory.

They will have to leave their own in the world.

However, these are not the core areas of the war in the outer world.

The three major factions are headed by the supreme king, and the beginning of the war is the center of war.

It is like a meat grinder, no longer, no longer killing life.

Among them, the most violent battle situation is the collision between the Black King Palace and the Hunting King College. The two major forces have already opened a huge front.

Everywhere, it is burning blood and fire.

But because of the loss of the king, the Black Palace is weak, and can only choose to shrink. Almost every day, we must lose a large territory.

However, the Black Palace is simply unable to reverse this.

Zhang Wang did not dare to leave the Black King Palace. He could only stay here and guard the river.

But everyone knows this, so for the black king's encroachment, slowly began to be unscrupulous, the situation is increasingly optimistic.

As the only fire palace that can provide support to the Black Palace, it is now involuntarily.

Although I know that the lips are cold, but the king of the fire that is old and weak, it is a sword hanging on the head of the Fire Palace. It can be self-protected. It is already good.

The war started, and half a year later, I finally saw it.

The tone of the entire outer shuffle is almost shaped.

Zongmen Dasheng, Beijianzong, Nandaomen, from north to south, from south to north.

They cleaned all the way, and the territory of the Black Palace and the Fire Palace was indispensable, but there was no stopping at all, and there was a tendency to connect the power of the martial art.

The school, led by Hunter College, Ghost Valley College, the invasion of the black king's palace, the same benefits, the strength of the school is also growing.

The Black Palace lost a lot of territory, and can only build dozens of defensive lines against the Black King Palace. With strong foundation, it can still support, but I don't know how long it can support.

The Fire King Palace suffered a blow that was not as serious as the Black Palace, but it also contracted.

In this war, if you don't advance, you will retreat. This is also the beginning of the decline of the Fire Palace.

As for Hengsha Tower, it is to maintain a consistent neutral attitude, and to give strong support to the major forces, to say that the words are not good, it is entirely in the war.

However, there is nothing to help.

After all, no single force can leave the Hengsha Tower. Without the communication jade, it is impossible to co-ordinate such a huge front.

So in the end, the biggest gain is the Hengsha Tower.

Some even predicted that after this war has subsided, the resources confined by Hengsha Tower may even push the diamonds of Xingsha to the ranks of Wang Hao.

Of course, it is only possible, but it is only such a possibility, and it is enough to shake the world.

Under such a general trend, the emperor's kingdom could not stop. Qin Qi continued to annex with a strong force, and it was too late to digest it, and it was put into a new battlefield.

Fight the war.

Attracting all internal contradictions with war is what the emperor has to do now.

All that can be played are sent to the front line. How can there be time to fight, and where is the time to rebel?

The efficiency of this is also obvious. In half a year, the emperor country has expanded to the limit of the diamond power, and it is almost faster than the territory of the shoulders.

However, Qin Qi does not have the slightest joy.

He can go this step, mostly because the giants want to fatten and kill.

They are waiting for Qin Qi to grow up, and then they will return to Qin Qi, and everything in Qin Qi will naturally belong to them.

Simple and efficient.

And if you want to hold the territory of the Xingyao level, then become the starry glory, it is the root of everything!

It is a pity that the war is too expensive. Although Qin Qi constantly devours resources, it only lights up half a star, and can't step into the starry level.

Fortunately, the giants are now paying attention to the battlefield of the Black King Palace, and they can't get out to kill the sheep.

As for the Black King Palace, the past was so brilliant and powerful. However, after losing the king, only half a year ago, the territory has not existed, leaving only the last lap of defense centered on the Black Palace.

Of course, this circle of defense, even if it is Hunter College, is extremely difficult to break.

It’s just this critical moment, but there is a news of death.

Jiang whispered, disappeared from the Black Palace!

When Qin Qi got the news, it was also a big shock in his heart, and his face became extremely ugly.

Because he also received another news. The dark diamond was crowned successfully.

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