God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2073: Search

After the bone drill was given to the news in advance, Qin Qi was extremely concerned about the deep and dark drill.

And this matter may be related to the safety of Jiang's whispers. Qin Qi has already passed the gas with Zhang Wang, and this is almost the best.

So even if he can't find him for a while, as soon as there is movement, there will be news.

Now, the accurate news has been passed back, and the people of the Monojou Building have found a place where the deep and deep diamonds are promoted to the stars, where there is a deep and dark diamond and the scent of the stars is still amazing.

To be sure, the dark drill has been crowned successfully, but no one knows where people go.

It’s just that Jiang’s whisper suddenly left the Black King’s Palace. The two things are linked together, but it’s not so good.

When the Black King was in the dark, he did not dare to shoot a hundred timids in the dark, but now, the Black King has passed away, and the deep and dark diamonds are naturally fearless.

After all, if it is successful, he will increase his strength and become the strongest star.

Qin Qi did not dare to delay, and got all the details from Zhang Wang, and immediately left the emperor country.

The war of the emperor's kingdom will not stop, and Qin Qi must return as soon as possible.

"With the same intelligence details, I have already given a copy of Lord Luo, please be sure to find Miss!" Zhang Wang sent the message.

"Do not worry, in addition, you are always ready to keep the black palace not?" Qin Qi faint.

Although the two had a battle, they were already in the past, and no one would put it in their hearts. Instead, in the case of Jiang’s whispers, the two were on the same boat.

"I know!" Zhang Wang’s answer was full of blood and fire.

The original Jiang whisper disappeared. He said that he had to look for it personally. In his opinion, if there is no Jiang whisper, then it would be meaningless to guard the Black Palace.

However, Bailuo God appeared and looked for it, and he could only retreat to the next and continue to guard the Black King Palace.

However, this time has already, he has accumulated too much anger, for Jiang whisper, he has been patient, constantly shrinking the line of defense, and constantly order to retreat.

But now, Lianjiang whispers do not know where to go.

How can he be worthy of the teacher?

Even if it is dead, there is no face to see the black king.

Deceiving too much!

Then let these **** understand the pain and let them know that the Black King Palace has not yet perished!

On the same day, Zhang Wang left the black palace, just like a sword, rushed to the battlefield.

He is the supreme blessing of the black king's palace group, the power can be shocked, the **** battle is thousands of miles, killing countless strongmen, but also defeated the three stars.

Even killing three days and three nights, the power of one person forced the troops to retreat and not dare to enter.

Their attack on this road was too smooth, and they went to the heart and began to despise this once giant power.

Today, they finally remember the horror of the Black Palace.

Really being shot and horrified, they realized that the war was not so easy and they never dared to venture.

However, although the record is proud, but Zhang Wang has also paid a huge price, the injury is heavy, but only by doing so, can shake the whole army.

"The rest, I will hand it over to you." Zhang looked sigh, he could not fight again, he must recover as soon as possible.

Fortunately, the black palace is full of foundations, and it is not difficult to recover. It just takes time.

"Hey, it’s Zhang Wang, the black king’s love, it’s not easy!” Among the army of Ghost Valley College, Ghost Valley’s diamonds look cold.

He took the power of the army and worked hard with Zhang Wang, but it was difficult to compete. If it was not fast, he would have to be cut off by the arbitrariness of Zhang Wang.

A younger generation who entered the starry glory for less than a year, but completely crushed him, the face of the ghost of the valley, naturally does not look good.

"But doing this, your injury is probably a hundred times heavier than this seat. How long can you support it?"

"Unfortunately, there are other things to do in this seat. Some flies are too annoying. I still want to wait, but I am so happy, but I have to kill them now." .

On the main battlefield of the Black King Palace, there are two other stars, although they are not under the hunter, but they are biased towards the academic school.

With them, they can still maintain the suppression of the Black Palace.

Of course, after watching this battle, it is bound to converge, and the Ghost Valley drill can also take the opportunity to get out and consolidate the power of the academic school.

Remove the nail from the eye.

"There is a hunting sniper given by His Majesty, flies, and it will always be a fly!" The ghost of Ghost Valley smiled proudly, and the streamer flashed in his hand, full of horror.

Even the power of the king is flowing.

That is the power given by the Hunting King, and it is more than enough to deal with Xing Yao.

In the eyes of Zhang Wang, there is also a black king's palace ban, which can make black holes. If used properly, it can even make hunting hunts ineffective, which is a huge waste.

If not, the Ghost Valley Diamond will never save this power.

However, it is always useful when it comes to it.

The ghost of Ghost Valley smiled coldly, and his body shape shook, and it has disappeared into place.

Qin Qi launched Tian Yu Long Xiang, the speed is fast, and even on the shuttle void, but the huge world can be said to be infinite, even this speed, it seems a bit slow.

According to the clues provided by Zhang Wang, Qin Qi inferred several positions that may appear in Jiang's whispers.

For more than half a year, Jiang’s state of speech has been very bad. This is not only emotional, but even physical.

When both parents died, Jiang’s whispering was too big, and after returning, she kept shutting herself and no one was seen.

She was actually physically weak, she didn't have a special chair, and she couldn't even sleep. Now, the situation is even worse. Even lying on the chair can't sleep at all.

Qin Qi wanted to go see her, but was blocked out.

More than half a year of accumulation, I am afraid that fatigue has been extremely incomparable, and the spirit of the gods has fallen to a low point.

Not to mention that the Black King Palace has been besieged for the past six months, and all the bad news is constantly suppressed.

This time, Jiang whispered, but he left the black palace, I am afraid it can not bear it.

A teenage girl who will collapse is also normal.

On the contrary, she is also powerful enough to leave the Black King Palace under the eyes of Zhang Wang, even without traces, it is amazing.

"Not here?" Qin Qi looked at the giant city in front of him. This place is the place where the Black King rises, but it is not within the territory of the Black Palace.

Originally thought that Jiang will speak here.

"There are two more left, I hope to find it soon." Qin Qi sighed and prepared to leave.

There is a hidden worry in his heart. Pity has also gone to find Jiang lingo, but so far no reply, this is definitely a problem.

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