God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2088: Iron blood means

Another point is that Green Luo has rushed back from the border, and all these strong people have left their duties and gathered here.

The current situation on the border is probably terrible, and the defeat is like a mountain.

"I see, you didn't see the situation!"

"When you are in the car, you will die!"

"I won't wait for Qin Qi to come back and save you. Tell you, Qin Qi is afraid that he will not come back. He is right with the Hunting King. How long do you think he can live?"

"The emperor's kingdom can have today's territory, but the hunting king is letting go. He just wants to pick the fruit without much effort, and you, in the end, just fight for the hunting king!"

"All this is doomed. By now, you are still stubborn, then don't blame us for exercising justice!"

"The emperor's country has countless soldiers' lives, but you can't come!" Huo's voice is getting bigger and bigger, and finally, it has already stunned the sky.

He is cheering for himself and eliminating the shadow left by Qin Qi.

Now, he himself believes that it is already the general trend, and what they have done is correct.

Enemy with the King of Hunting, as strong as the Black King are dead, let alone them?

Today is fighting for life!

Such a sacred battle, along with the righteousness, hears people's eyes brighter and brighter, and makes those rebels more determined!

"Now, you should understand that what is the name of the righteousness, you, is the sinner, only to die of death!" Huo Gao sighed, like a verdict.

A group of rebels, at the moment, in the trial of the authority of the Empire!

Instead, there is a sacred taste.

But perhaps this is the only way to eliminate the fear of Qin Qi in the heart and the motivation to get the benefits promised by the college!

Seeking for wealth and danger, let alone, maybe there is no danger!

At this moment, shot!

The power of Huo Wei’s body has completely erupted. He will be the first person to take the shot, which may be a big bargaining chip for the future.

This is the case with the so-called name.


The floor was directly smashed, but at the same time, there was a sound of bone smashing.

It’s a skull, it’s burned!

It’s not Yu Botao, not Xingshan, not Green Lu and Tang Sinuo.

Representing the name of the righteousness, Huo Wei, who wants to strive for a better future for the entire emperor country, is so tall and powerful.

However, in an instant, directly crouched on the ground, a head, but also blasted under the floor, completely burst open.

Meng Qi and others, the strength of the body excites, is waiting to follow Huo Wei, but at this moment, they all froze, how Huo Wei died, they did not see.

What happened?

And just then, a voice sounded.

"Let me come to see and see, your righteousness." Qin Qi faintly, slowly coming out of the void.

Qin Qi!

Really Qin Qi.

Didn’t the Ghost Valley drill kill Qin Qi?

Can't you even hurt him?

This is a starry diamond?

If Qin Qi knows the thoughts in their hearts, he can't help but nod. This kind of glory is a shame to the whole world.

"Qin...His Royal Highness Qin Qi, we are just..." Meng Qi’s face was mad and he couldn’t help but get up.

"For the sake of justice, shouldn't you wait for the future, don't you fear death?" Qin Qi smiled lightly.

"You misunderstood, we are only some opinions on the country's strategy. Under the dispute, there is some impulse, but there is no rebellious heart!" A diamond plopped down, he recalled Qin Qi's terrible!

"This way, it is really hard." Qin Qi smiled lightly, pointing his hand, the diamond powerhouse directly flew away!

Everyone was soaked in cold sweat in an instant, could not help but tremble, and could not keep calm.

What is this means.

Under the glory, can someone do this?

Still, Qin Qi is already a star!

"His Royal Highness Qin Qi, this is a misunderstanding, I have no rebellious heart, but it is just too radical. Do you really want to kill me for this?" Meng Qi has some difficult roads.

"Why not?" Qin Qi shrugged.

In the heart of Meng Qi, Qin Qi has already killed his heart, and he intends to kill all of them together.

"His Royal Highness, I have not done it, this matter has nothing to do with us!"

"Yes, please also ask your Highness, we are all tempted by them to make stupid things!"

"Please ask your Highness, we will swear that we will fight for the Empire to death, and never take a step back!"

Those diamonds are all panicked, and what they say is not unreasonable. It is indeed the temptation of Meng Qi, thinking that Qin Qi has been killed by the ghost valley.

Under the general trend, this came together and wanted to subvert power.

In addition, if they are killed, then the high-level combat power of the emperor's kingdom will be reduced by more than half. Without their existence, it is difficult to support the scale of the emperor's country today.

It is like an umbrella, Qin Qi is one of the poles, but there is no bracket, but it does not work.

They all crouched down at the moment, swearing allegiance, and also felt that Qin Qi could not really kill them all.

"After all, it is wartime, you can kill the main criminal." Green Luo went to Qin Qi, whispered.

Today is the time of war, the pressure on the front line is even more enormous. When it comes to employing people, it really should not be killed.

Of course, the main offender is enlightened.

"Qin Qi, do you think that you can really compete with the academic school, do you think that the hunting king will allow you to continue to live?" Meng Qi only knows that Qin Qi will not let him go, suddenly pick it up.

"Tell you, return is the best choice, I am trying to live for you!" Meng Qi shouted.

"You are wrong, we can win." Qin Qi said.

Of course, I don’t want to give Meng Kai the chance to say more, it’s a waste of time.

Therefore, Qin Qi raised his hand and directly turned him into nothingness.

"Thank you for not killing your highness, we must die for the empire!" The remaining diamonds quickly bowed.

They thought they could live.

Even Green Luo, Yu Botao and others think so.

Only Qin Qi revealed a strange color and shook his head: "When did I say that I would not kill you?"

"His Highness, you..." Those diamond powers have changed their faces, but the words have not yet spoken, but the body has turned into powder.

Qin Qi raised his hand and destroyed it.

Did not leave a living mouth.

And this is the end of the rebellion.

For the entire emperor country, almost half of the people are not loyal, and if they want to let them break the rebellious heart, there is only a means of iron.

On the contrary, it is death, so simple, fools can recognize clearly.

In this way, anyone who wants to rebel must be measured.

"The order is passed down, and everything is implicated, do everything, do not leave alive!" Qin Qi's indifferent voice echoed in the hall.

Obviously killing these few, not enough, but also to kill more.

This is not a big deal for Qin Qi. In the Tianyuan world, Qin Qi’s stick destroyed the Huang Daolong Palace, and where did the dead creatures clear?

Just the road of the king, **** people!

Rain Bo Tao, they have come back to God.

They think that Qin Qi should stay, but since Qin Qi chose to kill, it must be carried out, killing everyone to know the pain, will have internal stability.

Even, it just looks stable.

"Reassured, I will do it well!" Yu Botao said, he has already set his posture, and his voice is full of coldness.

His command is passed on, presumably, it is a violent storm, I do not know how many people will be killed, people head to the ground.

But it is also the time to show the real iron.

I think that the emperor country is going to die, so I want to rebel in a strong way, want to shrink the power, and protect myself?

That is all delusion, everyone, only to accompany the emperor country to fight to the last moment of such a choice, otherwise, it will die in the hands of their own people!

"As for those who have not followed the rebellion, no matter what they are considering, they should be reused, and the strategic materials will be doubled!" Qin Qi continued.

There may be no reason to participate in this because of the fact that there is no loyalty, but it is not important.

Important, just an attitude!

"Good!" Killing his heart and nodding his head, but also relieved, it seems that Qin Qi is not stunned by anger, but to be an awesome king!

The irony of blindness is by no means the best, and there are penalties and rewards, which are prerequisites for stability.

"Forget it, kill it and kill it!" Green Roger pouted.

She also knows the benefits of doing so, but how to get through the difficulties is a problem.

Of course, with Qin Qi’s current strength, it’s not a problem. The only problem is only hunting king!

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