God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2089: War bonus

When Qin Qi came back, he naturally set the core of the heart. With him, no one will worry about anything, even if it is impossible to get through the difficulties directly, but at least, there is hope for victory.

Yu Botao quickly explained the situation and let Qin Qi know the current fierce battle on the border.

Although there are red lotuses in use, and soldiers are like gods, they are still weak and weak, and it is difficult to support the overall situation.

She and her wolf smoke can only resist in one direction.

This is already not easy.

The rest is almost the entire line of defeat.

Of course, this is only the border. There are also many internal rebellions. The war is blocked, and all kinds of cows and ghosts will naturally come out. It is also expected.

In the end, this is just a hodgepodge. I can't talk about any unity. I have the interest to go together. No, it is to sweep the snow before, or even to fight for the so-called benefits.

However, when Qin Qi’s iron-and-blood means are passed out, these people should stop a lot. After all, other things are secondary to life.

Even if it may end up being defeated by the academics, it is always good to live a day.

"These problems are nothing. Anyway, it is the territory that has been inflated in the short term. It is nothing to do with it. The core position is not lost." Qin Qiwei smiled, the current situation is not the worst.

Of course, for Qin Qi, as long as the people who value it are still there, then it is not bad.

"But this is not the way to go." Yu Botao frowned.

"It is no problem, the school faction can not always attack us. In the battlefield of the Black Palace, the pressure they face will become bigger and bigger." Qin Qiwei smiled.

As long as the Black King Palace is there, for the Hunting King, it is like squatting in the throat, and all actions will stop.

The more the vast territory, once stopped, the more contradictions there will be.

After all, it’s not just that there are many internal problems in the emperor’s country. The same is true of the academic school.

Not to mention that the territory they acquired was owned by the original Black King, and the Black King ruled for millions of years. The majesty has long been ingrained. They will have more internal problems than the emperor.

So this is a war that can't stop. Once it stops, the inside will take the lead in cracks. At that time, it is not easy to lightly start the war, and it must be digested.

Now, for the entire outside world, no force is willing to stop, because it means that it misses the bigger interests.

This is the case with the outside world. Next, Qin Qi only needs to solve the boundary step by step.

As for the Black King Palace, Jiang Lanyu has been crowned with success and become the youngest star Yao. At the same time, she has the will of the king to start all the arrangements left by the Black King.

The army that besieged the Black Royal Palace will soon eat again, and this time, it will be more horrible than before.

All the affairs will be determined in the shortest time, and the entire emperor country will start to work slowly with the national capital as the center.

This is an integration and a cleansing. As long as it is successful, the problems within the emperor's country will be greatly alleviated.

Of course, the territory will shrink further and be eaten by the college.

However, this is exactly what the emperor country needs, abandoning the extra cumbersome territory, leaving only important resource points to alleviate the internal problems brought about by the stop-war war.

This will be of great help to the re-warming in the future. It will not be difficult to stop the pace of the school like the King of Hunting.

The next period of time will be a series of hurricanes, and I do not know how many people will die.

The resistance you receive will never be small.

However, Qin Qi’s personal pressure is to protect Wanquan.

Thus, in three months, the Prime Minister’s country has finally completed the initial integration, and all the small forces have been turned into gears to cooperate with the entire country.

There will be no longer a sense of stagnation.

With these time integrations, the territory of the Dizhao Kingdom is nearly one-half less. However, it is not an important resource point. It is not a pity to abandon it.

What's more, Qin Qi believes that as long as the war continues, these territories will return to their hands sooner or later.

Next, you only need to slowly figure it out. With his current realm, you don't need to take risks as before. Step by step is the best choice.

In this way, with the internal stability, the border army finally stood firm on the new border, no longer evaded continuously, and blocked the army of the school.

The army of the academy, who walked through the depth of one-half of the emperor's kingdom, dispersed a lot of troops, and all the way went smoothly. At this moment, they suddenly encountered tough resistance, and they were in a mess.

Finally, the first victory after the constant defeat, under the wolf smoke, became the horn of the emperor's national counterattack.

The red war woman, such as the **** of the army, that touched the bright red sweeping the battlefield, no one can be enemies.

At this moment, she has thoroughly absorbed the crystallization of Qin Qi brought back from the Orc Mountain.

The pure and powerful power, coupled with Qin Qi's many auxiliary means, plus her own talent, naturally achieved the best results.

The threshold of the diamond can't stop her.

After the achievement of the diamond, condense one's own deity - smoldering wolf smoke, the title of the battlefield goddess, is completely seated, even in the outside world, I believe no one is more suitable for the battlefield than her!

She and her more and more powerful wolf smoke, I do not know how many times to create a miracle of war, to win less, to win and win strong battles, abound.

The prestige of the Red War women, also from the Tianyuan world, resounded to this great alien!

The war in the outer world has reached the point where it is now, war has become the main theme, and in the chaos of the world, countless days of arrogance shine on this stage.

How can Hengsha Tower let go of this opportunity to show his face and make a list of the rising stars in the war.

The Red Warrior is undoubtedly among the best, but the third person in the war.

Before her, there were only two veteran warriors, one from Hunter College and the North Jianzong, and one of them was still star-studded.

The power of a great king, only the first person in the army can overshadow the red war women in military capabilities.

Even the Red Warrior has overpowered the knife door and the first battle of the Fire Palace.

The evaluation of Hengsha Tower is not high.

But even if there are many doubts, I believe that no one will look down on Honglian anymore.

In addition to the opening of Honglian, Wenyang Yue, and Mengli, each also got a crystal, and now, they have entered the ranks of diamonds.

The power of innocent for the totem of the sacred beast is really powerful. Qin Qi is very satisfied with this.

As for the remaining crystal, it is also the biggest one. Qin Qi did not give anyone, but cooperated with many auxiliary arrays, and joined countless high-level resources to help the core of the empire to enhance the realm.

For example, Yu Botao, killing love, Xingshan, etc., all entered it, and got huge benefits.

Although I can't make a diamond in one step, I also came to Platinum I, and my strength has soared.

With the digestion of the war dividends, they have set foot in diamonds, and it is not difficult.

This is the charm of war, plundering everything, strong body, almost impossible to resist!

With these changes, the majesty of the core of the Empire is no longer as weak as it used to be. With them, those who have come back will also converge on other minds.

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