God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2091: War again

The direction of the war has always been unfavorable to the Fire Palace, but compared to the Black Palace, the Fire Palace has not even anyone who can provoke the girders.

That is to say, once the king of fire has passed away, the Palace of Fire will be destroyed faster than the Black Palace, and no one can stop this.

After all, the Fire Palace is not even a star.

Even in such a troubled world, Xingyao is accelerating, but the Fire Palace is even if it is a star, what can it be used?

At that time, the starlight of others was definitely two or three.

In this way, the Fire Palace has no future.

Therefore, it is better to fight for it, perhaps to change the life of the day, there will be a glimmer of life.

If not, what about the black king?

What Jiang can speak can be done by Tang Sinuo.

Of course, all this is just a guess. No one knows what the King of Fire is doing.

Therefore, the giant forces on the top floor have begun to slow down the pace of war. The strongest king of the generation wants to do something terrible before dying, or to pinch it.

Even Xing Yaozhen did not dare to appear on the battlefield, for fear of becoming a target.

The war calmed down in this anxiety and waiting, but everyone knows that the storm will only come even harder!

"Let's go back and see, I want the King of Fire to kneel down and want to see you." Qin Qi came to Tang Sinuo.

The war calmed down, Qin Qi also found a rare free.

Tang Sinuo stood in the yard and looked at the ancient mulberry in front of him. The leaves were dying, so red and beautiful, but the beginning of decay.

"The place I used to live in, there is such a fire mulberry." Tang Sinuo did not look at Qin Qi, slowly.

Today, the past has long been put down, and there is no such thing as a shackle between the two. Instead, it is like a very close friend who can tell everything.

"Well," Qin Qi nodded.

Tang Sinai turned slightly and looked at Qin Qi. Some curiously said: "How do you know that I like fire mulberry?"

This fire mulberry was planted by Qin Qi, naturally it was planted for Tang Sinuo, but Tang Sinuo did not know why Qin Qi would do this.

Qin Qi was silent for a moment, watching the luxuriant fire mulberry, it was the most beautiful season, but it was the last moment of dying before the dying.

Qin Qi has some sighs in his heart.

"Original, I promised to keep you secret, but I should still tell you now." Qin Qi slowed down.

"This fire sang is handed over to me by your grandfather. He asked me to plant this tree in the place you can see." Qin Qi sighed.

"What?" Tang Sinuo is beautiful.

"Have you met my grandfather?"

Qin Qi nodded and said: "It’s my Majesty’s initiative to come to me. To be honest, I was really shocked and thought he was coming for revenge.”

"However, he gave me this fire mulberry."

In the eyes of Tang Sinuo's eyes flashing, some complicated, and then she whispered: "Grandpa, what did he say?"

Don Sinuo still does not want to retire to the palace.

She understands the hardships of the King of Fire and understands her obligation to contribute to the family.

However, that is not what she wants.

The last thing was far from unexpected. It made her heartache. She made too many slippers. Now, she doesn't want to live for others.

It’s just how the **** connections can be given up. In fact, during this time, she is hesitating, should she return to the Fire Palace.

"He didn't say anything special about him. He just asked about your current situation. I told her that you are very good, don't worry."

"Then I will not ask anything again, he will let me take care of you." Qin Qidao.

The king of fire, indeed, only said this, but his look of the day, but it makes people feel a bit sad, it is extremely old, completely without the majesty of the generation of the strongest king.

It is like an ordinary old man who regrets his past decisions.

How does Tang Sinuo suffer, how can he not know?

My own granddaughter, the proudest pearl, how can he not love?

Only when you are a king, there are times when you have to compromise.

His helplessness is lost to the years!

"Grandpa..." Tang Sinuo’s eyes were red, and the body could not help but tremble.

She should go back, if the king of fire really has not had much time, at least, to see the last side!

"Go back, I am escorting you." Qin Qidao.

Tang Sinuo lowered his head and then lifted up. There was no hesitation in her eyes.

No matter what happened, she should go back!

It was just at this moment that the fire sang in front of it was full of red light, and even the sky was red!

The light and shadow of the silk scorpion condenses between the leaves of the fire mulberry.

And looking at such a fire sang, Qin Qi and Tang Sinuo are all in the heart, have a bad feeling.

Almost at the same time, Qin Qi’s communication jade received the news, which is the highest level of news.

Qin Qi's face was white and white, and then slowly opened.

The king of fire, passed away.

just now!

"Sino..." Qin Qi spoke, but did not know how to tell her about the news.

Just standing in front of this glowing fire mulberry, the beautiful girl whose tears continue to flow, I am afraid, already know this bad news.

The king of fire burned himself with his last life and regained the power of his former best.

That is the strongest king of fire, that is the strongest king who has not lost time!

He shot, the object of choice is the North Jianzong.

He has nothing to worry about, a blow to the body, the flame of perpetual burning almost burned the entire sword palace, the king of the sword, in desperation to fight, but also submerged under the flames.

The final result is undoubtedly the fall of the king of fire.

At the moment of the shot, he was already destined for his death.

However, this last blow, but also through the sky, shaking the entire world.

Until the horrible flames of the North were scattered, the symbol of the Northern Swords and the palace of the King of Swords, the Supreme Court, destroyed more than half.

Moreover, the king of the sword will not be able to do so.

I am afraid that the injury is not light.

The most powerful king’s death strike has nothing to do with whether he was declining during his lifetime, and that is the power that can’t be stopped.

Just like the black king under the serious injury, the final blow still makes the Hunting King pay a huge price.

And the king of the sword, presumably the same.

The outside world lost its voice and fell into silence.

Whether this is as expected, but the fall of a generation of kings needs to be respected.

However, under this silence, what is brewing is an unprecedented storm!

The balance of the aliens was once again defeated, and the power of the Northern Jianzong was instantly defeated. Their strength with the Southern Knife Gate was also broken at this moment.

North and South sects, no war is impossible.

Confusion, chaos.

The final choice of the King of Fire made the pattern of aliens completely confusing.

There seems to be a black king palace with rising power.

The fire palace that is about to decay.

The most powerful king is also seriously injured by the Hunting King College and the Northern Jianzong.

And will never let go of the North Jianzong, and at the same time may have reached a consensus with the King of Fire in the Southern Knife. Take the lead and move the whole body.

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