God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2092: Road shot

This is indeed the best choice.

With the final blow, Wang of Fire completely defeated the possibility of any one big one.

It is indeed a good thing.

However, it is still a step.

Like the rise of Jiang whispering!

But where is that step?

Is it left in the Palace of Fire?

not at all.

Not everywhere.

The king of fire seems to have fallen like this, never leaving a little bit.

This makes some hopes of those who are concerned fall through.

It’s just that others don’t know, but Don Sinuo is very clear.

The king of fire is left behind, just in front of the fire mulberry tree.

Above the fire mulberry, the red light is like a burning flame, in which the light and shadow condense, gradually reaching out to the Tang Sinuo standing still.

"Grandpa!" Tang Sinuo's tears blurred his eyes.

She did not know the news of the fall of the King of Fire.

But she knows that the king of fire has fallen.

She clearly made up her mind to go home and go home to see.

She wants to say that she does not hate anyone.

However, there is no chance.

The king of fire has passed away and will never appear in this world again.

"Grandpa!" Tang Sinuo couldn't stop crying, and he was shaking all the time.

And the radiant flames above the fire sang slowly fell on the head of Tang Sinuo, so gentle, it seems to be with pets.

It’s like when I was young, my grandfather smiled and touched the granddaughter’s little head.

"Sorry, sorry, Grandpa, I am sorry!" Tang Sinuo squatted on the floor, tears continued to roll down.

Qin Qi looked, only silence.

The king of fire may be wrong, but he also defended his own people with his own life.

He is just an incompetent grandfather, but he is definitely a respectable king!

The flames on the fire sang slowly swayed, seeming to have some nostalgia, but eventually dispersed, it was the last force left by the King of Fire.

It is also a seed, planted in the blood of its own heritage.

On the body of Tang Sin, the flames began to ignite, and the eternal fire burned wildly.

Everything left by the King of Fire, including the will of the king, is inherited by Tang Sinuo, and her power will naturally be upgraded as never before.

The death of the Black King is not in the plan of the Black King, but the small world he left has become a gift to Jiang Qingyu.

The king of fire is different, he has already embraced the determination to die, and what he left is naturally not just the will of the king.

Starlight gathers and condenses for the crown.

In the endless flames, Tang Sinuo is crowned as a shining star.

The blazing flame burned the void.

It will never die, it also represents the will of the fire king, will continue in the hands of Tang Sinuo.

"It's time to go back. It's time to go back." Qin Qi sighed.

I saw the fire rushing up to the distance.

Tang Sinuo, returning to the Fire Palace.

She will inherit everything from the Fire King and defend him!

However, the war will not stop, and everyone is waiting for the outbreak of the big event, and even if many people expect it, it is imperative to restart the war.

A more violent battle has begun.

And this time, it seems that there are more possibilities. The rising stars will follow the bodies of their predecessors and pick the fruits of their orientation.

The emperor's kingdom is no exception, once again entering the all-out war.

However, it seems that the king of the knife replied to the king of the fire, the knife door gave up the territory that blocked the emperor's kingdom and the fire palace.

At the same time, for the main battlefield of the academic school, the Black King Palace also rushed all the way, and finally, completed the meeting with the emperor country.

Plus the Black King Palace and the Fire Palace are dependent on each other.

Now the three parties have joined forces and become a new pattern.

The triangle is the most stable shape, geometrically, and it seems to be the same in war.

The three parties are connected and mutually dependent, and they have solidified and stood firm in a more chaotic war.

I believe that as long as it is not the king's shot, then, Qin Qi, their union, will not be broken.

Now, the king does not seem to be so easy to shoot.

The two injured kings don't have to say that it is not that easy to recover.

The remaining king of the knife, they will not be able to take them out for Qin Qi.

This pattern gives the up-and-coming talents more room to play.

Therefore, since the fall of the King of Fire, the list of Hengsha Tower has been constantly changing, and the frequency is fast, several times in the early days of the war.

However, on the list of personal combat power, Jiang Liangyu and Tang Sinuo are ranked one or two, and absolutely no one can shake.

The Warriors list, Hong Lian is a step back, was overtaken by an up-and-coming young war.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that the emperor country is gradually stabilizing, and Honglian does not have much record.

The Terran was in chaos, but the fierce beast did not sneak in. After all, their own situation was not so good, and they also fell into a full-scale war.

For the vacant totem of the sacred beast, the three most powerful ethnic groups want to get it. Although they will not personally take it, they will support other ethnic groups and compete for it.

Originally, they only intended this way.

But once and for all, the investment is not the same as it was at the beginning. Since the war has started, it can still be stopped, and with the influence of the Terran side, it is almost out of control.

By now, it has become a full-scale war, and the three ethnic groups have begun to stand up and march.

It seems that the war will continue to endlessly until it reaches a new balance, and no one dares to lighten the balance of the war.

But it can be foreseen that the arrival of that balance, at least a few hundred years later.

However, the arrival of this war was full of surprises.

Then it seems that it will not be expected.

After two years of fighting, suddenly, it was over.

The reason for the end is indeed beyond the imagination of all people. It can be said that no one has ever thought that war will end in this form.

Road boundary.

That's right, it's the number one in the world.

That is invincible, over the boundaries of all the world!

Dignified, he personally intervened and forcibly stopped the continuation of the war.

Who can say a word?

But the world of the top ten is independent of each other. After the wars of the gods, each of them is a war-torn world. There is never another world, and the top ten worlds are shot.

Not to mention the road.

The Taoist world gathered almost 70% of the world's peerless powerhouses, and the remaining 30%, two percent were occupied by the Weiyang world, and the rest of the world was only the strongest of the last one.

Such a trajectory is itself a yearning for the strong, and they have never participated in the wars of the heavens.

Because of the strengths of the birth of the gods, perhaps the final goal is to go to the border.

Therefore, the Taoist world only needs to maintain a posture that is superior to all beings, and naturally it will continue to be driven by powerful sources.

But this time, the road actually forced to intervene, it is the first time in ancient times.

Why do you have to condescend to do this kind of thing?

After the Taoist shot, the war in the outer world, whether it is the Terran side or the fierce beast, immediately stopped.

Everyone is under pressure.

In the face of the Tao, the outside world is indeed not enough to look at and must be treated with caution.

If there is hostility, then at that time, the forces of the outside world must say that they must not unite.

It’s nothing to kill people in their own world, but if other worlds want to step in, it’s not so easy. It’s possible to form an alliance directly with the enemy who just met on the battlefield.

At this point, the historical heavens and the kingdoms are like this. Compared with each other's hatred, it is the first priority to resist foreign enemies. As for whether it can resist, it is a matter of words.

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