God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2122: robber

During the time when Qin Qi assassinated the city of Jincheng, they also walked around Jincheng, inquired about the news, and were familiar with the environment. Naturally, there was a space in the sky.

This is one of the most famous creations of chaos, which is to help the existence of the strongest king, not to mention them!

"The power of the Star Pool should be limited?" Zhao said.

"Of course, it is limited. In general, anyone in Jincheng has the opportunity to enter the Star Pool. Most of them can only stay for a quarter of an hour."

"But this time, you can stay longer!" Qin Qi smiled.

"How long?" Yan Lin couldn't help but be bright. She felt that she chose to cooperate with Qin Qi, and it was still the cooperation led by Qin Qi. It seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

"I don't know, I can only see when you will squeeze all the power in the star pool!" Qin Qi laughed.

"What!" Everyone is wide-eyed and somewhat incredible.

Even if Qin Qi saved the city of Jincheng, the other party would not be so generous.

After all, the power of the Star Pool comes from the big star, which is also the Tianquan Star. Therefore, the total amount of power is limited. Only when it is used slowly, waiting for the star pool to rely on the power of the star, and self-condensing the free star force can be used. It takes a long time.

In general, Tianquanxing gave the support of the Stars in the middle circle, which is a millennium. After it is used up, it can only wait for the next millennium.

According to rumors, Jincheng’s Tianxing Pool will enter the new millennium soon.

Directly squeezed?

In the next millennium, Jincheng can hardly use the Star Pool again.

A bit of the taste of killing chickens and taking eggs.

How can Jincheng City Lord promise?

"Qin Qi, what did you do to Jincheng City Lord?" Bailuo couldn't help it.

"Take him back from the **** of death, the star pool, but the power of a thousand years, is it still not life?" Qin Qi smiled.

For those who are strong, the millennium is actually a flicker.

But even so, everyone is still hesitant. Although this is a good thing, and it is extremely attractive, it always feels too dreamy.

"Oh, I know!" But Jiang whispered suddenly.

"What do you know?" Don Sinuo looked slightly.

"I heard Meng Liu said that when Qin Qi went to treat Jincheng City Lord, he became a woman. It must be tempted. Right, even, you and the city owner..." Jiang Ganyu’s speech was very bold.

Tang Sinuo and others can't help but open their eyes.

Is the sacrifice really so great?

Qin Qi’s eyes couldn’t help but shake up, his face was gray and black, and he gnashed his teeth and said: “If you don’t hurry, then go back to rest, this star pool, don’t use it!”

At the moment, everyone shut up, serious, and began to adjust interest rates in order to get the best results.

Qin Qi shook his head helplessly. He could only say: "If you don't want to be late, let's move faster, don't worry about anything else, just **** the power of the Star Pool!"

"In addition, Jiang whispered you to stay with me, wait a quarter of an hour to go in again!" Qin Qi swears.

Jiang whispered a mouthful, but how could he be obedient, Qin Qigang finished, he had already sneaked into the star pool, the whole person was flooded by the pool.

Seeing this, who is willing to fall behind, have entered the Star Pool.

The water in the pool, like the Xinghai, began to slowly rotate, and then turned into several vortexes, each of which represented a person.

It is Bai Luoshen and others who are fully absorbing the power in the star pool.

Although it is a thousand-year power, it seems that there are not many, but in this process, the free star power is also continuously absorbed, so the total amount is more than what is now seen.

Moreover, Qin Qi is not a display.

At this time, he has already studied in depth with the star pool. Although it is not possible to build a star pool by itself, it is still possible to add some auxiliary arrays.

Can let them absorb some more.

At the moment, everyone is desperately absorbing power, consolidating the realm, strengthening strength, making up for shortcomings, and even rushing to higher places.

And Qin Qi, is also constantly arranging the formations, increasing the power of the Star Pool.

It is a pity that after all, it is only the star pool in the middle circle. How to work hard, the upper limit is still there, let alone so many people absorb it together.

In the millennium, all in one day, all were absorbed.

However, it is obvious that the atmosphere of Bailuo God has become stronger. On this day, the meaning is extraordinary. For those who are deeply mired, it can even be worth millions of years!

"It's so powerful, it's a star pool, and the realm has improved a lot!" Zhao couldn't help but excite.

He has only recently added a starry glory. It can be said that even the realm has not been consolidated, but now, it has already gone a few steps forward, and it is extremely stable and does not leave a shortcoming.

If you replace it with Qin Qi's system, he is now three stars!

Not only him, but the harvest of other people is also huge.

At least Samsung's existence, and Bailuo and the two kings, reached four stars.

In addition, Bailuo's body is derived from the power of the night locusts, the will of the kings in the two kings, and the heart of the white diamonds, all of which have completed further liberation!

The improvement of strength allows them to use more power!

In addition, the bones of the diamond, the strength is even more amazing, although it has already been the five-star stalwart fighting power, but this level, the gap is still very large.

And now the bone drill, should be able to shoulder with Ji Tan, very close to the realm of the strongest king.

It is a pity that if there is a star pool, I am afraid I can really be promoted!

But this is no doubt a luxury.

Even Ji Tan is the first cadre of Jincheng City, but every millennium can only enter the Star Pool once, not even those who are present.

"It's a magical power, this chaotic collar is far stronger than the imagination!" Tang Sinuo whispered.

"So the Tao, this chaos is only relying on the existence of the Tao, and what an amazing creation in the realm?" Zhang Wang could not help but yearn for.

"Perhaps, for the world, these are not what 's amazingly made.'" The white diamond shook his head.

"If this is the case, we are entering the realm. I am afraid that it is still not easy to live." Yan Lin smiled.

Their amazing creations, perhaps in the eyes of others, are just ordinary resources.

If such a big gap, then, can the road trip really come to the end?

After all, they went to the Taoist world not to seek the law, not to travel, but to compete for a reverse.

If you have not yet entered the realm, it will be a situation of nine deaths and a lifetime. It is hard to imagine what to face.

"However, the Taoist circles all call it a counter-contemporary creation. Then, what kind of creation is it?" Qin Qi smiled lightly.


That kind of creation.

I really want to see and see!

The fear of the Tao, the worries of the Tao, are not lacking in the mind, but for the strong yearning, for the unknown expectation, no practitioner is lacking.

The future is fascinating, but the blood is hot, and I can’t help it!

"Well, don't feel the life, how do you rise in the outer world, then in the realm, once again, what can be worried?" Qin Qi laughed.

"That is also true," Zhao said with a smile, said: "Qin brother, then what do we do next?"

"Give you the right method!" Qin Qi laughed.


"The law of the road?"

Entering the realm, it is absolutely impossible for the superiors to be the strongest of the heavens and the real world. If you do not transform the power into the strongest spirit as soon as possible, the disadvantages will be too great.

The private collection of Jincheng City owners is not bad. There are many exercises. Although most of them are damaged, they can't be cultivated at all. But who makes Qin Qi have a "super computer"?

Even if it is a residual volume, it can be restored through infinite simulation analysis.

"Yes, it is the law of the road, but time is tight, you can first familiarize yourself with the power of the exercises, and then enter the Taoist circles to practice again. Only in this way, we will not fall behind in the first step!" Qin Qi Shen channel.

Who does not want the law of the Tao?

Everyone couldn't help but see their eyes lit up.

"Qin Qi, where is the law of this world, and it may not be suitable for us." Jiang whispered, their respective attributes are different, and practicing a kind of exercises may not be too good.

"Of course, take it from the treasure house of the city owner, take the right one for you!" Qin Qi laughed.

Is it the gift of the Lord of Jincheng?

Everyone looks weird, they really feel that Qin Qi is definitely the color of the city, otherwise how can it be beneficial again and again? Qin Qi is speechless, just want to slap them all to the wall.

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