God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2123: Heaven and earth, yellow, universe

The collection of Jincheng City Lord is not simple. He is the beginning of the Yellow Emperor, and he has been fighting for over a million years.

There are countless treasures of all kinds, except for the resources that Qin Qi can use to devour, the rest, there are not a few exercises.

Today's Qin Qi, has already looted the treasure house, the part that will be swallowed will be the second star two points at a corner, it seems that the distance is lit, nowhere in sight.

These Qin Qi did not care about it. At this moment, he took out all the exercises of the Jincheng City Master Collection.

The number is quite large, and it can even be said to be dazzling.

But most of them are cruel volumes that cannot be cultivated. Only a few of them can be cultivated, and they are equally damaged, but the level of damage is different.

Generally speaking, if the damage is more than 50%, it will not be cultivated at all. If you can barely cultivate, most of them will have more than 60% integrity.

For example, the previous one-eyed Zhou Qing is to cultivate a 60% completeness of the exercises.

The 72nd road of the Jincheng City Lord is 80% complete.

The gap is not too small.

Of course, there is a huge gap between the grades of the two people's exercises, so the power that can be exerted is also different.

In the realm of the Tao, the Gongfa, the treasures, etc., are divided into four categories of the universe, including the most advanced level, the most powerful, and each level, and the fourth level of junior high school.

For example, the seventy-two roads, if it is intact, it is the high-level power method of the Yu-level, the power is ten times stronger than the broken one!

The high-level work method of the Yu-level is actually not a cabbage practice, it is already considered powerful.

And no matter the realm of the warrior, or the level of these exercises, the word of respect is extraordinary.

For example, the yellow environment is revered, such as the level of the ranks of the ranks, that is the power to have a crown of the whole world or a big grade.

The gap is far more powerful than imagined.

So respect, even if it is only a level, is also a very powerful force.

It is also worth mentioning that the universe in the wilderness of the universe is not unrelated to the word "Yu" owned by Qin Qi. After all, the access conditions of the Yu-level exercises are the voids that can affect the Tao.

And this also shows the strong side of the road!

"It is strange that ‘the heavens and the earth are yellow, the universe is flooded’, but they are occupied, but the progress of the power level, the two are just the opposite.” Qin Qi suddenly raised such a thought.

Heaven and earth are yellow, from strong to weak.

The universe is flooded, but it is weak to strong.

Is it just a simple naming method, or is it profound?

Qin Qi is not known.

"How do you practice these exercises?" The people gathered around Qin Qi and saw the exercises that Qin Qi put out. The eyebrows could not help but entangle.

The carrier of these exercises is either jade or paper, but the contents are all ruined. The most serious ones, even the only ones that are not enough, can be said to be waste.

"Otherwise, you still want to complete the whole work, it is not bad!" Qin Qi turned a blind eye.

The status of Jincheng City Lord can only get these. Otherwise, the law of the Taoist world cannot be so rare. Even if it is chaotic, no one can cultivate.

"It can damage more than 50%, and it is impossible to cultivate." Jiang whispered.

"No problem, I can complete it. What you need to do now is to find a proper method for you!" Qin Qidao.

Such a practice, Qin Qi can actually complete the completion?

At least the people of Xuanjing!

Even if it is a Zhou-level practice, it is feared that Xuan Zun cannot complete it.

But since Qin Qi said this, it is obviously not an empty talk, and who wants to miss this opportunity?

First choose and then say.

The remnants of the martial arts in one place are all "fits" that cannot be cultivated, but it is difficult to resist the enthusiasm of everyone.

It is Yu Lin and He Xian, some depressed.

Their harvest this time has been very large, and the realm of both sides has reached the level of four stars. This kind of thing, I didn’t even think about it before.

It is a pity that they are ferocious beasts, and the Terran exercises are not suitable for them at all.

"This is for you." Qin Qidao, already ready.

The beasts can't use the Terran exercises, because the way the beasts increase their strength is the same as the monsters.

Blood is everything that is a beast!

At this point, Qin Qi understood in his heart, so when he was searching for the treasure house, He Kunlun specially selected several secrets for Qin Qi to choose.

These are the secret techniques that can help the demon to improve the blood power, and are equally effective for the alien beasts.

Among them, one of the "three-dimensional blood-surgery" was selected, and the computing power of the different Kunlun was used to complete it. At this moment, it was handed over to Yulin.

"This is a ternary refining technique that can help you to refine your blood. Although it is only a mid-level, but the complete mystery, the effect should be good enough for you to use it for a while." Qin Qi laughed and handed the secret to 岚Lynn them.

At this moment, the cultivation of secret techniques and exercises is just a transition, turning the power of the body into the strongest spirit, and being familiar with the system of the Tao.

If you stand firm in the future, you should choose a stronger secret technique.

But the first step now is the most important thing, and you must not wait for it.

After all, this may be related to being able to survive after entering the border.

"Thank you!" Yan Lin and He Xian are all bright eyes, it is difficult to hide the excitement in the heart, thank you Qin Qi sincerely!

"You can rest assured that what you have invested in us will try your best to give back to you in the future!" He Xian solemnly said.

First, the star pool, and then the ternary blood refining, Qin Qi their help, re-create the same, let them convinced to follow.

"First familiarize yourself with this mystery. Don't look at the meta-level, but the difficulty of cultivation is far beyond imagination." Qin Qidao, did not say anything more.

He Xian and Yan Lin nodded and each of them calmed down and began to study this secret technique.

Sure enough, the difficulties are heavy, and the differences between the cultivation methods and their past are huge, but as long as they cultivate, they can condense the strongest spirit, at least not weaker than the human strength, but they are not successful.

Fortunately, it is possible to add to the existence of Xingyao, and how comprehension is not low. Soon, there are some ideas.

Without paying attention to them, Bai Luoshen and so on have already had some inductions, roughly the exercises they need to cultivate.

Although these exercises are only fragments, the attributes can still be distinguished. In addition, there are still some power running methods in the residual volume.

Although it is impossible to cultivate by this, how much can be judged whether it is suitable for oneself. "Qin Qi, this one, quickly fill this for me, I have a hunch, this is a super powerful method!" Jiang whispered a piece of jade, called Qin Qi.

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