God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2124: Individual exercises

It was a dark jade. The material was very special. It couldn’t be named, but the power of the exercises, although it was already ruined, was faintly exuding the power of darkness.

This may be a powerful exercise.

At least, it is definitely suitable for Jiang Qingyu.

"Well, I have to see if your air traffic is really so powerful!" Qin Qi smiled and handed the jade to the different Kunlun for simulation completion.

Different Kunlun is also very cooperative, and he is very incomparable. At this moment, it is a core of computing that is directly open, and the computing power brought about by this is not comparable to the powerful Xuanjing.

Different Kunlun has long been different from Tianyuan World. It has no power that is almost omnipotent in the past, but also needs to grow and explore.

But in a sense, it is even stronger!

After only a few breaths, the exercises chosen by Jiang Qingyu were completed and completed.

"Her airlift is really good." Different Kunlun Road, and the whole work of the exercises, appeared in the system interface.

"Yu class respect!" Qin Qi can not help but be surprised.

The skill of the ranks of the ranks is very bad. Within the whole chaos, I am afraid that there are only seven strong stars and so on, and they can cultivate a stronger power than this.

Even in the realm of the road, there will be a certain amount of capital. This first step is very solid!

"How, is it very powerful!" Jiang whispered with a big eye and looked forward to the road.

"Yu first stage." Qin Qidao.

"Cheat, impossible, tell me what grade it is!" Jiang whispered, who would be fooled, ready to pick up the bricks.

"Okay, look at yourself." Qin Qi is speechless, what is the number of the girl, just a little girl, so this is also the benefit of Qin Qi, a little bit of a good attitude?

However, as soon as Jiang Huiyu became like this and had a direct connection with him, Qin Qi could only cry and cry.

Jiang Qingyu has long been a girllike figure, tall and tall, and like a fairy. At this moment, she is very tall and naturally more proud. When she sees the content of the exercises, she jumps excitedly.

"Yu class respect, haha, great!" Jiang whispered, laughing, very excited.

Yu ranks her, she also knows what this represents.

This means that her start, even on those kings!

"Black day unicorn 诀, this is my strength!" Jiang whispered a deep breath, calmed the mood, with this practice, the power gap between her and the hunting king will slowly shrink.

At least the current Hunting King, I am afraid that I have not received such a level of practice.

"I got such a good thing, thank you very much for thanking me?" Qin Qi snorted.

"Well, if you become a woman again, we will sleep together in two nights!" Jiang whispered and laughed.

In this way, Qin Qi can only turn his eyes.

Seeing the Jiang whisper has actually got the practice of the Mu-level respect, everyone is envious, and also look forward to it, perhaps, they can also get a similar practice!

However, it turns out that even if it is a residual volume, the skill of the ranks of the ranks is not everywhere.

The next few people were not so lucky, they got the middle to high level of the Yu, and the respects that were obtained did not appear again.

"You have chosen no, no big two exercises have let Qin Qi complete, as for this hesitation?" Jiang whispered to look at Tang Sinuo, grinning.

Tang Sinuo also smiled and immediately selected a piece of bone, saying: "Let's do this."

"In fact, there is nothing to complete the two doors. It is not too late to make a decision." Qin Qidao.

"No, I can feel that this is the best for me, but it is a bit damaging. I don't know if you can complete it successfully." Tang Sinuo said, after the decision, she did not go to see what another order is. idea.

"Good", Qin Qi nodded and handed the bones to the different Kunlun.

This method is recorded in the bones. It looks very old. I am afraid that the years of experience are hard to imagine. I can’t say that this method is extremely strong.

"Hey, how is this so slow this time?" Immediately, Qin Qi was surprised.

Even the "Black Sun Kirin" obtained by Jiang Qingyu used only a few breaths.

And everyone obviously has this awareness, and I can't help but pay attention to it.

"It won't be so powerful!" Jiang whispered twice.

"Different Kunlun, what happened?" Qin Qi could not help but ask.

Different Kunlun has started the core of twenty operations, and it is clearly a problem.

"This method is special, and the degree of damage is not small. It is indeed difficult to repair it." He Kunlun replied, and Qin Qi listed a pair of simulation figures.

These are the prototypes of the simulations that were simulated after a large number of calculations by different Kunlun, but it is obvious that there are several positions that cannot be accurately answered no matter how they are simulated.

“Lack of power reference?” Qin Qi quickly understood the source of difficulty.

"Yes, the power involved in this method is beyond the record of my database. There are several parameters that may need to enter the realm to be acquired, so it is impossible to complete the completion." Explain the statement.

In fact, the situation is naturally more complicated than this.

"How far can it be completed?" Qin Qidao.

"60% or so."

"Then let's do this first."

For the time being, this can only be the case. If there are no parameters, even if it is used by 10,000 cores of different Kunlun, it has no use.

It is like a primary school student who only learns to add or subtract, but let him do high numbers. If you don't add knowledge, then you can't get the answer again and again.

"This method is somewhat special. It only fills 60% for the time being, but it has already met the cultivation conditions. You will use it first, and then you will complete it!" Qin Qidao, handing the Gongfa to Tang Thinking.

"Do not extinguish the fire!" Tang Sinuo's eyes lit up, although it is still not known about the original grade of this exercise, but at least for now, it is definitely not weak.

Perhaps you can reach the power of the ranks of the ranks!

"Even if it is a scrap, it does suit me, thank you very much!" Tang Sinuo said.

"You and I don't need to thank you." Qin Qi smiled and immediately looked at Bai Luoshen. Some funny words: "How are you, you are left."

Bai Luoshen heard the words, his face could not help but reveal a bit of grievance.

"There is no suitable method for me!" Bai Luo Shen helplessly.

The power of Bailuo God, without attribute division, is really difficult to find a suitable practice.

"Then will use this method." Qin Qidao, handed a piece of jade to Bailuo.

The name of this method is very simple. It is called "Ling", which is one of the basic exercises of the Tao. Without dividing the attributes, the highest can only be cultivated to the Yellow Emperor.

However, even the basic practice, "Ling" is not as simple as imagined, and there seems to be rumors, this "Ling" is special, has a mysterious next article, but no one knows how to get it.

Of course, this kind of rumor obviously does not need to be considered, just as a transitional exercise method that condenses the spirit.

In this way, everyone has already got their own secrets of secrets, as long as they touch the doorway, successfully run for a week, cultivation is carried out immediately, and the spirit is born.

Unfortunately, time does not wait for people, they do not have time to master the power of exercises first.

Everything is important to enter the realm.

"Next, the Jincheng City Lord will take us into the inner circle, which is the Tianquan Star, and with the authority of the Jincheng City Master, has the qualification to open the gateway to the Tao."

"If all goes well, we will be able to enter the border through that door!" Qin Qidao.

Everyone heard the words, but also gathered up the excited mood and began to prepare for this.

Qin Qi said that everything is going well.

So what if it doesn't go well?

Within the Tianquan Star, I am afraid that it is impossible to escape. But apart from that, there is no choice but to take the plunge!

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