God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2132: Entering the inner circle

one day later.

In the middle of the Capricorn star, Qin Qi lies in the gap of a piece of stars. The breath of the body is completely hidden. With the surrounding magnetic storm, even if there is a mark, the star of the Tianquan Star will be extremely difficult to master. position.

And after an uninterrupted battle, the mark of Qin Qi has not been as clear as before.

At this moment, Qin Qi was lying there and did not dare to expose any breath.

And his body looks very miserable, his limbs are almost all broken arm, the chest has a big hole, and even the Kunlun heart between the flesh and blood is visible.

Fortunately, Kunlun’s heart and heart are slowly pulsating and have not suffered irreparable trauma.

"I didn't expect the star close to the Huangjing to be so terrible!" Qin Qi bites his teeth, his eyes tremble constantly, this injury is also very heavy for him.

If the wolf is not killed, Qin Qi is now estimated to have been killed by the other side.

Fortunately, this place is the middle of the Capricorn star. There are magnetic pole storms everywhere. The horrible meta-magnetic arc can break out anytime and anywhere. It is precisely because of this that Qin Qi can escape from the powerful star.

However, although it is fierce, Qin Qi’s harvest is huge.

There are two stars in the pursuit, one of which is even stronger than Jianghua, but it was attacked by Qin Qi and forced to kill.

While killing each other, in the devouring all the treasures of heaven and earth, Qin Qi’s second star in the yellow environment has already illuminated four corners.

Only one step away, you can completely light it.

By then, Qin Qi will be able to achieve the golden environment.

With such an upgrade, coupled with the complex environment of Capricorn, Qin Qi naturally wants to shoot another star.

Qin Qi also found an excellent opportunity.

However, it ended up failing.

The star will have the strength of the peak in the yellow, and the distance is not far away.

These powers are also the standards that the Black King can achieve.

It’s really terrible.

Even though Qin Qi took advantage of the sneak attack, he was quickly suppressed by the other side, and then it was almost a one-sided situation.

Qin Qi means to do it, Kunlun to the dragon, have not been able to defeat it.

Even almost died in the opponent's strongest shot.

Fortunately, there was a sudden appearance of a magnetic storm, and it was extremely fierce, which interfered with the star. Otherwise, Qin Qi wanted to survive, but it was really difficult.

And playing this game, Qin Qi will also have a sneak attack.

After all, it is the ultimate strength of the game. For him, it is still a bit tricky.

However, when Qin Qi enters the middle and kills him, there should be no problem.

"There is not much time, first recover more than half, then enter the inner circle." Qin Qi whispered in his heart.

His current state can not go out, otherwise this magnetic storm will have a fatal threat to him.

And he has to be careful, after all, I don't know if the star will have gone.

However, Qin Qi also believes that even if the other party does not leave, it should not be found so soon.

Qin Qi was beaten miserably, but the other side could not find much benefit, and the state was already very poor. It was only better than Qin Qi.

No, he has given up and does not want to continue to be in a place like Capricorn.

Qin Qi’s guess is not wrong.

The star will indeed give up.

The environment of the Capricorn is chaotic. His mastery of Qin Qi’s position is vague and continues, fearing that there will be danger.

The gentleman does not stand under the wall.

He didn't want anyone to come out at this time and kill him.

Here is the chaotic collar, there is no time to relax.

"Damn boy, count your life!" The star will be evil.

Both of his arms were broken by Qin Qi, and the damage was extremely thorough. The wound was difficult to recover, and with other injuries, the state fell seriously.

It is really dangerous to stay here.

He did not make sense for a Qin Qi, setting himself into danger for Jiang Hua’s dereliction of duty.

At the moment, he did not hesitate to leave the scope of the Capricorn.

However, what he did not notice was that between the countless meta-magnetic arcs, a dark point slowly emerged, and he rushed to the distance.

The dark, twisted shape consists of a dense black foam that constantly rolls over and changes shape, giving the scalp a tingling sensation.

In the end, the state he presented was like a demon, and opened his mouth!

Qin Qi is not sure that the star will have left, so he does not dare to have too much action. The recovery speed is not too fast.

Only in the process of repairing the injury, faintly, even the power of the wood system appeared, slowly infiltrating into the body of Qin Qi.

In this chaotic collar, and in the middle circle of the Capricorn, the power of stars is the most common power attribute.

Other void forces, etc., although they exist, are not many.

The strength of the wood system is even rarer.

Especially in the middle circle of the Capricorn, there is no world law, and it is difficult for any plant to grow rooted here.

Some, perhaps they have become sophisticated trees.

This Capricorn star, is there a demon strongman?

Qin Qi was fretting in the heart, but absorbed this power, but did not feel the slightest wrong, so did not resist, but seized the opportunity to recover the injury.

So, it is another day's time.

The time left for Qin Qi is really not much. He can't continue to stay. He must take a look at this last chance.

Qin Qi came out of the gap. It seems that the body has recovered as it was, but in fact, the internal injuries cannot be resolved.

It just seems to be healed.

And this is also the light that touches the body of the dragon vein, otherwise the surface cannot be restored to this extent.

Qin Qi stood on the surface, carefully avoiding the meta-magnetic arc that may appear at any time, and then carefully sensed it, trying to determine the source of the wood power.

"In the direction of the inner circle?" In a short while, Qin Qi opened his eyes and looked in the direction of the inner ring.

It seems that the source of this wood power is consistent with his destination, which is the home of the Capricorn.

In this case, Qin Qi certainly has no possibility of staying, and is far away.

As Qin Qi continued to deepen, the surrounding magnetic storm became more and more terrible. When he stepped into the inner circle, Qin Qi felt a huge threat.

It's no wonder that no one has been in the star yet, and the magnetic storm in the middle circle is enough to make it difficult.

Fortunately, Qin Qi’s current body and realm, even if injured, can still be supported.

Going deeper, but the speed is much slower. And looking at the arc-like arc of almost the size of a mountain, cutting from the distance obliquely, the void was directly turned into two halves. Qin Qi couldn't help but tighten, and some were uncertain whether he could go to the end.

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