God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2133: Linden

The magnetic pole storm is so terrible, and, in this inner circle, it is said that there is also the existence of the metamagnetic Capricorn, which is a more terrifying energy body. Qin Qi encountered it, fearing that it would be a life of nine deaths.

Fortunately, there are also different Kunlun.

Different Kunlun is responsible for massive calculations. Even if it is a random magnetic storm, he can calculate the model trajectory so that Qin Qi can react in advance.

Otherwise, it may be impossible to move.

"The strength of the wood system is getting stronger and stronger, but when you get here, you can feel it. It is really not the breath of human beings." Qin Qi whispered in his heart and approached carefully.

Although this power has been sublimated into a spirit, there is still a difference between Terran use and other ethnic uses.

This should be the demon, and the tree demon.

In the looming, Qin Qi even has a subtle sense of familiarity. Maybe before, he had contacted the other people's family, but now it is transformed into a spirit, and the change is too big to judge.

However, from the intelligence of the Jincheng City Lord, this Capricorn has the existence of Ayna Nathro.

Shouldn't there be a master of Buddhism, how can it become a demon?

Qin Qi thought about it and was constantly approaching.

After avoiding a horrible magnetic storm, the wood power became more intense, and the world before Qin Qi finally changed.

It is no longer a desolate and empty silence.

In front, there is a huge mountain range, and between the towering peaks, there is a deep rift.

This area is very calm and there is no horrible meta-magnetic arc.

It is like an oasis in the desert.

When Qin Qi saw this, he immediately entered the rift valley. He only felt that his body was light and he could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

When I came here, Qin Qi’s induction was even clearer. In addition, Yi Kunlun did not need to continue to calculate the magnetic arc of the element. After distracting the calculation, he knew what race.

"You don't have to say, I know, advanced to see and talk." Qin Qidao.

His heart can't hide and beat faster.

The subtle familiarity of the past, after really touching this power, Qin Qi finally understood where it came from.

And between the strength of the wood system, hiding the Buddha power in it, but also confirming Qin Qi's imagination.

However, it may be just the same race.

After all, the universe is so big, the gods and the world do not know how many creatures, it is exactly the same, it is not impossible, but only the same family, can not explain anything.

Of course, Qin Qi’s footsteps are inevitably quicker.

This rift is deep, as if it has not been able to reach the end, but perhaps because of this, the Yuan magnetic arc can only rush into this place.

Qin Qi walked, started running, and then began to fly.

He wants to know which tree is here.

Is it the one he knows?

Finally, the long rift also had its end to the end. Qin Qi flew by, and the two sides were no longer rocks, but a world of sudden empty space.

This is a valley in the mountains, a rare place in the magnetic storm.

Even the faint world law is condensed enough to rival the mid-circle of the Tianquan Star.

Stepping on here is like coming to another world.

The flowers and flowers of the birds and the colorful colors are completely opposite to the outside world.

In this paradise, a tree, rooted in it, the roots must be discerned between the hard rocks, each one is like a dragon, vigorous and powerful!

Solid roots, propped up the tall trunk, and the dense foliage.

The branches and leaves are green, exudes Baoguang, and has deep roots in Buddhism, but more is the rhyme.

This is a linden tree.

The treasure tree of Buddhism!

Sakyamuni is enlightened under this tree and is worthy of the supreme fruit.

"Sure enough, Bodhi tree!" Qin Qi could not help but get excited.

But even if it is in front of you, it is still uncertain whether this is the one he knows.

Moreover, here is not only the Bodhi tree rooted here, under the Bodhi tree, there is a monk, sitting there, the treasure is solemn, the Buddha shines.

It’s just that Buddha light, but it’s so evil, not a golden light, but a deep darkness.

Fallen Buddha!

"Ayna Nashiro?" Qin Qi's eyes picked up slightly.

Ayna Nathro is a believer of Devadado, and is essentially different from Buddhism's **** of protection, Shura.

Their beliefs are different.

The strength of the repair is naturally different.

In their hearts, they have their own Buddhas and believe that their beliefs are the most correct avenue in the world.

Ayi Nassau is in front of him, and Qin Qi certainly cannot be underestimated.

However, the other party is not like a Shura. It is more like a monk. He is wearing a worn-out shackle. He has a word in his mouth and he does not know who made the sutra.

Qin Qi has no time to spend here, no matter who the other party is, what ability he has, he must act.

The Kunlun heart in the body vibrates, and a chain of dragons screams and screams, connecting each meridian of the flesh.

Qin Qi can carry out Kunlun to the dragon at any time, and can also enter the killing wolf at any time.

"The donor, but with doubts?"

On the occasion of Qin Qi’s move to the Bodhi tree, Ayna Naluo suddenly spoke.

He slowly opened his eyes, it was a pair of strange eyes without eyes, but the eyes were not black, but a touch of gold.

But in the middle of the golden color, it is a slang word.

A black plaque.

It is very similar to the trampoline.

"Monk, what Buddha do you believe, this Bodhi tree is left by Shakyamuni, what can you feel under this tree?" Qin Qi smiled.

Ayi Nassuo's hands clasped together and said: "My Buddha is a Buddha, and it is a Buddhist orthodox. The Bodhi tree is a Buddhist tree, not a tree of Sakyamuni. Naturally, you can understand."

Sure enough, do you believe in Devadado?

Qin Qi faintly frowned.

Some do not understand the power of Devadado and Sakyamuni.

After they leave the Tianyuan world, they naturally become powerful. Otherwise, it is impossible to cross forces across the universe and capture the fragments of the Tianyuan world.

But, Buddhism, really headed by them?

Before the two left the Tianyuan world, the Buddha world already existed for many years, and the Buddhism power inside has a powerful power far beyond them.

How come to the end, the letter is still them?

Qin Qi was puzzled.

But Buddhism has always been deep, and this is the same everywhere. Qin Qi does not expect this Ayna Nathu to give him the answer.

"Monk, this tree, where did you come from?" Qin Qi asked.

What he cares most is this tree.

“Does the donor have a connection with this tree?” asked Ayna Nathro.

"I want to know if it is the one I know." Qin Qi said lightly.

In the eyes of Ayna Nahlu, the pale gold flowed slightly, and the Buddha’s word became deeper.

"This is Otaru's travel in the universe is an accidental gain, but when it gets it, it is dying, the little scorpion saves it, turns it around, and finally let it take root here!"

"The little sister has a relationship with it, and he wants to emulate the Buddhas and get the fruit under the Bodhi tree!" Ayna Naluo slowly said.

"It's the soul of the soul, is it now damaged?" Qin Qi brows.

"The damage is very serious, it has contracted in the tree, and has not woken up." Ayna Naluo clasped his hands.

No wonder this tree has not waved out.

"Monk, don't let it go, it's convenient, I want to wake up its soul." Qin Qi said. Ayi Nassau’s face changed slightly. Finally, he nodded. “The donor please.”

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