God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2155: Everlasting Buddha

The legends of those gods and gods are not true, but it is obvious that there is an answer to the dragon dance.

So they re-entered the universe and began to search for the eternal Buddha.

The eternal Buddha Buddha is the mysterious land of the universe. It can be said that there is no trace to find, all by chance. However, such a combination is that it is difficult to keep mysterious.

Although the process was not easy, in the end, they found the eternal Buddha and set foot in it.

When Bodhi said it, it began to be difficult to say.

Qin Qi raised his eyes and understood that it was because there were strong men in the eternal Buddha's soil, and they had cursed everything in the Buddha's soil. Even if they were separated from the Buddha's soil, they could not spread the things.

In this regard, Qin Qi is also helpless.

But isn't there still a leaf fish?

Qin Qi worried about the dragon light dance, of course, refused to wait, forcibly use the latest invincible and dark food to move the lazy adult leaf fish, let her help unravel the curse in the memory of the Bodhi tree.

"Buddha cursing curse, or this kind of series, I said, you are busy with me, but bear the pressure. If you move, you will touch the Buddha's cause and effect!" Ye Shenyu frowned.

"He will definitely report on the day!" Qin Qi can only say.

"Well, look at the food, I will be very difficult to help you, but I also tell you the truth, even if it is me, it is impossible to unlock all the curse." Ye Shenyu Road.

"You can't do it?" Qin Qi couldn't help but wonder, is the level of the other party so high?

"It came out of the eternal Buddha. I have never been to that place. The vultures inside are so powerful. How easy it is to deal with?" Ye Shenyu turned a blind eye.

Qin Qi is strange.

"Eternal Buddha Buddhism and Buddhism, the same as the Buddha's Holy Land, how is the difference so big?" Qin Qi could not help but frown.

"Who told you that the difference is great?" Ye Shenyu laughed.

"Buddhist world is just one of the top ten worlds. Even if it is stronger than the outside world, it is impossible to be strong. Even if it is the Buddha inside, I am afraid it is not your opponent?" Qin Qi said.

It’s hard to be done, isn’t it like this?

"You are wrong, the Buddha world is different from other worlds. You can think of the world directly as a strong person. Do you think that what kind of existence can resist a whole top world?" Ye Shenyu laughed.

Wen Yan, Qin Qi could not help but open his eyes.

This is too exaggerated.

Can the entire Buddha world be seen as a whole?

This Buddha's door is really terrible. Just listening to the words of Ye Shenyu's understatement, Qin Qi can't help but swallow.

But that is Buddhism. If you think about it, it is not impossible.

But it is certain that other worlds have no such ability.

Only Buddhism, the only way of the Tao, the incense of prosperity, and even the willingness of the heavens and the world to come together, this ability has the ability to turn the entire Buddha into a whole.

This is already a demon-like power. It gives people the feeling that apart from being terrible, there is no peace.


In the heart of Qin Qi’s sigh, Ye Shenyu was snoring, and the breath slightly floated, and then completely covered up.

Obviously, Ye Shenyu untied part of the curse and paid a price.

"Okay, I can only solve so much now, and I can't do anything else!" Ye Shenyu shrugged and left with dark dishes.

"How?" Qin Qi looked at the Bodhi tree.

"There is a lot of information to say," Bodhi responded.

The specific conditions of the eternal Buddha's land can't be fully explained, but what happened after the dragon light dance can be said to be a rough idea.

At least it can be said that the dragon light dance is now innocent!

And this is what Qin Qi wants to know most, and the others are secondary.

"She's fine!" Qin Qi breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed a lot. "So, she is now in the eternal Buddha?"

"It should be still, but not sure," Bodhi Tree Road.

According to the Bodhi tree, after they entered the eternal Buddha's land, they were shocked by everything in the Buddha's land. This place is innocent as the holy place of Buddhism. There, there are six clean and meditation Buddhas.

On weekdays, it is a scene of peace and harmony. In some cases, there are also high-level lectures, helping other disciples to worship Buddhas and dragons to dance them.

It is simply a pure land!

But soon, they found out that it was wrong.

The Buddhist disciples here seem to be peaceful and calm, but they are not really hopeless.

On the contrary, it is like being castrated, and only one thought is left in the heart, that is, on the other side, you can prove eternal life!

All Buddhism disciples believe that as long as they pray for the Buddha, one day, the Buddha will lead them into the other side and realize eternal life!

But this problem is big.

The other side is the way of Devadado.

Eternal life is the word of Sakyamuni.

Devadado wants to build six reincarnations and open the other side, so that he can live and reincarnate.

And Sakyamuni, it is time to return to the Buddha, to achieve eternal life and not die.

One is reincarnation and the other is eternal life!

The idea of ​​completely left is also the key to the separation of Shakyamuni and Devadado.

But what is the eternal Buddha's land, the two people's roads are even mixed together, and the Buddha's sorghum inside is convinced.

Very strange place.

Especially with the passage of time, even the Lianlong light dance they have to recognize this kind of road.

It was only the end of the dragon dance that they were not assimilated, because there was a riot in the eternal Buddha.

The Buddha's soil of peace and harmony began to stain the blood.

On that day, the disciples in the Buddha’s land suddenly appeared to be mutated. On the other hand, it was golden and the other side was dark as ink, but both sides were buddha.

There is no doubt that the inheritance of each of them comes from Sakyamuni and Devadado.

Then there is the battle, and the beginning of forcing, is the collision of two systems.

The dragon light dance and other people were also affected. The Bodhi tree was shot out of the eternal Buddha, and a monk who was attacked by Ayi Nashua was also killed.

It turned out that this is true.

Sure enough, what Ayna Nathro said was false.

"That Buddha is not very dangerous?" Qin Qi could not help but feel tight.

"It is for us, but it is not for the female bodhisattva and the trampoline." The Bodhi tree continued. "The trampoline evil spirits are familiar with the two sides and come to the eternal Buddha. He is like a fish into the sea. , there is his holy place!"

"And the Bodhisattva has a Buddha Buddha body. Although the power there has an influence on her, as long as the heart is kept unchanged, those influences will only make her more aware of the Buddha in her heart."

"It’s listening, and I’m out of the eternal Buddha with me. I don’t know where it is now,” said Bodhi Tree.

He can only say so much.

As for how strong the sorghum is in the Buddha's soil, why is it suddenly violent, why the two sides are noisy, and so on, are secrets that cannot be said.

Although Qin Qi really feels amazed, but perhaps only in person with the eternal Buddha, can know everything.

"However, the eternal Buddha Buddha does not seem to have three stones, so now, the female Bodhisattva may have left." Bodhi Tree Road.

"Not there?" Qin Qi sighed.

Can dragon light dance find Sansheng Stone?

After finding it?

How will she decide?

Qin Qi does not know.

What he has to do now is to leave this **** peak.

After three days, Ye Shenyu arranged everything, and they smoothly opened the place. This leaf fish has been in the millennium, Qin Qi stayed for a year in the cage.

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