God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2156: Yagami Pass

Through the complicated void cracks, Qin Qi and Ye Shenyu finally left the Tianshen blood peak and appeared in the outside world.

This is a magnificent river, seen by the human eye, infinitely broad and magnificent, but there is no human smoke, but it is a wild land, is the territory of the beast.

Of course, Ye Shenyu will not care about this.

The life of the cage in the millennium is finally over. At this moment, her heart is full of excitement. Standing on the top of the mountain, her clothes are moving with the wind. Immediately, she took a deep breath, which is the taste of freedom.

Qin Qi has only experienced one year. Although it is also exciting at this moment, naturally there will be no feeling of immersed fish.

Looking at the deep-sucking leaf-sinking fish, and the twin peaks that were even more straightforward, and even some of them have come out, Qin Qi couldn't help but swallow his mouth, and his eyes were struggling between the other places and the unruly.

Ye Shenyu glanced at it, could not help but laugh, but did not mean to blame.

She is a fish, and this confidence is still there. If there is a man who is willing to leave at the moment, that is a great denial of her charm.

When did she receive this treatment?

Unless the other party is not a man.

"Where is this?" Qin Qi coughed and asked.

"Who knows, anyway, it’s not a cage." Ye Shenyu shrugged, no matter where it was, just breathing fresh air.

However, it seems that she really does not know that the road from the peak of the blood **** peak is so rugged and chaotic, the location is not specific.

In this way, Qin Qi did not go to the leaf sinking fish, but took out the jade card that was given by Tian Zun.

This is a voucher, and there is a mark of Tianzun on it. Since Qin Qi came down from the peak of the blood, it would not be able to hide.

Now that there is a **** peak in the sky, then this jade card should be inductive, and what to do next, there must be a message.

Sure enough, the jade card began to illuminate and began to wake up, and it was no longer the state of losing contact with the Tianzun forces that did not know where.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Qi perceives a change in the breath of the jade card. There has been a lot of news coming in. Presumably, this jade card, in some respects, is somewhat similar to the communication jade.

Qin Qi glimmered and quickly explored the perception for retrieval.

There is a lot of information in the jade card, and the earliest piece of information should be counted after the time limit set by Tian Zun.

The content inside is very simple. Congratulations to everyone entering the Taoist world and passing the first assessment.

Then there is what to do next.

Throughout the whole article, Qin Qi discovered that there was nothing wrong with the speculation before the stagnation of the fish. Tianzun did not rush to bring these people together, but gave them time to grow.

Moreover, Tianzun arranged the treasures in eight places in the Taoist world, called the Eight Gods Tibetan, for these people to compete.

Undoubtedly, the people who get the Eight Gods will gain a rapid growth, and they will not stop there.

After all, it is the benefit that Tianzun personally gives. The gap between the realm of most of the people calling is simply unmeasurable. It means that there is a bit of fragmentation between the seams. It is estimated that people can benefit for a lifetime.

In this case, all the callers started the second round of fighting, the first goal is naturally eight gods, the general position of the jade card is marked, enough to make people crazy.

Of course, for the people who call, the Tao is a brand new world. The opportunity of creation can be said everywhere, so some people do not choose the Eight Gods, but they open the way forward.

"I thought that my growth this year is not small, it seems that it is not the one that has the most harvest." Qin Qi could not help but shook his head, his look slightly dignified.

In the past year, his harvest has been enormously incomparable. Apart from the realm of the realm, the improvement of the other parties is not one or two points.

But these are all relying on his own efforts, but it is a bit of accumulation and transformation, and nature is more immediate than not being able to win the heavenly blessing.

Of course, Qin Qi will not be arrogant, after all, he has the blood of killing, is a treasure that Tianzun can not give.

This is the first piece of information in the jade card and the most important one.

According to the information, waiting for the Eight Gods to be collected, the third stage will be opened.

Qin Qi's brow wrinkled and looked at the rest of the information. Those are the status quo of the announcement of the Eight Gods. A total of six messages represent the two gods that have been acquired.

Qin Qi’s heart moved and looked at a map attached to the jade card.

The map is very simple, but you can see the direction. There are eight circles on it, which represent the Eight Gods, but six of them have been dimmed.

The remaining two, one is bright and the other is always bright, but the position seems to be constantly changing.

I am afraid that each represents a state in which we are fighting for a monarchy and no ownership.

In the map, there is also a general location of Qin Qi, but because the boundaries are too broad, no maps can be covered, so most of the territory is folded and not shown.

Qin Qi looked closer to one of the circles, but was about to rush, but did not know when to go.

Qin Qi spit out a sigh of relief and looked back at the pieces of information.

The above not only publishes the status quo of the Eight Gods, but also marks the owner of the Eight Gods, and whenever it changes, it will be updated.

Qin Qi looked at each name and his eyes picked up slightly.

These six people, Qin Qi only know one, that is the hunting king!

He actually stood out from the high hands of all the worlds and got the sixth god!

Even if it is the king of sand, there is no such victory.

In addition, there is no holy thousand.

This person is not good either?

The masters of the heavens and the worlds do not seem to be underestimated. After coming to the border, they have disappeared all the time. I am afraid that they are dislocated wild horses and do not know how high they are going.

Since Tian Zun has so much to summon Zhou Qianzhang to call the strong people of the heavens and the world, presumably, there are some things, only these talents can do it.

If it is not a bit of a skill, how is it possible?

In addition to the King of Hunting, the remaining people Qin Qi did not know, and those names have never been heard, but by intuition, there should be two different types of strong, that is, the Yao, Orc, Elf, etc. Waiting for non-human, magical groups.

The rest of the Terran, a Mozu, and one should be a Buddhist monk.

Of course, apart from the fact that the slogan of Buddhism is really special, the judgment of the other few is only a rough, not sure.

"Empty Bodhisattva, the holder of the Eighth Gods." Qin Qi looks slightly flashing.

This should be a power from the Buddha world, perhaps a female bodhisattva, and because of the relationship between the dragon and the light dance, Qin Qi pays special attention to its nature.

The dragon light dance is now unknown, perhaps still in the eternal Buddha, perhaps left, and may even go to the Buddha world.

After all, she found too many places, even the eternal Buddha of one of the mysterious places has set foot, but still did not find the three stone.

The Buddha world is perhaps the most likely place. "Ye girl, are we looking for someone to find someone first?" Qin Qi finally interrupted the air that Ye Shenyu continued to enjoy freedom.

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