God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2157: Not falling city

Six of the Eight Gods have already had the Lord, and the rest is in the midst of fierce competition. How can Qin Qi miss it.

And he must also collect intelligence as soon as possible to confirm whether they are safe.

In addition, the state that entered the Taoist city at the beginning, nowadays, this is the heart of Qin Qi.

These are all difficult to let Qin Qi continue to stay here.

"Well, I haven't seen anyone else for a long time, even if it's a mortal, I think it's a paradise!" Ye Shenyu nodded, this time she was not lazy, looked around, the power of her body was sweeping stand up.

Qin Qi was rolled up by the power of the leaf-sinking fish, and immediately the two disappeared in the same place.

When it reappeared, Qin Qi had already come to a giant city, and the walls of the city were strong, and the ancient nicks represented the years.

This is an ancient city.

And because of the war, there is no place on the wall that is not immersed in the war, the murderous gas is born, but more, it is the ubiquitous spirit, ready to annihilate the invaders who want to cross the wall.

Very powerful defense, even if it is not fully opened, Qin Qi can not help but be shocked and dangerous.

"It seems to be a border city of a certain country and a different kind. Although this place is a bit messy, it should be very lively!" Ye Shenyu eyes brightened.

She likes to be lively now!

Qin Qi is naturally familiar with the battlefield. I believe that no matter which world, the border cities will not have too good security, except for the complete military fortress level, such as the autumn seal.

Otherwise, it is a mixture of dragons and snakes, and it is extremely chaotic.

The lively rhythm of Ye Shenyu is really an elegant rhetoric.

"Ye girl, let's talk about it." Qin Qi quickly pulled the leaf-sinking fish ready to go to the city.

"What?" Ye Shenyu wondered.

"You see that you go in like this, I am afraid to cause a huge sensation, or a little cover better." Qin Qi smiled.

The roots of troubles.

And such as Ye Shenyu, it is a piece of cake for the country and the people. Qin Qi believes that as soon as he appears, this "hot" ancient city will become more "live".

The border has been holding on for a long time, and maybe it will be ruined today.

Ye Shenyu pouted, said: "Is it necessary, a small town, is there anyone who can take me away?"

"Nature does not, but there is no need to cause a sensation." Qin Qi laughed.

Ye Shenyu shrugged and succumbed to it. When she saw that her face was not much, she was covered with a layer of fog. When Qin Qi looked at it, it was the original appearance of Ye Shenyu, but in the eyes of others, it was different.

This is a blind eye method, the leaf sinking fish is laid out by hand, the real strongman naturally sees it at first glance, but in this city, there should be no existence of that series.

To achieve this step, Qin Qi can not dare to have any extravagance, and now walked with the Ye Shenyu to the city.

A lot of people were coming in and out along the way, but the people who entered the city were full of fierce anger, and they were injured in the body. They should have come back from the battlefield outside.

In the absence of a large-scale war, this kind of squad-like action is also a good choice for these warriors who are not military.

As Qin Qi walked and observed, he had a concept about the realm of the warriors at the bottom of the Tao.

Some of them are masters of the yellow environment, but most of them still have not reached the yellow environment.

“The city that does not fall?” Qin Qi and Ye Shenyu walked down the city and looked at the plaque on the head of the city. They couldn’t help but change their look slightly.

Such a city can indeed be called a giant city, and it has a long history, but for the Tao, it is only the bottom border city.

And the battlefield here, I am afraid that even the main battlefield behind this Terran nation is not counted, let alone the race battle between the Terran and the alien.

This dare to call the city that does not fall?

"The city that does not fall?" Ye Shenyu heard the words, it was a slight surprise, could not help but look up.

She seems to have a different understanding of the name.

"You two have just arrived, have you been stunned by this name?" A big man has just returned from the outside, he can see a lot of bandages on his body, and is still bleeding outside.

But he didn't care, just pouting and laughing a little.

"The city that does not fall, there is indeed the domineering of the sky, just..." Qin Qi heard the words, looking at the big man, since the other party is friendly, then Qin Qi naturally also smiles.

"It's just too self-sufficient, isn't it?" Dahanhaha laughed.

Such a city does not have such a name.

"The meaning is good," Qin Qi can only say.

Dahan shook his head and looked at the old plaque. His look was a bit complicated. "This is a spirit."


"You may not know that this city actually deserves this name..." What Dahan wanted to say, but in the end he sighed and didn't say anything more.

"Li Ge, don't chat, it's all a long past, what can be mentioned, hurry back to the city to cultivate, kill more aliens, and earn more stones is the most important!" That Li surnamed Dahan, peers Can't help but shout.

Li, the surname of Han, scratched his head and said goodbye to Qin Qi, then he went to the city.

Qin Qi waved his hand and had some doubts. He could not help but ask: "What did he mean by that?"

Ye Shenyu sighed and said: "I have only heard of the city that has not fallen, but I have not been there, but I did not expect it to become like this."

However, Ye Shenyu did not intend to talk more, when he first went to the city.

Entering the city, it is indeed a lively scene, full of people everywhere, the streets are full of stalls, are the mercenaries or adventurers on the battlefield harvest.

At this moment, Ye Shenyu is like a deep lady who does not leave home. She suddenly came to the world of flowers and flowers. She jumped and looked there. It was touched here and it was a pleasure.

Just these things, how can she see it?

But it did not affect her interest.

Qin Qi was helpless, and she did not want to disturb her interest. She only had to make an appointment and then acted on her own.

According to the previous routine, Qin Qi naturally has to turn around first, familiar with the environment, and then go to the restaurant, where he may be able to find the information he wants.

But this time, before he went to the restaurant, he saw something else.

In the other city gate of the city that is not falling, that is, the side facing the territory of the human race, there are a large number of strong influxes, and not the same banner.

Not to mention Qin Qi, that is, people in the city that are not falling are also talking about it, and do not understand what happened.

The battlefield on the side of the city that has not fallen recently is still calm, and there is no large-scale war broke out. It is reasonable to say that there should not be so many strong influx at the same time.

And among them, there are many amazing existences, not to look at anything else. Just look at the shackles, pull the dragons, and sail with the gods, and show strong domineering. There is no foundation, and you can never get such a battle.

And this is even more strange. This level of characters is enough for the royal family behind this country. How come to this place?

It’s just that this doubt has not lasted for a long time, and more shocks will follow.

A huge treasure ship, covering the sky, actually fell to the city of no fall.

Look at the selling, luxury and strong coexistence, ancient and novel fusion, the style of the entire treasure ship is delicate, but delicate, but with a bold meaning.

This is more like a warship, and at least it is the existence of the flood!

The emptiness of the emptiness rolled into the sky, affecting the sky and dispelling the clouds in the sky.

This is amazing, except for the years, the city that never falls, when has this guest been ushered in?

Is there something big to happen?

But even if it is a full-scale war, it is impossible to attract such a big man.

"There is an emblem on it!" Qin Qi blinked his eyes and saw an emblem on the treasure ship. It represented identity. Unfortunately, Qin Qi did not know. "Hey, what's wrong with this, the Green Cap King is coming." But it is Ye Shenyu, I don't know when I stood next to Qin Qi, my face is full of playful smile.

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