God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2158: Battlefield

"How come you?" Qin Qi looked at the leaf fish.

"How can I not come to such a big move?" Ye Shenyu smiled and looked at the huge treasure ship, and the beautiful eyes continued to flash.

Qin Qi saw this, Shen Yu for a moment, said: "Do you know the people inside? Do you want to re-disguise?"

This city of no fall can only be regarded as a general city. Although there are strong people, it is for Qin Qi, so Qin Qi feels that there is nothing in the heart.

But nowadays it is obvious that there are big people coming, or it is better to pretend to be good.

Ye Shenyu heard the words, white Qin Qi glanced, said: "I am not a fugitive, why do you have to disguise so much, and when you are recognized, you will recognize it."

Seeing the leaf fish is so relaxed, Qin Qi is slightly silent, although he smiles.

It is his preconceived position, because the leaf squid is being held by the enemy on the peak of the blood of the sky, and now it seems that it may be that she accidentally broke into it.

It’s just that Qin Qi has experience with Bailuo, so the first reaction is to think that Ye Shenyu and Bailuo God should not reveal their identity.

"What kind of person is there?"

In this case, Qin Qi did not worry, but asked curiously.

The strong influx of people from the city gates, the ceremonies are extraordinary, and come from different forces, and from the reaction of the people nearby, they are actually comparable to the royal family of the Great Yan State.

The Yanyan Empire is the human race behind the city.

Qin Qi all the way to stroll, naturally got a lot of intelligence, knowing that this human race country is the Dayan Empire, and this land is called the battlefield!

The area of ​​the battlefield is extremely large. It is not only the Yanyan Empire. However, because of the perennial wars, the forces can be said to be countless, and countless countries are countless.

Among them, the most influential is the seven countries, and it is called the seven heroes in the battlefield.

The Yanyan Empire is one of the seven males.

Similar information is necessary for Qin Qi, so after hearing these conversations, Qin Qi secretly shot and searched his soul with the power of the Dark Wizard.

It is a pity that the other party is only the middle-level warrior of the Great Yan Empire. It is not too much known. At least, there is no knowledge outside the battlefield.

However, according to their understanding of the battlefield, Qin Qi also understands the strength of the battlefield, far from what he can imagine, especially the masters of the various royal chambers, repairing to reach the realm, and indeed repairing the heavens.

According to the legendary Daqin Empire, the strongest of the seven heroes in the battlefield, the cultivation has reached the realm of the land, which is extremely terrible.

The Yanyan Empire is inferior to the Daqin Empire, but the national strength is also extremely prosperous. The royal family, whoever comes out, is a master.

Not to mention a place like the city that does not fall.

How can you see this level of existence?

Today, there is more than one, and even in the end, people have seen the crest of the royal family of the Great Yan Empire, and their hearts are even more shocked.

The royal family of the Great Yan Empire has come to the city of no fall. Is there really a big event that will happen here?

I have never heard of it before.

The city is full of excitement and speculation, but the places where these noble cars pass are quiet, and they dare not let go.

Such a person is a person in heaven compared to the bottom, and he must not sin.

Of course, the ultimate horrible thing is the Hong Kong-class treasure ship in the sky.

It is incredible that the treasure ship of this scale has reached the flood level. The Great Yan Empire has the power of the whole country and it takes 10,000 years to load it. It has only built a flood-class warship.

Unless it is a national war level or a national patrol, it is impossible to use it.

From this point of view, the identity of this treasure ship is not afraid of being lower than the head of the Great Yan Empire, and even wins.

After all, any force, if it is conditional, must first build a warship and increase its combat power, and will not build such a luxurious ship.

Obviously, the corresponding forces are bigger than the Da Yan Empire, and they can have such a sufficiency to build a treasure ship that is relatively less focused on combat effectiveness.

This is clear in everyone's mind, so I am even more amazed. I don't understand where it is.

And there are some broad-spectrum people who know the news outside part of the battlefield. At this moment, looking at the emblem on the treasure ship, the look is constantly changing, and there is already an answer.

When I changed my face, my face changed very differently.

"That above, if it is not bad, but a man of the road!" Ye Shenyu laughed.

Is the entire road world a man of the day?

At least it is the existence of heaven.

Otherwise, why not make a name for yourself?

Qin Qi can't help but be alert, but the heart is more curious. After all, being able to attract these presences is definitely a big event that shakes one side.

This has just come out from the peak of the blood of the gods, and encountered this kind of thing, Qin Qi naturally refused to miss.

Of course, before this, inquiring into intelligence is the most important thing. Qin Qi must first understand the situation of Bai Luoshen and others, as well as the current situation of the old people in Zhongzhou.

"Actually, this person is not bad, it is worthy of fellowship, but it is a pity that it was harmed by a woman. This fame, although known all over the world, is mostly mocking and joking." Ye Shenyu sighed.

Immediately, she left herself. Obviously, she did not intend to take the initiative to show up. For the time being, she was still walking around.

Qin Qi looked at the treasure ship in the sky, and did not know whether the above people had to leave the treasure ship, but for the time being did not want to consume it here, first to inquire about intelligence.

And in the process, you probably know what happened in this city.

Or, what is going to happen.

Because there are strong people coming, Qin Qi is more cautious and does not dare to use the Dark Wizards at will, but the size of the city is not huge, and no one can cover everything. There are still many opportunities.

Half a day later, Qin Qi finally found several warriors who came in from outside the battlefield.

After a while, they will query their memories again.

In the past, the Emperor took the shot and dragged the entire Zhongzhou directly into the Taoist world. This is a big shock to the people. Now Qin Qi personally enters the Taoism through chaos, and it is even clearer. What kind of means is this.

And to do such a thing, it is impossible to have no wind in the Tao, but it is to shake the world.

So even the people in front of us actually know something.

"The territory where the emperor is located - the middle domain, the exclusion of the foreigners in the state, actually put pressure on the emperor, and pushed it into the exile?" Qin Qi slammed into a hole, and the killing of his body suddenly surged. .

The specific situation of these people is not much, only know that the emperor is a rising star in the middle, and there is friction between the old forces in the middle.

The emperor forcibly dragged the entire Zhongzhou into the realm, which attracted many dissatisfaction. So he joined forces to force the emperor to expel the outsiders. This is of course only an excuse. They want to use this to make trouble to the emperor, even to remove the emperor.

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