God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2164: Nine prince

Don't say that Liu Yong, Li Yuan and others are completely scared. Qin Qi has the opportunity to leave, but now, he has taken the initiative to kill those guards.

In this way, it is already a complete sin of the nine princes.

That is the nine princes.

I didn’t know it before, but I thought it was a big man, but now I know the origin of the other person, so it’s so unbalanceable.

Why, do you still have to do this stupid thing?

Li Yuan and others can't understand.

But now they have understood the meaning of Qin Qi’s words.

Qin Qi shot, not for them, but this incident has aroused the Qin Qi's killing, so he will kill.

The reason is so rude, so simple.

Therefore, this matter has become a matter of Qin Qi.

Qin Qi killed the guard head and others, and the third star was brightened. With the previously lit part, three corners were already lit.

If you kill Liu Yong’s words, you should be able to light the whole star.

If it is not enough, it will be enough to swallow up all the collections on them.

Qin Qifeng stood lightly and did not change because of killing people, but the coldness of his body made Liu Yong unable to calm down.

It’s so simple and pure, it’s never seen before!

Liu Yong saw more of the scarlet on the battlefield, the murderousness of Taotao, and the fierceness of the fire. It can be called the battlefield to kill God, but compared with the present, the feeling of giving people is somewhat naive.

This is the real killing, even if there is no scarlet color, it makes people shudder.

Liu Yong shook his head, this is just a little boy in the yellow environment, and it is estimated that this kind of killing is confusing.

Moreover, even if the killing is really so strong, killing can not be eaten.

There is a strong man in his yellow environment, Qin Qi can't do anything.

Liu Yong’s men have already killed them, and their eyes are full of coziness.

They are the people of the Nine Princes. In the past, they used to be good fortune. Even if the other party was angry again, they heard the name of the Nine Princes, and they all endured it. How dare to shoot?

Now, some people dare to challenge their authority and live impatiently.

What are the princes and princes who can be offended?


Blood splashes.

There is no scarlet in the killing, but at the moment, it is a scarlet piece.

Qin Qi was useless. It was just a punch, and these people were directly blasted. They couldn’t even catch a fist.

"Strengthen the strong!" Liu Yong smashed.

It all came so fast, he didn't even react, just a punch, these people all burst open, it was terrible.

A strong punch, to what extent does the flesh have to achieve such a powerful power?

It’s just that he has too much time to think about it, because Qin Qi’s fist has fallen to him.

"Cowardly!" Liu Yong was furious in his heart. Qin Qi even dared to shoot him, thinking that he was also a casual role?

At the moment, Liu Yong’s violent breath rushed out, full of heavy feelings.

What he has is the strength of the earth, and the martial arts is a rock, strong and unparalleled.

"How about the strong body of the refining, I cultivate the soil system, the soulless soul is melted into the body, the strength of the flesh will not be worse than you!" Liu Yong roared, and has already carried out the soul-wu fusion.

He is also a guilty conscience, Qin Qi's killing has always been haunting his heart, let him have a sense of horror of death.

At the moment, the direct use of the soul-wu fusion is to immediately decide the outcome.

Moreover, he does have confidence.

The combination of soul and martial arts plus the addition of exercises, his body has indeed become extremely powerful, even if Qin Qi is a warrior of refining, I am afraid it is difficult to break his defense.

Qin Qi did not look at these, and punched out.

This time, he used the enormous strength of the flesh, and the blood rushed, like a myriad of dragons flying in the blood vessels, but there was a diamond-like color.

That is like a crystal diamond, is a big realm of the realm of the road, Qin Qi is not fully achieved now.

And this piece of diamond-like brilliance, Qin Qi's power of this boxing, will be even more horrible!

The fists rang out, and the cymbals rang, the void was directly shattered, and it was impossible to resist this arrogance.


A loud noise.

Liu Yong Lai's powerful defense with fame will pack the body and the body as hard as a rock, the sword is hard to hurt, and the water and fire will not invade.

At this moment, it is more depressed than Qin Qi.

Even cracking began.

Liu Yong’s eyes widened and he looked at Qin Qi incredibly.

This power is too horrible, even he can hardly bear it.

The powerful force was poured into the body, and Liu Yong could not support it. The whole people began to fly backwards. Even if the earth system was insanely rushing, a stone wall was condensed behind it, but it was difficult to stop the castration.

However, he did not end up flying far, because one hand took him.

It was Qin Qi, Qin Qi pulled him, prevented him from flying backwards, and then, he punched again.

This time, it is necessary to directly blast Liu Yong into the earth to avoid flying out.

Liu Yong’s heart was furious and screamed. The body’s spirits suddenly rose, and a strong and sturdy stone shield emerged on him. The lines above it were yellow and bright.

Yu-class martial arts, meteorite Shield!

This is the martial arts of the ranks of the ranks, the power is naturally powerful, and Liu Yong is the most proud force.

Once the meteorite Shield is condensed, it is almost invincible.

The above lines, a total of one hundred, each lit one, the defensive power is a strong point, and now Liu Yong can light up, has nearly seventy.

It is already a very proud achievement to be able to display the martial arts of the ranks of the ranks in such a realm.

And it seems to be stimulated by Qin Qi's killing intentions. Today, it is super-existing, and the lines are lit up.

In this way, He Wei was defeated by Qin Qi.

Waiting to block the Qin Qi fist, regrouping, Qin Qi is definitely not his opponent.

After all, the gap in the realm is here.

However, all these ideas must first be blocked by Qin Qi.

Qin Qi's fist, the color of the crystal diamond has been completely spread out in the flesh, especially the arm of the punch, even the skin is immersed in the color of the diamond.

The physical strength is naturally more terrible, the fists fall, the slate stone shield is instantly shattered, and the horrible punching force pours down, exposing Liu Yong’s chest.

"As a crystal diamond..." Liu Yong's throat trembled, and he looked at Qin Qi incredibly. Unfortunately, he could only make this sound.

Qin Qi did not keep his hands and directly killed him.

"Rely, it's still a little bit worse, it seems to have to be swallowed up." Qin Qi shook his head and was preparing to pick up Liu Yong's space ring, but it was a sudden movement in his heart, and his life was removed a few steps.

"As a crystal diamond, hey, it should be only a preliminary look at this realm, but it is not easy, young, indeed a bit of skill." An old man, I do not know when it appeared in front of the door.

On the side of him, he was a young man, wearing a brocade suit, his face was very proud, but he was also emboldened by the kingly spirit. At first glance, he knew that he was a noble child. I am afraid that it was the nine princes.

The royal family of the Great Yan Empire, the ninth son of the current kingdom?

The momentum is indeed extraordinary, as if it is born high.

"It's a bit interesting. It's no wonder that you dare to commit such deaths, but this palace has always been pity. If you swear allegiance, today, you can forgive!" Nine Princes held their hands and looked cold.

He took a fancy to Qin Qi's refining talent and wanted to use it himself. Qin Qi smiled and swept up the nine princes and said: "Nine princes, how much are you worth?"

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