God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2165: Huang Zun

When Qin Qi asked this question, everyone was in the heart and did not understand what it meant.

"Bold, the nine princes are the orthodox of the royal family. In the future, they can even become the princes of the Yanyan Empire. Their status is extremely noble. You can measure the money!" The old man around the nine princes screamed and must be published.

The breath of his body is very incomparable, far from being comparable to Liu Yong and others. Although he has never shown the weather, he is deeper and has a deep bottomless feeling.

Of course, this is his feeling for others. In Qin Qi’s eyes, naturally, he can clearly see the level of his realm.

Huang Jing is absolutely honored!

This is a Huang Zun, the strength is indeed amazing, can be called a generation in the world, each one is powerful, compared to the yellow high, it is too much too much.

One word.

In the Taoist world, it is like the word of the king of the opposite world.

In the face of such a strong, the king of the most powerful sand in the world is not an opponent.

However, it was also the king of sand that was more than a year ago. Since entering the Taoist world, the king of Zhusha must be like a dragon into the sea, and it is not difficult to break through the realm of Huang Zun.

A Huang Zun is on the side, this should be the cuddling of the Nine Princes.

However, Qin Qi is a sneer in his heart. It is estimated that the nine princes are also famous. In the Dayan royal family, the status is not always high.

The guards around me are just a yellow lord. This can be very different from the big Yan Wang who is tall.

After all, the strength of the Da Yan Guozhu has already broken through to the realm. The strong Xuanjing strongmen abound. If it is an important daughter-in-law, how can there be only one Huang Zun?

Qin Qi thought about one or two, and planned to knock him out!

Nine Prince squinted his eyes and reached out to stop the old man. He put his high posture on the top and said: "The old man, don't have to be angry, this palace is very curious to know, what do you ask this?"

The nine princes held their heads and looked at Qin Qi arrogantly, and performed the interpretation of the prince's esteem.

It is a pity that such honor and respect for the realm of the realm are really huge, and there is no deterrent.

At least in front of Qin Qi is like this.

"If you value money, I can not kill you, let your family send people to redeem, afraid of being afraid, even you do not know that you are worthless." Qin Qixiao laughed.

The nine princes heard the words, and their face suddenly sank. He was stimulated by Qin Qi and felt that Qin Qi was looking down on him.

This is Lucy.

The more he was poked to the pain, the reaction was naturally fierce. He stared at Qin Qi in a gloomy voice. He said: "Ji Lao, cut off the hands and feet of this uninhibited guy, then pull out to feed the dog!"

A grass-roots person, dare to look down on his nine princes, unforgivable!

The most hateful thing is that he knows the name of the nine princes, but he has nothing to do with it. There is no place in the royal family.

This is his pain.

Who dares to poke, who is going to die!

The old man snorted, the white hair had no wind, and the wide sleeves of his body swayed, which was quite a bit of a sense of sensation.

"Small hybrids, squatting and dying, don't waste the time of the old man!" The old man was indifferent and despised Qin Qi.

He didn't know where Qin Qi dared to be against them, but the realm of Huang Zun couldn't hold a little guy in the yellow environment?

Even if it has already touched the body like a diamond.

It’s just the first glimpse of the door. I’m afraid that only the skin becomes a crystal diamond. This kind of combat power is not enough to become his opponent.

However, if he knows the color of the crystal diamond on Qin Qi, it is from the fleshy muscles to the skin, I am afraid I will not dare to be so big.

"You should not be worth much, so it is better to die here." Qin Qi said indifferently.

"Looking for death!" The old man was furious and snorted. His body spurted out and merged with the sound wave.

This means, it is worthy of Huang Zunqiang, but what is the use?

Qin Qi stepped forward and shattered everything.

The old man's face couldn't be hanged. He didn't want to play too fiercely, so as not to fall, but Qin Qi was so strong, and he punched all the punches, which made him suddenly embarrassed.

It seems that I am really eager to find death.

The old man is not going to be gradual, and his body is transformed into a fierce fire. The temperature of the sky rises suddenly, and between the blazing fires, a dragon bursts into a dragon.

Dragon warrior?

Qin Qi’s flash of light flashed, and this is really the benefit of being sent to the door. Killing the other side will not only enhance the realm, but also strengthen the efficiency of Kunlun to the dragon.

His dragon chain is not yet fully formed, even if it is shaped, the distance is perfect, there is also a large distance.

Now, it is a good time to improve.

"From the fire gun!"

Although the old man looked at the old man, but the spirit of the gods is indeed good, Huang Zun's breath broke out without reservation, a long shot in the hands like a dragon, burning a fierce fire to Qin Qi.

The gun was turned into a dragon head, roaring, and the ground under the feet showed a blackish color. I am afraid that if it is hit, it will be turned into magma.

Everything in the Taoist world is stronger than the heavens and the world. The power of this attack is evident.

Even if Qin Qi is physically strong, he can resist one or two, but how long can it last for burning?

A shot fell, like the whole dragon squatting, the momentum is very great.

"The martial arts of the top class is really good!" Nine Prince's eyes lit up and nodded secretly.

Yu’s martial arts, with a sacred word, is of course a perfect level. The dragon rushes down and looks lifelike. Every flame is so clear, and the side also shows the martial arts of the season. Powerful control.

A shot, the power of Taotao, Qin Qi in front of this flame dragon, it is too small.

"Little brother, be careful!" Li Yuan was anxious to turn around, but he could do nothing. They only hope that Qin Qi is strong enough to escape at least.

As long as Qin Qi can leave, they are dead, and there is nothing. They are not involved in Qin Qi.

This is a fire gun, it must be said that the power is indeed very strong, and the old man did not carry out the soul and Wu fusion, it seems that the power of Huang Zun is stronger than expected.

However, this is just fine.

There is pressure to grow.

Qin Qi in the Liantian blood **** peak hammering the body, most of them by water, tree cutting, grinding soil and the like, although the effect of the group, but still somewhat worse.

Poor external pressure.

Now, it is the opportunity, with the strength of the season, should be able to make Qin Qi's understanding of the crystal as a deeper point, although it is unlikely to enhance the physical state.

But it is a good opportunity to sort out and lay a solid foundation for the future. So in the face of this gun, Qin Qi did not dodge, the body of the dragon force flowed out, the double fists overlap, on the huge momentum of the fire dragon gun!

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