God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2166: From the chaos


A loud noise.

The light above Qin Qi’s double fists shines, and the punches are condensed like diamonds, which is difficult to invade.

However, it seems that Qin Qi is still a bit off the wind.

"Sure enough, once there is pressure, some defects will appear. It seems that it is better for me to improve the strength through combat." Qin Qi whispered in his heart.

As a crystal diamond, it is still a lot of stagnation, and it has begun to be exposed.

"This can not kill me!" Qin Qi indifferent, he still needs more pressure.

The old eyes were cold and cold, and when the guns turned around, they danced again. The guns of Yu’s prestige were blessed, and the power was suddenly more fierce.

The old man shot again and attacked Qin Qi.

Qin Qi, still fighting against the enemy, but only punches, but the physical strength of the body is called, the color of the crystal diamond in the body, flowing between the muscles and meridians, more and more pure .


The sound of the explosion is constantly, and the old man is Huang Zunqiang. It is indeed very powerful, full of pressure, and the pressure is covered. Li Yuan and others are afraid to approach, and can only retreat.

That is crazy from the fire dragon, the dragon slammed, but it is always difficult to press the pair of iron fists.

It’s hard to look at the old face. Qin Qi’s physical strength is unexpectedly strong, and I don’t know why. Qin Qi’s body is actually Longli, and he is much more pure than him.

Is this the dragon power that human beings can have, even if it is a dragon, don’t dare to say that it is better than it.

Is it true that a dragon is not a success?

Or is it a special constitution?

The old man’s heart sinks slightly. If it is a special constitution, then anything can happen.

"You really have a few talents in the way of refining, but unfortunately, too stupid, can only ruin your own life!" Ji Lao shot down, cold and cold.

He can't let Qin Qi fight in this way, he must take the power to directly crush Qin Qi.

Soul fusion!

The martial art of the fire dragon touched the thoughts of the old man, and the raging flame suddenly became more violent, and the dragon slammed into the sky, and then swooped down and directly rushed into the season.

The atmosphere of the old man suddenly rose up, and the dragon pattern appeared, all over the body, even if it was a slightly old body, at this moment, it became muscles stacked, and the mighty and unparalleled.

The power of Huang Zunqiang’s soul-wu fusion is terrible!

"I still have some meaning, this is just right!" Qin Qi is a bright eye.

He was still under pressure to fully comb the power of a crystal diamond, and this soul fusion, for him, is the threat of knocking out the benefits.

"Come!" Qin Qi laughed and slammed a punch.

That boxing man is so concise, really like a physical entity, but a transparent color, like a diamond.

"You can die!" The old man was cold and cold, and the dragon was roaring above the rifle. This gun, he will be Qin Qi's life.

The first-level martial arts of the Zhou class, from the chaos!

A long shot of a rifle, full of nine out of the fire dragon roaring out, this is the strength of the old box at the end of the season, with his power of the soul and the fusion of the moment, Qin Qi, absolutely can not hold.

"It’s just a glimpse of the first step. It’s not really like a diamond. Can you resist me?” Ji Lao sneered, this gun, straight to Qin Qi, completely enveloped under the nine dragons.

Avoid inevitable, block the body to die!

"It's over." Nine princes snorted, although there was a little twist, but the district is in the yellow, how could it be the opponent of the season?

Then, the next step is to kill all these people. Otherwise, how can they solve the hatred of his heart?

He was not valued in the royal family. He came to this border city, and there are still people who dare to disobey him. This is unforgivable.

"Ha ha ha!" Ji Lao laughed, he could feel that he had hit the Qin Qi in a realistic manner, then the battle was over.

"The little brother won't be killed?" Li Yuan's companion couldn't help but swallow.

Li Yuan bit his teeth and said: "It should not, the little brother will not be so easily killed!"

However, he did not have any conviction in his own words, but it was a master of the Huang Zun class, and it was a full blow.

That is the strength of the dragon chaos, I am afraid it is the martial arts of the Zhou class, how does Qin Qi resist?

Across the fire, there was a big pit on the ground, the magma flowed, and the blazing air turned into a heat wave, which made people unable to stand back.

"Just right!"

It was a voice that came out of the flame.

When he heard the sound, Li Yuan and others looked like a joy, while Ji Lao was wide-eyed and could not believe his ears.

Qin Qi is still alive?

This is his strongest blow.

"This is impossible!" The face of the nine princes disappeared in disappointment, and there was a bit of panic.

But immediately he sneered and said: "Even if you are still alive, it is also the end of the strong, just right, so what is the meaning of killing this way, this palace will also take him to feed the dog!"

Listening to this, Ji Lao is also looking at the slight movement, rest assured a lot.

It is this reason.

It seems that Qin Qi's physical strength is somewhat unexpected, but it should only be to save his life, as Jiu Wang said, this is no better.

After all, let Qin Qi die, and the prestige of the Nine Princes is not damaged?

"His Highness, this will let him kneel in front of you!" Ji Laohe smiled, reached out and waved, removed those flames, and Qin Qi, naturally exposed to the eyes of everyone.


In the heart of the season, suddenly the chill was raised, because the Qin Qi he saw was totally different from the imagination.

Qin Qi’s clothes are broken a lot, and it looks very embarrassing, but that’s it!

Even the breath of Qin Qi did not decay at all, and even in the vagueness, he also felt that the breath of Qin Qi became more powerful.

In fact, Qin Qi did not become stronger, but through this battle, the strength of the combing was completed. Of course, the combat power is undoubtedly a lot stronger.

"Thank you," Qin Qi clap his hands, the crystal diamond in his hand condensed, seeing the human eye straight.

"Pretend, don't think that you can't see the old, you have a strong treasure defense, but you think, can you block several times?" The old man snarled and fired again.

From the chaos.

This gun once again shrouded Qin's complete department.

However, for the current Qin Qi, it is no longer necessary to continue to rely on the strength of the old man to comb the flesh, and now the boxing, the momentum is condensed, and immediately burst into a punch.


The dragon chaos was directly smashed by this fist, and only a little bit of fire fell around.

Jiu Lao was so powerful that the martial arts of the early stage of the Zhou Dynasty was actually crushed by Qin Qi with his physical strength.

It’s incredible.

"How is it possible, you are just the first step into the door, and even the body is not like a diamond!" Ji Lao shouted.

"The first peek is not fake, but it is not enough, but it is not right." Qin Qi smiled lightly.

His physical crystallization is from the inside out, at least 30% of the body is like a diamond. Now, since the physical strength has been sorted out, the realm is not bad in the realm. Qin Qi’s killings have not yet been met.

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