God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2170: First goal

Qin Qi sighed in his heart, and did not know if Ru Xuemei had grown up after coming to the border.

As a body of spirit, she is a bug-like existence and can directly inherit the physique of others.

In the Tianyuan world, she inherited the body of Shi Ling, although it is not the top physique of the Tianyuan world, but the promotion of Ruo Xuemei itself is very large.

Can become stronger faster.

After coming to the Tao, there are bound to be a lot of powerful physiques. If Xuemei is good luck, change the physique, and perhaps have a broader future.

Of course, this is Ruo Xuemei, and Qin Qi is temporarily not seen.

As for the former Li Weier, Qin Qi's own exploration, combined with the system's data analysis, has a small chance, perhaps with the same talent as Ruo Xuemei.

It is not necessarily a spiritual body, but it can accommodate the power of others for its own use.

The difference is that if Xuemei can inherit perfectly, and Li Xiaoer, there will be a situation beyond his own load, which is what he was seriously ill.

Li Yuan saw Qin Qi asking questions. Naturally, he did not think about it. He replied: "I was not careful about myself. I once hunted a stranger on the battlefield, killing a shadow lion and bringing back its spiritual core."

"And the child was curious, touched the spiritual core of the shadow lion, and began to weaken." Li Yuan sighed.

"This is the first time that a deaf child has contacted the spiritual core?" Qin Qi asked.

The spiritual core is the core of the spirit, such as the demon nucleus, which is a kind of spiritual nucleus.

"The deaf children are quieter and not good at cultivation, so I usually prepare her with no attribute of Lingjing. If it is spiritual, it is indeed her first contact." Li Yuan thought for a moment.

The spiritual crystal of the Taoist world is rich in spirit and can be used for cultivation. It is different from all walks of life and does not become a currency. Instead, it is replaced by a stone.

This is indeed a bit strange, but the reality is that no one will go to boredom to think about this kind of problem.

Qin Qi will not.

Qin Qi heard Li Yuan’s answer, and his heart was moving, thinking that perhaps his own guess was not wrong. Of course, this matter can be tested later.

Let Li Xiaoer take a good rest, Qin Qi came to the room Li Yuan specially intended to clean him, and together, there are nine princes.

This guy, Jiu Wang, is very dark in his heart. Now he has succumbed to reality, and his heart is eager to try it out. He wants to take this opportunity to plunge those people.

I feel that I am nobler than him, stronger than him, don't put him in the eyes, sneer at him?

Give you the opportunity now and prove your worth.

"Adult, I have already thought about it. Our first goal is to be the town of Hou Shizi in Zhenbei. What do you think?" Nine Prince eagerly looked at Qin Qi, and can't wait to kidnap Zhenbei Hou Shizi. .

"Talk about it," Qin Qi said lightly.

The heart is also quite speechless to the nine princes. It can only be said that those who follow him in the season are also suffering from eight years of blood.

"Okay!" Nine Princes continued.

He did have special strengths in this aspect of the victim. He even made a detailed report in his heart. At this moment, it was clear and clear, and Qin Qi immediately seized several key points.

I can't help but feel that Jiu Wang is really not a waste, at least some little smart.

The son of the town of Beihou is not the key. The key lies in the so-called Zhenbei Hou.

In the early years, the inside of the Dayan Empire was chaotic, and the kingship was almost overturned. In the end, the current big Yan State leader stood up and turned the tide and stabilized the Yanyan Empire.

Such great achievements are naturally not something that the Dayan lord can do. As the strongest help of the great Yan dynasty at the time, Zhenbei Hou’s shock to the frontier is undoubtedly the first.

It is precisely because of this that after the stability of the Great Yan Empire, Zhenbei Hou also became the first person under the kingdom of the country, under the true sense of one person, above 10,000 people.

Originally, this pair of monarchs worked together and trusted each other, which was the biggest pillar of the Great Yan Empire.

However, this relationship cannot last long.

One is the town of Beibei, the master of the high-powered earthquake, and his ambition has gradually become unable to satisfy his current status, and the king of the country has nothing to reward him.

If you want to satisfy your ambitions, there is only one way to replace them!

The other is to become the most talented king in the history of the Great Yan Empire. In this country, only one person can decide, that is himself!

How can such a male owner allow people like Zhenbei Hou to appear around him?

After that, nature is a series of actions and temptations behind, the collision of a generation of monarchs, a little movement, naturally it is able to cause a major earthquake.

In the long run, the Great Yan Empire is afraid to continue to decline.

So in the end, the two took a step back. Zhenbei Hou was far away from the temple and gave up the painstaking efforts of the center of the Dayan Empire. He was sitting in the north of the Dayan Empire.

In fact, this vast territory has become his territory.

Only on the bright side, it is still obeying the command of the king.

"The monarchs and monks on the bright side, but in fact, they all hope that the other party will die soon, so you want to shoot, this town of North Hou's son, is the perfect object!" Jiu Wang excited.

I have to say that this is indeed a good object. I caught him. That is to grasp the balance between the two forces. They will be mutually restrained and will greatly reduce the pressure on Qin Qi.

"What is the situation of the son of Beihou in this town?" Qin Qi asked.

Nine Prince snorted and bite his teeth: "He is the most proud son of Zhenbei Hou. Although he is not very old, he has already achieved Huang Zun. He fears that one day he can surpass Dingbeihou!"

"What about the guards around him?" Qin Qi flashed.

Such a person, in the entire Yanyan Empire, is a man of the younger generation, and it is by no means comparable to the nine princes.

The person who protects around is definitely the existence of Xuanjing, and it is by no means the beginning of Xuanjing.

"The people around him are naturally strong, but we are kidnapping him, not his guard!" Jiu Wangdao said.


"Adult, I am willing to be your **** in this matter, first to induce him alone, and then to control by adults!" Jiu Wangdao said.

"Can you do this?" Qin Qi was surprised.

"Actually, I chose him as the first goal. In addition to those just now, there is another point, which is my advantage!" Nine Prince smiled and was quite proud.

"What is it?"

"I have an intelligence he wants, he should be able to make him alone, and..." The nine princes paused and his eyes were a little cold. "And he simply looked down on me, so he would not have any precautions against me." ”

Qin Qi nodded.

Among the information that has been mastered so far, the son of the town of Beibei is indeed very suitable for kidnapping. "Okay, go on, I will think about it." Qin Qi waved his hand.

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