God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2171: Mu Zhou

"Adults rest assured, I will definitely help the adults to successfully complete this vote!" Nine Princes decided, as if he was the person who proposed the trafficker plan.

Qin Qi’s eyes were awkward and said: “You want to make the third king girl unlucky?”

"Yes, if you can, I really hope that after you catch her, don't redeem her, don't sell it, just stay with you as a warm bed!" Nine Prince's evil voice, the eyes are brighter. .

He couldn't help but say: "In fact, adults can really think about it. Although I hate her, I must admit that her appearance, no one in the entire battlefield dares to say victory, but only for the legendary four. The beauty can only overwhelm him!"

Qin Qi looked at him indifferently and did not speak, but the nine princes changed their faces and became very pale.

He immediately squatted down, sweating cold, and breathing became difficult, as if he were a prisoner on the verge of death.

And he also knows where he is wrong.

Although he also very much hopes that Qin Qi's trafficker program is successful, he is willing to cooperate with Qin Qi 100% because he hates people, those who are better than him, can take this opportunity to suppress and suppress.

But he was somewhat smug, and he forgot that this is Qin Qi’s plan.

He is now serving Qin Qi. What Qin Qi asked him to do, he has to do something, and he just wanted to let Qin Qi do what he meant.

"The adults forgive sins, I lost my word!" Nine Prince quickly said.

"Go on," Qin Qi said lightly.

The nine princes were stunned and hurried back.

Qin Qi watched him leave and slowly regained his gaze.

He doesn't like this person, he even has some disgust, but now he needs him to contribute. For the time being, let him live.

Nine Prince's proposal is very feasible, but Qin Qi naturally can't just listen to his family's words, and needs to continue to verify some of the information.

At the moment, he left a shadow sword in the same place, and he quietly left the Li family.

And if there is any reaction from the city government, he can come back in the first time.

Nowadays, the big man has come a lot, and there are so many places to go.

Therefore, it is convenient to listen to the news, because the whole city is talking about who is coming to compete for the spirit.

After listening to it all the way, Qin Qi can judge that Jiu Wang’s words are non-virtual. If this is the case, then the first goal is to set up the town’s Hou Shizi – Lu Boxin.

In addition, Qin Qi also learned about the so-called third king girl.

This is really a representative figure of the younger generation of the royal family. What the nine princes can't match a toe in front of her.

At a young age, the third king girl is already the strongest of Huang Zunfeng. It is said that she has already had the strength to break through the portal of Xuanjing, but she does not want to rush to advance and is still accumulating.

And her appearance, as the Nine Prince said, is the ultimate battlefield.

Today, she is a guest in the city government.

It is the city owner who is in front of her, but also wants to lower his posture and not dare to live as an elder.

Perhaps for the killing of General Han, the city owner has not responded so far, and because the third woman is in his house.

So, I believe that once she is tied, Qin Qi’s income may be beyond imagination!

In addition to these young nobles, Qin Qi also learned about the real powerhouses. Among the characters released this time, there is no shortage of the realm of Xuan Zun.

Those are the main forces fighting for the spirits.

Of course, the characters in the Hong Kong-class treasure ship in the sky may be invincible.

In addition, Qin Qi can see that the eighth **** of the undead celestial being is approaching the battlefield, and then there may be additional variables.

After a few laps, until late at night, Qin Qi is ready to go back.

On this day, the city's main government did not send people to the Li family's house. It seems that it is really hindering the third king girl, ready to swallow.

From this point of view, this third lady is indeed not simple.

However, just as Qin Qi was preparing to return to the Li family, Ye Shenyu appeared again.

This time, she was followed by a person.

"Well? This is only a long time, you have already broken through the realm, not simple!" Ye Shenyu saw Qin Qi, and instantly saw the change of Qin Qi.

However, she did not care about this. Perhaps, this point of improvement is in her eyes, nothing at all.

"This is?" Qin Qi did not explain, but looked at the man next to Ye Shenyu.

A very handsome man, such a seller, I am afraid that can become a dream girl of any Huaichun girl, it is the **** of the gods, afraid that they are willing to return to the red dust for him.

However, although this person is not handsome, but very elegant, giving a sense of gentleness and closeness, and will not give people a sense of alienation because they are too handsome.

"He is called Mu Zhou, a super handsome warm man." Ye Shenyu smiled.

Qin Qi held the fist and said: "In the Qin Dynasty."

"Little brothers don't listen to the fish, I am just an ordinary person." Mu Zhou smiled.

Such a handsome person, claiming that he is very ordinary, gives the impression that it is pretentious to others, but Mu Zhou said this, but it is hard to feel bad.

Not to mention how the Mu boat grows, perhaps in his own eyes, it is indeed ordinary, is a part of the general public.

"Mu brother and Ye girl are old knowledge?" Qin Qi was curious.

"Yes, we have known each other for a long time, but for nearly a thousand years, there is no news of her. I thought she went outside the Tao." Mu Zhou smiled mildly.

It is difficult to leave the road, it is almost not allowed, but for the real strong, it is ok, of course, there are still many difficulties.

However, for Ye Shenyu, it should be possible.

In addition, even Mu Muzhou did not know that Ye Shenyu was trapped in the Tianshen blood peak, and did not know how the leaf sinking fish was trapped.

To be sure, the movement must not be big.

"You also know that I am lazy. In the past thousand years, I have sunburned in the countryside." Ye Shenyu shrugged.

Mu Zhou naturally does not believe, but does not ask much, but looks up and down Qin Qi, quite interested.

"Mu brother, you are..." Qin Qi was seen a little hairy, although this Mu boat gave him a good feeling, but he did not like being so concerned.

"The fish is very lazy, and the eyes are also very high. The people who can introduce her is naturally few and far between." Mu Zhou apologized and took back his eyes. "And you, she is the only one she introduced to me." One."

"Who is the other?" Qin Qi could not help but ask.

Mu Zhou looked at Ye Shenyu and closed his mouth.

"You will meet in the future, if you can, I even want to put her to you as a warm bed, it must be very interesting!" Ye Shenyu laughed.

Qin Qi’s eyes trembled. What day is it today? This is the second time I heard this proposal.

Is it that Laozi is not the first to grow? Mu Zhou seriously thought about it and immediately smiled: "It will be very interesting."

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