God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2182: Kirin three jump

The power of annihilation destroys everything along the way, and the blue lines that cover the whole body of the third king are broken.

That is the defensive power of the third king girl, called the blue-grain bodyguard, which is extremely powerful. I am afraid that even a single blow in the mysterious world can resist.

However, Qin Qi’s bloody, do not eat this set, any defense, will ignore!

The icy killing sword is almost instantly poured into the body of the third lady.

The blue line inch split, revealing the smooth and smooth skin of the third king girl under the bottom, it is so snowy, like milk.

However, Qin Qi, this sword, can not have the slightest hand.

"Water prison!"

However, it was such a critical moment that the third king girl did not have the slightest panic. Yan’s Wanshui was operated to the extreme, and a water polo appeared before Qin Qi’s sword.

This is a water polo, and it is a bottomless dungeon that can engulf everything. It is like a sea of ​​oceans, accommodating everything in the world!

Qin Qi’s sword, with the power of annihilation, but in the end, was still swallowed up, did not turn out a little water.

"Kirin three jumps!"

After the construction of the water prison, the third king girl did not even care for the damaged blue lines, so that Qin Qi looked at his bare part of the delicate body, the hands of Tianshui Wanjian has been stabbed down.

The sword was locked in Qin Qi, and the sword body was turned into a unicorn, swooping down.

Hong level primary martial arts!

Qin Qi breathed a stagnation, there is a feeling of being crushed, and now he whispers, but like a dragon, the Kunlun has emerged behind him.

Kunlun heart, the body of the dragon vein, Kunlun to the dragon!

The body of Qin Qi was instantly ignited. Every muscle and every bone and muscle broke out with the power of terror. The **** cross sword was in front and violently.

The flesh and the kendo, the one that plunged the sword and the unicorn, even failed to get close, was directly scattered by Qin Qizhen.

"Kunlun's power?" The third king's daughter was soaring, but when she saw this power, she was even more excited. On the Tianshui sword, the sword was lingering, a unicorn, and once again.

Kirin three jumps, this is the second jump, and is the limit of the third king girl.

It is not that she can't reach the third jump, but often after the second jump, the enemy has been killed, and naturally there is no need for a third jump.

To know the difference between this second jump and the first jump is much larger than imagined.

Kirin saved, the stronger momentum suddenly pressed down, almost let people breathe hands are not smooth, and the unicorn, squatting on the body, all the scales and claws, turned into a sword.

This is the sword unicorn!

"Come on!" Qin Qi sneered, his body blood is more intense, but still did not pull out this sword, but only entered the state of killing the wolf.

At this moment, the glory of the killing, the rushing light column, the blood color spread, the shape of the dragon, has begun to overwhelm the unicorn.

Kirin jumped for the second time, and the momentum was huge. Almost like a giant peak, he swooped down and swallowed Qin Qi.

However, in the face of this ultimate killing, but in the end it still stopped, Qin Qi cross sword in hand, Jianyi Jiandao and sword body, the Trinity, kill one word, no one can cross!

Qin Qi’s eyes began to calm down. In this battle, the third king was using his power to prove the kendo, and he, isn’t it?

The killing of this trinity is the harvest of this war.

The sound of "嘭", the huge unicorn shattered, was actually blocked by Qin Qi so simple.

It was the third king girl herself, who was greatly surprised.

The two men hit this level, yin and yang, and so on, naturally have long been aware that it is not Qin Qi quietly sneaked in, the original plan of the third king.

It seems to be going.

Should still be able to go!

Qin Qi has chips in his hands.

Before Lu Boxin said that he would cooperate with Qin Qi, he could help in kidnapping the third king girl. Qin Qi directly bombed him and died halfway, leading to the violent collision between Lu Jing and Yin and Yang.

It is also a force for him.

After that, Qin Qi noticed that the third king had dug a pit here, and naturally recycled Lu Boxin for the first time, including the middle-level chaise that was sent before, and all of them were recycled.

The pattern of Qin Qi, through special means, has now been printed in their bodies, and there is nowhere to escape.

Mastering these people, Qin Qi still has the confidence to escape.

But a little pity, today did not tie this third king.

The two are fiercely fighting, the level is high, and any details can change the situation, so the slight changes of the opponent are in the eyes and cannot be let go.

The third king girl almost noticed the intention of Qin Qi at the moment of Qin Qi’s thoughts. It must be said that it is really powerful.

"Don't care for those people, you just have to fight with me!" The third king girl shouted, not allowing the yin and yang to intervene in this battle.

Qin Qi eyes a glimpse, and if so, then take her third jump.

As I said before, the two people have already understood each other very well. Any point of intention is not enough for the opponent. Qin Qi naturally knows that the third king has a sword.

And this sword will be shocked.

Qin Qi really wants to pick up!

"It is this person who kidnapped my nephew. I don't want to take it down now, but when to wait!" Lu Jing looked at the center of the water curtain and was wiped out by a basket of red and two swords. It was also a surprise in my heart.

Such a strong temperament breath far exceeds his perception of the third king.

The third king, is it so powerful?

However, Qin Qi is here, Lu Boxin is once again in his hand, Lu Jing can not be indifferent.

The next two people will have to rush to the past, and Qin Qi will be instantly suppressed.

In the realm of Xuan Zun, this thing can still be done.

"His Royal Highness will hold him back, and the two will wait for a moment!" Yin and Yang two old people quickly intercepted.

The third king, the fierce battle, is already arrogant. The third king of this state, they have not seen it for a long time, and even the third jump will also be shot.

They are, they only know that the third king can use the third jump, but how specific, what power, but I do not know.

Such an opportunity is also rare for the third king. This sword will definitely take her to the next level.

In this case, plus the third king girl herself does not want to be disturbed, Yin and Yang Er Lao naturally said nothing will allow Lu Jing and others to interfere with this battle.

However, Lu Jing and the New Year, where will manage these, naturally Lu Boxin is even more important.

Moreover, they don't want to see the third king girl become stronger, knowing that she is now stronger than expected.

Not only Lu Jing and the New Year.

At this moment, a large number of strong people have already arrived at this thousand water baths, a few strong temperament from far and near, almost two breaths of time, came to this area.

These are the strong people gathered in the city of no fall, the children are kidnapped, which will not be anxious, learned that Qin Qi in the thousands of water swamps, the moment has come.

And those who are not tied to the children, this time, of course, want to see the excitement. So at this moment, almost all the strong people in the city of no fall have gathered together, and there are some horrors that have not appeared.

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