God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2183: Yu Ningxu

These people appeared and were undoubtedly attracted by the battle between the third king and Qin Qi.

In addition, the terrible existence of the Yin and Yang Er Lao and Lu Jing and other Xuan Zun levels has become a foil. After all, although they are strong, but in the realm of Qin Qi and the third king girl, they are afraid that they will never have such strength. of.

"That is the kidnapper? I didn't expect it to be just such a realm. I thought it was at least a strong man of Xuanjing!"

"He is fighting the third king, and watching this is already a battle, and it will be a winner!"

"That is one of the killers of the third king girl. The unicorn is three jumps. It was created by her own martial arts and Yan's Wanshui. It is very powerful and has never used a third leap!"

"That was the second leap, it was really awkward, but how was it blocked by the kidnappers?"

"I didn't see it, but it looks like the third lady is going to show her third jump. Today, she is also lucky. I can see this battle!"

A lot of things are not related to my own generation. At this moment, I just want to watch a lively event, and I am really curious. What kind of battle can the third king girl and Qin Qi fight?

The third jump of the third king girl is about to be shot. How does Qin Qi resist?

Or is it a direct defeat?

"The third king is full of strength and restraint. This third jump, the momentum is obviously not as good as the second jump, but even if it is far away, it always gives me a sense of danger, I am afraid, unexpectedly strong!"

"The kidnappers are afraid that they can't stop it, but I heard that the hostages are still in his hands. I don't know if the third lady will keep her hands?"

"Hey, Lu Boxin is still in the hands of the kidnappers. If you are the third king, don't you stop?"

More and more people have arrived, many of them are ethnic neutrons, or the apostles and grandchildren were kidnapped by Qin Qi. At this moment, they saw Qin Qi, and they were all furious.

Where are they willing to let the third king girl fight almost with Qin Qi, naturally it is necessary to stop, and then Qin Qi suppression.

After all, Qin Qi is dead, and I don’t know if I can rescue the hostages.

With the relationship between the royal family and the town of Houfu, the possibility that the third king is not merciless is not small.

"Lv Daren, please also take a shot to stop, suppress the thief!" Xuanjing strong screamed.

The third king's third jump has not yet been shot, but the dangerous feeling is that these older generations are also able to clearly feel that they feel scalp tingling.

Qin Qi, I am afraid that I can’t stop it.

Lu Jing’s eyes are slightly stunned. These people are standing on his side at the moment. Under the general trend, they are also allowed to stop the yin and yang.

The yin and yang old brows are wrinkled and their faces are ugly. They don't want the third king to be disturbed. After all, they know very well that this shot is of great significance to the third king.

It can even affect the way to go in the future.

However, Qin Qi has provoked so many people, and now they are gathering here. How can they stop it alone?

Even the authority of the royal family can not force these people to ignore the life and death of the children. If they do, they are afraid to shake the dominance of the royal family.

Lu Jing sneered, and now he will shoot, not only will Lu Boxin, but also take this opportunity to interrupt the mysterious state of the third king.

This kind of state can be no longer needed, and it will be difficult to meet it later.

The third king girl apparently did not manage those things anymore. She will perform a third leap. She has not used this trick in front of outsiders, and this time, this move will be stronger than ever.

It must be said that this is to thank the kidnappers in front of you.

Qin Qi felt the more terrible breath of the third king, but his current attention could not be completely concentrated. There are too many people who want to take him.

It seems that I can only regret that I cannot see the strongest power of the third king.

Qin Qi intends to make a final attempt according to the plan and kidnap the third king girl. If it can't, it can only be forced to leave this place.

Although there seems to be no solution, Qin Qi is prepared and cannot escape.

However, just when Lu Jing and others wanted to shoot, the yin and yang couldn’t stop, a voice suddenly sounded, and the whole world was quiet.

"Don't worry, there will be nothing, just wait patiently and see how they can have a terrible battle!" A white old man appeared and stood in the void.

He had to be white, broke the sacred wind, and appeared so awkward that no one even noticed how he appeared.

"Yu Ningxu!"

Everyone saw this old man, and his look changed.

I did not expect this time the emergence of the spirit, but also led to the master of Yu Ningxu.

Whether it is the Yin and Yang Er Lao, or Lu Jing, or other people present, they are swallowing their mouths at the moment and immediately salute.

This person is Yu Ningxu, a guardian of Yujia, a realm, has reached the realm, no doubt crowned this place.

In the battlefield, there are seven Xeon empire, but the strongest forces are eight. Yujia is the same level of power except the seven empire.

The power of Yujia comes from the secrets and blood of the generations passed down from generation to generation. They have an unparalleled affinity for the power of the void. Every tribe has a low attainment in the power of the void.

And Yu Ningxu, as the high-level of the Yu family, the younger generation of the protectors, the virtual way is naturally powerful.

There is him, whether it is Qin Qi escape or directly cut the small world of Qin Qi, rescue those who are kidnapped, is not a problem.

"But the predecessor..." Lu Jing is still ready to say something.

"How, believe in the old man?" Yu Ningxu smiled.

Lu Jing's look changed, and quickly said: "The younger generation does not dare, but my family's nephew is of great significance to my town's northern Houfu, and also asks the seniors to ensure their safety!"

"Reassuring, can't make an accident", Yu Ningxuan bears his hands and stands, the wind is light and cloudy.

The master of the realm, plus the main emptiness of the avenue, does have this confidence and capital.

In the moment when Yu Ningxu appeared, Qin Qi had the induction, a feeling of being trapped all over the body, and the escape route derived from the core of the different Kunlun calculations was even dimmed in an instant.

Only one is left.

The situation is a bit bad.

Qin Qi did not expect that there will be people of this level.

"See the huntering heart, not calm enough!" Qin Qi smiled in his heart, if not he himself would like to see the next sword of the third king, he will not fall into such a passive situation.

But since this is the case, take a good look at the power of the third king.

Then, consider other things no later than.

Anyway, as long as there is still a way to go, it will not be desperate. "The kendo of this girl is more and more pure. Every sword has a unicorn. There is a sword in every unicorn. It seems that this ancient unicorn kendo may reproduce its brilliance in this hoe!" Condensed and smiled.

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