God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2209: The oriole is behind

Five peerless geniuses, all the way back to the enemy, naturally left a loser.

And this battle is too fierce, five people want to stop everyone, the shot can not be scrupulous, so these losers, good luck is not bad, want to be good, unharmed, impossible.

All of them, all fell to the ground to mourn, and some even more miserable, lack of arms and legs, and even those who are dying, have no resistance.

This is convenient for Qin Qi, almost one hand, and the number is not much worse.

There are also some guys who still have the fighting power. They are caught by Qin Qi and want to resist. It’s just that Qin Qi is also a good match. They directly suppress and do not give them a chance.

"You are the kidnapper, what are you going to do, let me go!" The younger brother yelled in horror.

"Of course, I will change your money!" Qin Qi has a well-founded way.


"You, don't come over, you will call me when you come over again!" A female warrior screamed.

"You shout, shouted throat and no one will help you drop!" Qin Qi laughed.


"You dare to appear, not afraid to die!" Someone scorned guilty.

"If you can do it, try it!" Qin Qi was cold, and then he stepped on his face and threw it into Huang Quan.


"Don't touch me, you shameless!" There was a little girl yelling.

"Rely, the group of animals, really have to go, beautiful, your clothes are broken, I block you with your hands, don't be afraid!" Qin Qi laughed, human and animal harmless.


All the way, all the way, the efficiency is high, never seen before, and each one has a certain status, whether it is the ransom, or auction, you can definitely make a fortune.

Of course, Qin Qi is also picking people. There are many marks on the small map, which are very clear. Those who are temporarily unable to make it, Qin Qi will naturally not hit.

Occasionally, I will see a different kind of class. Qin Qi will also make up for it. It is really easy to write.

However, Qin Qi is always vigilant. After all, for him, those masters of the realm can be shot. This kind of good thing does not know how long it can last.

Qin Qi can only be based on the spirit of one is a one, specializing in the status of high-level to start, and then can be prostitutes, never men, and strive to earn more!

Although the battle is fierce and intriguing, it attracts most of the attention, but Qin Qi’s secret business cannot be undetected.

After seeing Qin Qi’s squatting behind the group of people, the strong guys suddenly blow their beards and almost suffocated by Qin Qi.

This confusing thing, dare to do such a thing, really not afraid of death!

That Yu condensed, black face, the first one will be shot to Qin Qi, he must wash the shame before that.

Just to be shot, the body suddenly froze, and the body was soaked in cold sweat, a feeling of incomparable horror, turned into cool, straight through the soul.

It’s not just Yu Ning, but the rest of the world’s masters who are ready to shoot.

At the moment, everyone's face is incomparably difficult to see, but also in their hearts. After all, it is obvious that there are big people appearing to stop them from shooting.

And so powerful, even if you don't even see the figure, you can hold them all, you can't move them, or even if you want, you can make them fly away.

I am afraid that only the strongest of the heavens can do it.

Is there a strong man of heaven?

And, who is it?

no one knows.

This pressure quickly dissipated, and this should be a warning that they can't go out and only allow them to look at it.

Even if it comes from the Undead Heaven Palace, it comes from the giant power of the Fire Temple. At this moment, no one dares to move.

After all, no one can dare to challenge the patience of a heavenly master.

And as a result, they can only watch Qin Qi pick mushrooms, the face is black, even darker than the bottom of the pot!

Especially the strongest of the undead heavenly palace, almost vomiting bleeding.

Of course, the undead temple is not Jin Qinsheng, and many disciples have come to practice. In such a chaotic situation, even if they come from the undead palace, injuries are inevitable, and some are unable to continue to join the ranks of the competition.

These people have been caught by Qin Qi, and Qin Qi is not polite at all, it is awkward to go up, until it is dizzy, it is included in the small world.

Seeing this situation, I can't do anything, how can I not vomit blood?

Qin Qi all the way forward, there are doubts in my heart, how old guys still do not shoot?

It is impossible to find out that he has not been right until now.

But since no one has shot, Qin Qi is even more rude, constantly moving through the forest, kidnapping one has a noble, these are all a lot of roads.

The battle ahead is still going on, fierce and unparalleled, and several young strong men have already fought to madness. Until this time, their combat power is a complete demonstration.

It is indeed powerful, not only powerful, but also endurance. It has not been exhausted.

Qin Qi is naturally so happy, the more chaotic there, the greater the benefits he can get.

It’s just that Qin Qi can’t go so smoothly. He’s only Huang Zun’s level. The more he goes forward, the more prey he encounters.

For example, in the top of the Xuanjing master, unless it is a serious injury, Qin Qi is really not good to take them down.

Before, I can deliberately avoid it, but the more I go back, the more I can't find the guy under this realm. Qin Qi's business has been hindered for a while.

These people are the real value guys, especially the young ones, and the top ten.

After all, they often come from big forces.

"You have to use some means, otherwise, even if they are injured, they can't take it!" Qin Qi frowned, carefully examined the many marks on the small map, and finally chose a position.

At the moment, his electric shot came out, and his breath was covered up.

There is a valley in front, the location is concealed, and the spirit is rich, but it is a place similar to the heaven and earth, which is conducive to cultivation.

This kind of place, under the ground, is full of veins. For Qin Qi, it is a natural place.

Qin Qi came to this place, pedaling to the ground, and the pulse road suddenly worked. Kunlun to the dragon, the dragon to the veins, Qin Qi as if the whole person was connected with the earth.

This feeling, like the Kunlun Mountains, after all, Kunlun is gathered by the endless veins into 999 dragon veins, which are finally formed.

At this moment, Qin Qi is a small Kunlun.

It’s just a reverse connection.

The pulse of the array, the numerous formations will flow in the veins, and the trend of the veins will begin to change, becoming the core of the array. These arrays are naturally powerful and unmatched. Even if they are masters of Xuanjing, they cannot be ignored.

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