God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2210: Just cause

Qin Qiji's pulse is unique in the world. No other mage can do this to his degree. The speed is fast, and others can only hope for it.

However, if the method is arranged, if no one comes in, it will be vain.

The bait must be arranged.

"What are you doing?" The third king girl is puzzled, why Qin Qi detained her.

At the same time, her heart is also a shock.

Unexpectedly, the Qin Qi battle was so remarkable. In a short period of time, a large number of nobles were kidnapped, and most of them had a new status!

And there are a few who are from the outside world, I am afraid the value is higher.

"Now is the time for you to realize your own value!" Qin Qi smiled and was very kind.

"What do you mean!" The third lady's face changed, she knew that Qin Qi would never have any good things to find her.

"You can stay here with peace of mind, other things, don't worry." Qin Qidao.

"You want to use me as a bait?" The third king looked at her.

"Don't look at me, everyone is a friend, mutual benefit!" Qin Qihehe laughed.

The third king girl does not think that there is any mutual benefit. This shameless guy really did it all the time. She even wanted to use her as a bait to lure the enemy.

"When are those people who are idiots, will they enter this trap?" The third king girl said coldly.

"So, you need to sacrifice a little more", Qin Qi with a smile.

The third king looked at it and only felt a cold in her heart.

Immediately, Qin Qi did not wait for her to react, her hands were torn on her clothes.

"What are you doing!" The third lady couldn't help but scream.

"Don't be so excited, don't you take your time, what are you afraid of?" Qin Qi smiled carelessly and tore the third lady's clothes into a bikini.

Not to mention that the temptation, coupled with this tearing wind, is enough to make people crazy.

"You..." The third lady’s face was blue and green, and she couldn’t speak.

Qin Qi is still smiling, pulling the third king girl to the center of the big array.

The third king girl is ashamed and angry. She is a man who is fascinated by the martial arts. She does not care much about her daughter. She does not feel anything naked.

It is also the state of mind that she can do both.

However, Qin Qi’s shameless confession directly caused a shadow in her heart through the Avi Six. Even if she did not want it, her heart was a wave.

At this moment, it seems that she will not care about dressing in the weekdays, making it difficult for her to calm down.

But it is useless to be angry again. Qin Qi has killed her and will not give her any chance to resist.

"You don't want to move around here, I am going to buy you an orange." Qin Qi couldn't help but laughed. Although he did not bully the third king, it was still a bit refreshing.

Of course, the business is still going to be done.

Qin Qi asked the third king to sit on the ground, and then gathered innumerable patterns in her hands and turned it into a ball of light. This is the core of the entire formation, condensing almost half of the formations here.

Immediately, Qin Qi put it into the body of the third king.

First, it is to control the third king, not let her have the opportunity to escape, and second, to cover up the atmosphere of the big array to the lowest, Qin Qi believes that unless it is a strong high-powered, otherwise, who is aware Can not lay a large array of this place.

After all, it is difficult to detect the ground, and in the perception of the average person, those are just the local veins, not the formations.

Qin Qi checked everything and determined that there was no problem, he planned to leave and wait for the fish to hook.

The third king girl glared at Qin Qi, and her eyes were full of anger.

Qin Qi was a little embarrassed, coughing two channels: "You have to think so, this place, if you are not with you, normal people are afraid to come in easily."

"And if you come in, it must be a **** person. How can you say that such a person can not knock him?" Qin Qiyi said the words.

The third king girl bites her teeth. In her opinion, the biggest **** is Qin Qi.

"唉", Qin Qi sighed and shook his head: "The cause of justice is always accompanied by not understanding, but I do not blame you, you will understand my pains in the future."

When Qin Qi said it, he stopped paying attention to the third king girl and Shi Shiran left.

The third king girl spit out almost a blood.

This shameless calculation, dare to say justice?

This is the worst time for justice to be hacked.

Qin Qi left, hidden in the dark.

He chose this place, naturally there is no reason. In the vicinity, there are many injured strong people, they are recovering, and always pay attention to everything around them.

After all, they are not fools, knowing that it is easy to be attacked at this time, it is not what they want.

But soon, they will immediately notice the breath of the third king girl, as to whether they will enter the trap, they will see what they do.

"This is..." Soon, someone appeared, and it turned out to be a strong man in the battlefield, from the death of the Yanyan Empire, the big Qi Empire!

This person is a Houye, not a younger generation, and the realm has reached the limit of the realm. It is not bad.

After he noticed the breath of the third king, he quietly approached, and saw that the third lady was in the valley, her eyes suddenly changed.

And it seems that the third lady is in a bad state, her clothes are broken, it should be just after the battle.

Could it be said that the third king girl escaped from Qin Qi?

The grandfather’s mind turned, he knew that there was something strange, but he knew that there was no other strong nearby, and maybe someone would come over soon.

Staring at the third king girl, the Houye couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of water, such a woman, and still the king of the enemy country, if it can go back, the credit is huge!

To catch her before someone else finds the third king!

The grandfather had a care in his heart, his eyes fixed on the third king, and he did not know whether it was for the sake of the family, or to hold the third woman.

But in any case, this beauty plan must have played a huge role.

The Houye slowly sneaked in. He was very careful, and he was not stunned by the third lady's appearance, but he did not feel any danger, and he gave up a little.

Finally, he came to the third king girl, his face could not help but smile, almost laughed.

Da Yan’s third lady, now, is going to be his prisoner. It’s exciting to think about it.

"His Royal Highness, this place is dangerous, let me **** you out!" The prince licked his lips and extended his hand, ready to pull the third king.

At the same time, the strength of the hands surging, apparently ready to suppress the third king girl at any time.

The third king girl obviously has a sinister anger and is injured. Although he is not a full-fledged man now, it should not be a problem if it is suppressed.

The third lady’s eyes were shaking, and the other’s eyes made her heart disgusting.

Although she is not willing to let Qin Qi win, but at the moment, from the heart, she wants to see this idiot in front of the explosion! "Looking for death!" The third king girl cold channel, the film suddenly started.

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