God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2211: Drawing a gourd

The third king girl was ashamed to be controlled by Qin Qi, but she was even more reluctant to be touched by such a guy. She could only open the circle of law, and this was undoubtedly forced to cooperate with Qin Qi.

Coordination is not the key to cooperation. After all, cooperation is cooperation, that is, bowing.

The big squad opened, and the ground beneath the ground suddenly provoked terrorist fluctuations. The huge pressure directly oppressed the Houye.

Surrounded by countless patterns, not only from the bottom of the earth, but also from the ground to provide endless spirit, while the third king girl, there are also lines of overflow, is the core.

"This is actually a trap!" The Houye was furious and rushed to shake the power, wanting to break through, but how can the power of this large array easily move?

The Houye couldn’t understand why the third king did this kind of thing. After all, it didn’t seem to be directed at him.

Since it was taken out of Qinqi, it did not return to the royal family, nor did it compete for the spirits. Instead, it was set in halfway. What is going on?

It is really confusing.

Among the large arrays, it is the absolute power in the Xuanjing. It is suppressed by dozens of underground veins, just like the pressure of the Mount Taishan.

Of course, it is not a move, so even if there are a thousand questions in the heart, the Houye did not waste time, and quickly shaken all the forces, wanting to break through the big line and leave.

However, Qin Qi is obviously faster than him.

At the moment when the big squad opened, Qin Qi had already shot, and it was unintentional, and this is the convenience of the home court. With the formation, it is not a problem to make up for the disadvantages of the realm.

A punch, muscles like a diamond, the strength of the road, you can crush the mountains.

However, the other party is a master in the realm of Xuanjing. Although he is already at a disadvantage, he still reacted, and his body flashed, and a light shield was blocked in front of him.

Qin Qi’s punch was offset by more than half, and the effect was not too significant.

Just after the punch, the blood is almost at the same time, the power of a sword, but it is hard to resist, after all, Qin Qi's sword has always ignored the defense!

Under the sword, the blood was glaring, and the chest of the grandfather was almost opened directly. Then Hou’s blood spurted out, and it was already soft and lacking strength.

Qin Qi shot, of course, enough to drill, is aimed at the other side's injury, and strive to strike.

"Qin Qi!" That Houye's face was pale, and he fell to the ground directly. Even standing up was difficult. He saw Qin Qi, and his eyes suddenly gave birth to a horrible color.

The third king girl is actually in cooperation with Qin Qi!

This idiot!

However, it is useless to anger again. Now he has become a new meat ticket for Qin Qi.

"Qin Qi, do you really want to offend me to the big Qi Empire at the same time?" Then Hou Ye gritted his teeth, the lines were added, and the wounds were wounded. How can he still resist?

Qin Qi chuckled twice and said: "You still think about it, how to keep your life better!"

It was said that Hou’s pupils shrank fiercely and couldn’t help but show the color of fear. The person in front of him was obviously completely mad, and he was definitely a fierce kidnapper.

The matter of tearing up the ticket must be done.

One thought of this, then Hou Ye dare tough, can only swallow the mouth: "You don't kill me, my people will be willing to pay ransom for me!"

"Of course it is best!" Qin Qi said lightly.

In fact, killing each other seems to be more profitable. In the realm of his illusion, once Qin Qi kills, Qin Qi should be able to light up the first star of Xuanjing.

Just, just killing people like this, Qin Qi still does not do much.

In the end, there is no enmity, no money, no money, it is not good.

Qin Qi sighed and looked at the third king girl. "You can't wait for him to do something and do it again. Then I have reason to kill him."

The third king girl stared at Qin Qi incredibly. What is this?

Feelings still blame her for resisting too early?

"You can kill him now!" The third king girl chilled.

Then Hou Ye heard the words, suddenly he was afraid of the liver and gallbladder, and quickly said: "This strong man, we have no complaints in the long run, there is no hate in recent days, you should never listen to her words."

"They are the people of the Great Yan Empire, I hope that I will die. If you kill me, it will be the knife in her hand!"

Qin Qi nodded and saw that Hou’s heart was relieved.

Fortunately, Qin Qi did not listen to the third king, otherwise he really wants to die.

"Let's discuss it, let's play it later, let me catch a few more people. How do you see it?" Qin Qi laughed and smiled, and the smile was very kind.

That Hou Ye swallowed a mouthful of water, and my heart was a glimpse!

He knows Qin Qi’s intentions, but now, the situation is forced, and he is not allowed to refuse.

Moreover, because he was only caught by Qin Qi, he became a meat ticket and the space ring was taken away. It was simply a **** disease and he suffered a blood loss!

There is no reason why only he is so hard, everyone should be right.

At the moment, Hou’s eyes were sharp and he nodded. “You said, I will do it.”

"Very good!" Qin Qi smiled with satisfaction.

Liu Nai Hou is outside, instead of shutting into the world of Huang Quan, Qin Qi is to let him and the third king girl play a play, let people believe more, the third king of the state at the moment.

After the arrangement, Qin Qi left again, and the third king still sat there, which seemed even weaker.

As for the Houye, he fell to the ground and was dying. It looked like he had just experienced a big battle with the third king, and he had only half a breath.

As a result, it should be more confusing.

Soon, someone noticed the breath of the third king girl. This is a strong person from outside the battlefield. It is still young, but the realm is not weaker than that of Hou, and it is also a mysterious place.

When he saw the third king, his eyes suddenly brightened, so beautiful, very tempting, and looked very weak, apparently just experienced a big battle, and finally survived.

Those who fall in the pool of blood and who are dying are the best proof.

"Oh, you can't get the gods, you can't lose money if you get such a beauty!" The man laughed in his heart, and he did not suspect him at the moment, and went directly into the valley.

This goods, it is really a hungry ghost, the performance is far worse than that of the Hou Ye, quickly came to the third king girl, not to mention, is to grab the third king.

And the angle of the hands is obviously tilted toward the chest.

"Nima, it's really nothing to hide, my generation is a model!" Qin Qi could not help but marvel.

The third king's face was iron-blue, and immediately ignited a large array. The man only felt that his body was sinking, his body suddenly froze, and he was almost crushed to the ground.

Still have time to do anything, Qin Qi like to draw a gourd, once again hit it into a serious injury!

puff! A blood spit out, this person's injury is much heavier than that of Hou, who is already on the ground, just next to the Hou Ye, looks very neat.

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