God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2212: Shameless

"What you just wanted to do! It’s so ugly, I’m going to do the day for the girl, and yelled at you for this girl!” Qin Qiyi shouted.

Not only the third king girl, but the prince who listened to this, could not help but roll his eyes.

This person is too shameless!

"You, you are Qin Qi!" The man apparently also heard about Qin Qi's deeds, but he did not care about it before, but now he did not expect that it actually fell into the hands of Qin Qi.

And looking at this meaning, Qin Qi is not kidnapping him, is prepared to marry him.

How is this going!

"Big brother, big brother, don't be impulsive, killing me is too bad. I am a descendant of Yijia. For me, the family can have 10 million stones. If you kill me, you can't get anything!" Yi Chengcai quickly called.

"But what you have just done is really shameless. If I accept you, wouldn't I be sorry for this girl?" Qin Qi looked very embarrassed.

Yi Chengcai's mouth is twitching. He is a shameless person himself, but today, it is obvious that he has met an expert.

If you say such a shameless face, you can even change your face, and you have nothing to do with it.

After all, Yi Chengcai is not an idiot. There will be no such thing as a trap. The third woman becomes like this, and it is entirely thanks to Qin Qi.

It’s good now, but he’s shameless.

Yi Chengcai really wants to cry. The heart of the bandits is counted, and the name of justice is still in the name of justice. Do you want to bully people?

Just to save his life, Yi Chengcai can only choose to give in, mind to turn, want to find a reason for Qin Qi not to kill him.

Fortunately, he is also a full-fledged bad embryo. He quickly thought of a solution and hurriedly shouted: "Adult, how do you see this, I have several enemies, they don’t want to kill me all the time, just let them notice. My trace will definitely come over!"

"At that time, you shot, put them in a nest, how?" Yi Chengcai is a little excited.

"Really?" Qin Qi doubted.

"You can rest assured that adults, I am now in your hands, how can you bully you, and they are my enemy, I certainly hope they are also bad luck!" Yi Chengcai bite his teeth.

Wen Yan, Da Qi’s Hou Ye suddenly cast a glance with his eyes.

Yi Chengcai noticed it, but also nodded to it, quite a sense of sympathy.

The third king girl's face is blue, these scams, one by one should kill!

In the end, Qin Qi agreed with Yi Chengcai’s proposal, and Yi Chengcai also had some skills, deliberately selling flaws and letting his enemies perceive his position.

Qin Qi was hidden in the dark, and soon there were several people who came from there. The realm was strong and weak, but none of them was a woman.

The head of the person, graceful posture, outstanding appearance, only a little bit of the third king girl, the realm is also very strong, has arrived in the Xuanjing.

Behind her, several women are also very beautiful, the weakest, and the realm of Huang Zun.

These people are obviously coming for Yi Chengcai.

I am afraid that even the spirits are not what they want. Otherwise, there will be no traces of fighting on the body.

"Sexual thief, really here!" The headed woman walked out of the valley and saw Yi Chengcai, and her eyebrows rose, and she immediately sipped.

"Sexual thief, still can't stop, you are still a Yijia person, so unscrupulous, do not know repentance, but also want to stick out the claws to the innocent woman!" The girl, a few girls are very angry.

"How come you!" Yi Chengcai screamed in horror.

He just looked like an attempt to have any dissatisfaction with the third king girl. Now it is a big change and a fear.

"Six sisters, this thief is injured, it is a good opportunity to seize him!"

"Yes, bring him back to the teacher's door, let the teacher door fall, and seek justice for Qi Shimei!"

A few beautiful female disciples, you have said a word, have already set aside the battle, will never give Yi Chengcai the opportunity to escape.

"The sinister thief is dead!" The six-sister sister gave a sigh of relief, Jianguang showed, and has already rushed to Yi Chengcai.

Although Yi Chengcai is also in the Xuanjing, but obviously injured, the six divisions are sure to hold Yi Chengcai.

Yi Chengcai flashed a flustered eye, because the third king did not start the array, and her face changed a lot, so she had to fight.

It’s a pity that if you are outnumbered, you will be suppressed in an instant, vomiting blood and blood, not an opponent at all.

However, just as he was about to be shackled, the big squad opened and Qin Qi descended from the sky and directly suppressed them.

This time, the opponents, the strength is not bad, Qin Qi did not dare to ignore them, so when the shot, it is the integration of the soul and Wu, the four martial arts into the body, with the big array, the advantage is still huge.

Moreover, it is still a sneak attack, the effect is more significant.

Of course, the other party is a woman, not a bad person. Qin Qi’s shot is still measured, and it’s too much, just a crackdown.

"This is a trap!" Six sisters want to understand the cause and effect, and the face is hard to look at.

"Sexual thief, you deliberately led us to this!" There are female disciples angry, Da Yi Yi Cheng is despicable.

"You are not guilty of retribution with this sinister thief," said a female disciple staring at Qin Qi, yelling out in anger.

"Not afraid," Qin Qi shrugged and answered very simply.

Such an answer made them all stunned. Suddenly, I felt that I was afraid of being a shameless person among the shameless people. Then their fate would be miserable.

"You killed us, even if it is dead, we will never be humiliated!" Six sisters shouted, instead of being insulted by Qin Qi, it is better to die.

And other female disciples are like this, very fierce.

However, Qin Qi shook his head and said seriously: "Do you know that you are insulting my personality, I just want to make money, I think I will move your hands."

"You are disrespectful to the occupation of the kidnappers!" Qin Qi shouted.

Oh my God……

Everyone is dull to look at Qin Qi, Yi Chengcai and Da Qi Houye are considered to be served, this is really the ultimate example of shamelessness of my generation.

Six sisters, etc., are also worried, have not been refuted for such reasons.

Only the third king girl is very calm, she has already seen Qin Qi, it is such a shameless despicable.

"Well, you don't talk, but you know what's wrong. In the future, remember that our kidnappers are only looking for money. If you dare to seduce me, believe it or not, I will put you all!" Qin Qi stood up This is pride from the profession, I am the kidnapper, I am proud!

Six sisters and others have been completely paralyzed.

A kidnapper, so righteous and remarkable, how do you feel that he is standing on the side of justice?

"But let me talk about it, what kind of grudges do you have with him?" Qin Qi flashed and smiled slightly.

He is waiting for an answer. If Yi Chengcai really insults a female disciple, then Qin Qi has a reason, a sword. Come on, talk about it, in the end, this thief, what a terrible thing!

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