God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2508: Recognize you, recognize me

"This is impossible, you are not a Kunlun body at all!" Kunlun's first face was distorted. He never believed that the nightingale would be a Kunlun body.

Everyone can't understand this.

They are aware of the power of the nightingale. After all, they had a battle with Kunlun.

Although his physique is special and extremely powerful, it is by no means a Kunlun body.

Now, how can you come to the public in the form of Kunlun?

"Fucking a ghost, do you think you deceive me?" The first Kunlun couldn't stand it anymore, and everything he would be taken away by the nightingale.

He will never allow this to happen.

A sword broke out.

It is like the town of Kunlun.

The sword of the first Kunlun is superb, and the sword is merged with the particles of the immortal. There is no such thing as a slap. It can be said that this sword has been used to the extreme.

"Not bad," the nightingale sighed, and then extended a finger, when the air was a stroke.

After this fingering, the power of Kunlun on the first body of Kunlun began to disintegrate.

And this is the proof of the power of Kunlun at night, the proof on him!

And the strength is not a little bit!

The nightingale is not a ghost, but it really gets the Kunlun body.

"Now, you should know the gap between us." The nightingale was faint, and the power of Kunlun Xianshan began to come to him.

"You can rest assured that Kunlun Mountain is still the Kunlun Mountain. You are still you, but this place has changed a master."

"In addition, I am different from Kunlun. He has no intention to manage you, and I will make you stronger!" Nightingale laughed.

The power of Kunlun Xianshan gathered at his feet and turned into a ladder, straight through, the top of the peak of the god.

And there, no one but the Kunlun.

The first Kunlun face was sullen, and he refused to accept such a reality, but he had to accept it.

He knew that he had no chance.

The performance of Kunlun Xianshan has already declared the death of Kunlun.

The nightingale dared to appear here, I am afraid I have already confirmed this fact.

Kunlun Mountain, starting today, is easy to change.

The nightingale will become the second owner of Kunlun Mountain.

In addition to yielding to him, there is no second choice for the Kunlun disciples.


The first Kunlun squatted down and expressed his surrender to the nightingale.

The rest of the Kunlun disciples saw this, and after hesitating for a while, they also fell down.

They also admitted that this Kunlun new owner.

"Sister, sire!" The first Kunlun looked at the summer geese and couldn't help but frown.

Xia Luoyan is not afraid, she is not willing to surrender!

This is not only likely to provoke the nightingale, but also a great irony for those who have already surrendered.

The first Kunlun did not allow such people to appear.

"I don't believe that the Master is degraded, and I don't want to be others." Xia Luoyan is cold and cold, and he is talking to the Kunlun first, and it is also like an iceberg.

The first person in Kunlun looked cold.

Xia Luoyan, do you want to say that they are all betrayers?

"Do you want to be a traitor to Kunlun Mountain?"

"You want to leave, want to betray Kunlun?"

"I, never allow such a thing to happen!"

The first Kunlun bite his teeth and simply slammed it to the Xia Luoyan with the hat of the traitor.

There was a disappointment in the eyes of Xia Luoyan, and this kind of eyes directly stung the Kunlun first, and made him shy and turned into anger.

"He just took us into this Kunlun Mountain, just throwing us a few sets of secret laws. He has been in charge of us. Why have you ever cared about us? Such people, why should we serve him!" Kunlun first apprentice.

"Then you can leave, the door of Kunlun Mountain, never closed!" Xia Luoyan indifferent.

The first person in Kunlun’s breath was even more annoyed, but he still wanted to say something. Xia Luoyan had no intention to pay attention.

Rebellious nightingale, she did not intend to leave alive.

"Night Lord, please allow the younger generation to challenge you!" Xia Luoyan ceremonial.

The nightingale stood in the middle of the Shenfeng, heard the words, looked back at Xia Luoyan.

"For another day, I wouldn't mind your disrespect, but today, I don't allow any disobedience." The nightingale is faint. "But it's your unyielding, you can leave a life."

"Get it," said the night.

Xia Luoyan's sword and a sword are the essence of what she has learned all her life. The power is indeed huge, and she can be regarded as the name of the Kunlun disciple.

Even if she is ten years older, she may not be weaker than the first Kunlun.

It’s a pity that even now, even if you try your best, it’s not like the sword of the first Kunlun.

This is naturally impossible to hit the nightingale.

The nightingale was slightly decapitated, and immediately took a picture.

Xia Luoyan snorted, spit blood, and flew out.

The void behind her shattered and swallowed her. No one knew where she was going, but she understood that she was already seriously injured and dying.

This is the end of the rebellious nightingale.

The rest of the Kunlun disciples are stunned and have no idea in mind.

The nightingale regained his gaze and did not delay the time because of this episode.

He stepped up and finally climbed to the top of the mountain, stepping on the 999 dragon heads.

With his appearance, these 999 dragon veins are like a resurrection. Longli gathers and floods into his body.

This is, the dragon to Kunlun!

The nightingale carries all of this and absorbs it all. He can feel that his power is constantly growing.

Sure enough, as he expected, after entering Kunlun, he will take the step that he dreamed of.

"Kunlun, you are indeed in a natural position, the world is afraid that no second person can compare with you, I think it is not your opponent!"

"This, I recognize you!"

"You know that the darkness of the heavens is set, you are still fearless, and you are facing the battle. Not only by yourself, but also by the Mecheles, together with those of the heavens and the earth, they are all seriously wounded by you."

"Your fall is written with such a proud record."

"This, I respect you!"

"And today, I am in Kunlun, I will follow your steps, and continue to be strong, but I will not always be like this, I will go farther than you on your way!"

"This time, I will surpass you!"

The nightingale whispered, he was a little sad and a little helpless. He lost his goal of catching up with his life. He never had such a good opponent.

Therefore, he can never look back, he can only go forward, otherwise everything that is done will be meaningless.

"Apprentice, is your heavenly nurturing to be done, have you already seen the Kunlun Mountains at this moment?"

"Then, it is recognized as a teacher, and the choice of the teacher is correct!"

At night, he spread his arms and embraced the entire Kunlun Mountains.

Immediately, the breath of his body broke out completely, and a strong and unrivalled pressure, like the previous world's supreme cross-border, ushered in the heavens and the world.

The first Kunlun looked at it and almost broke his teeth.

That should be everything that belongs to him!

On this day, the heavens re-shocked.

The disappearance of the only natural world, the Kunlun body, has been confirmed at the level of the strong.

And this day. The new heaven and earth supreme, the king is the world!

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