God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2509: Round table

Although the time has passed a few days, everything has happened too suddenly.

No one thought that Kunlun would fall.

Before that, there wasn't even a harbinger.

However, Kunlun’s record is also heartfelt admiration.

What he is facing is a heaven and earth supreme with a mortal heart. At the same time, there are at least three heaven and earth supreme.

In the end, Kunlun killed one of them and hit the rest.

These achievements are truly unparalleled in the world.

In addition to Kunlun, I am afraid that no one can play such a record.

But Kunlun, after all, is still degenerate.

In the end, he is alone, and he can only drink and hate in the face of four opponents at the same level.

Although there are still many people who do not believe that the invincible Kunlun will actually fall, but everything that happens after that confirms the accuracy of this news.

Most people do not know the existence of the dark world, and most people who know it do not understand the specific situation of the two circles.

Only some people understand that Kunlun has been guarding the Guangming community.

His fall, who is hard to let go, and lost his bright circles, how to face the powerful dark world?

Fortunately, the nightingale has made the world supreme.

He made up for the top battle that was vacant after Kunlun’s death.

In this way, the dark heavens should also think about it, it is impossible to directly shoot and destroy the bright circles.

After all, their losses this time are extremely large, far exceeding the original plan.

They just thought about using Mechels to lose Kunlun, but they didn't think about it. The rest of the people would be seriously injured, even to the extent that they had to go back to sleep and recover.

This directly broke the balance inside the dark world.

Plus nowadays the nightingale is already the world's supreme. If you fight again, it will undoubtedly be a victory in the dark world, but the gains and losses of the time will be completely out of balance.

That is not what the dark heavens want to see.

So, another voice appeared on the round table.

This voice was actually there before, but it has never been discussed specifically as a proposal, let alone passed.

But now, the voice has grown louder, and the bottom members have started a heated discussion. Finally, a proposal was handed over to the table of the Round Table Council.

Dark Heaven, Round Table Council.

In the supreme powerhouse, any proposal placed on this table, whether passed or not, will set off a storm.

In the hall, the first thing to see is the round table symbolizing power. Around the round table, there are eight ancient stone chairs.

Above the stone bench, it is covered with mysterious lines, the back of the chair is straight, and it goes straight to the dome of the temple. In the middle position, there is a logo.

That is the pattern that represents the famous celebrities.

Such as black lotus, Heihe, black moon and so on.

There are seven seats in the Dark Heavens, all of which have a seat here.

As for the eighth chair, the above is a pattern of a balance between Libra and a sword. Behind this pattern is a deep squat that is invisible to the naked eye, representing the holy abyss!

This pattern does not belong to any famous door, it is the symbol of the parliament.

The person who can sit in this chair is the speaker of the Round Table Council!

The Round Table Council is in fact the institution used to balance the strengths of the various famous members. Therefore, the position of the Speaker is particularly particular.

According to the tradition of the Dark Heaven, the Speaker is the value of the seven famous gates. Each 10,000 years is a rotation period. When the time is up, it will be sorted according to the order, and the next famous person will serve as the Speaker.

Today’s rotating speaker is the owner of the Black Moon executor, Augu!

The bells of the abyss hall have already ringed twelve times. This means that the round table is about to begin. Members must come to the round table, even if it is just a projection.

At this moment, the position of the speaker has already been sitting there, not a projection, but a real body.

He seems to be very old, but still in the spirit, a low-key and restrained speaker, but no longer showing his honor.

The manicured beard, which is trimmed very finely, does not bring a sense of guilt, but adds a bit of scholarly elegance.

Aogu listened to the bell and screamed, his fingers tapping on the table, and in the process, even if the road was incomparable, it was still a strong breath, and it came down in turn.

At the last bell, the chairs around the Round Table Council were filled with people.

However, three of them are projections, and they are not really coming.

At this point, Augu is not unexpected. After all, these three people have just been seriously injured by Kunlun and are still recovering.

In addition, a new face appeared in the Round Table Council.

That is the new owner of the black crystal emptiness - Leo.

Leo is the 19th generation grandson of Meches, whose blood is extremely pure, and after Metz's life has come to an end, Leo is appointed as the owner of the Black Crystal.

Naturally, it also took over the seat of Mechels in the round table.

Even if he has not yet reached the realm of heaven and earth.

At this moment, Leo was sitting in a chair, and it seemed very regular. Compared with other people's sitting posture, he could see the tension and fear in his heart.

Of course, no one will laugh at him because of this.

After all, I came to this hall for the first time, sitting in this position, no one can keep calm.

Not to mention his strength, in fact, it is not quite commensurate with the position of the Round Table Council.

"Dear Leo, I regret the death of Meches, but I am on you and see the shadow of Meches, I believe that you will do better than Mechels!"

Seeing that people have arrived, Augu naturally took the lead, and the voice was majestic but not gentle, and he calmed this Leo, who was a child.

Leo swallowed his mouth and sat more straight. Although he was nervous, the etiquette from small to large had already penetrated the bone marrow.

At the moment, he first bowed to Aogu, and immediately bowed to other members of the House of Representatives, humble, but not humble, but it made people look a bit high.

After a simple greeting, Augustu started today's issue.

"This time the situation is special, all procedures are exempted, the proposal is in front of you, I want to come to your mind and already count. After you have seen it, you will start voting." Augu opened the door.

The three must recover as soon as possible, but they don't want to waste time here. Of course, the proposal of the speaker is welcome.

Leo opened the proposal and swept the line, and the brow gradually tightened.

Although he probably had a guess, he really couldn’t help but feel angry.

This time, the proposal is for the bright group, and will decide on the policy for the bright group in the future!

There are two options in the proposal.



For these two options, the following members have already fully elaborated and attached the study of the gods.

The pros and cons of the gains and losses are analyzed very clearly. Looking at the content of this proposal alone, it turned out that the voice that favored the rule was more than ruined.

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