God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2539: Don't mess with our Qin family

Qin Fu did not care about the appearance of the man, nor did he have any special instructions.

The three brothers did not see Qin Fu, and when that person did not exist, even if the person shot, it would cause huge damage to them.

They believe in Qin Fu.

Qin Fu is certainly not wrong.

"How do you know that the second sister will appear from there?" Qin degree surprised, while controlling the toxins, penetrated into the body at the fastest speed.

That's right, the location where the person appeared was one of the few places where Qin Fu ordered Qin to arrange toxins.

The moment of emergence has already been highly toxic.

Qindu has a unique understanding of black people, knowing how to make toxins cause more damage in the other party.

I saw that the person was in a state of strength, but soon he collapsed, and even the flesh, there were blood marks, muscle congestion, as if to explode.

Poisonous phase!

"When time!" The man didn't even know when he was poisoned.

Qin Fu glanced at Qindu. She knew that Qindu’s poison was terrible, but now she found out that she still looked down on him.

It’s just that Qin is unfamiliar with them, and it’s not really Qin Qi’s blood. It’s hard to let Qin Fu fully trust.

Therefore, in the case of needing to guard against Yi Shang and others, Qin Fu will not let him participate in the war.

This is a way to reduce the crisis.

It is also a last resort.

Of course, if you really trust each other in the future, there is no longer any hesitation. Qin Fu will let Qindu exert his strength.

As for now...

Qin Fu made a gesture to Qin Du, then relaxed and sat back on the recliner, and the eyes were exhausted.

There is no suspense in the battle and it will soon end.

The three brothers looked miserable and wounded, but they swept their opponents and almost killed them all.

Such an impressive record is simply unbelievable.

In the history of the abyss palace, there has been no such defeat.

To know that today's lineup is that the two masters will not necessarily lose.

Not to mention the guys who are not in the past few days.

I can only say that these people are too enchanting.

Or, the enchanting is a bit too much!

Qin Yupeng returned to the human form, holding a soldier's neck in his hand, the momentum of his body, this moment is the peak.

"I don't know what happened outside, what kind of identity do you have, but I have to say that you have provoked the wrong object!" Qin Xiaopeng was cold and cold.

"Remember, in this universe, don't mess with our Qin family, or die!"

This sentence is called domineering, not only to the people who are listening to it, but also to Yishang and others in the distance.

Qin family!

Yi Shang's face has been ugly to the extreme.

He suddenly thought of one thing.

The Guangming Group, it seems that there is indeed a person named Qin, which is not very simple. I even heard that the man got the Supreme Immortal.

This kind of anti-tianism is extremely rare in the dark heavens.

This alone is already a character.

Not to mention, there are also a few master craftsmen of the Masters of the Masters who have suffered a big loss in the hands of Qin Qi!

Of course, Yi Shang is not a political figure in the parliament, so he is not too concerned about these things, just just heard about it.

Can't these small things be related to the Qin Qi?

That is a terrible family, even if it is the name of the dark heavens, there is something that can’t be compared.

But now is not the time to think about this.

The ten warriors in the abyss palace have all been killed, and together with a researcher, they are poisoned, and they are not going to see it.

Now, the whole situation has been completely reversed.

In his eyes, he is only a mean **** guy. At this moment, completely above them will dominate their life and death.

This is simply subversive!

The Guangming Group was just a little bit of fire left by the bright roads of the past, and it was only a matter of surrender. Nowadays, it has chosen to surrender and surrender in front of the dark day interface.

They are here, they should be walking sideways, even if they are nightingales, they are afraid to take them.

But now, they have to be reduced to prisoners?

In any case, people can't stand this humiliation!

"Go!" Yi is still cold, and there is a treasure in his hand, and then the void suddenly oscillates, connecting the universe beyond infinity.

This treasure comes from the black crystal emptiness, there is it, Qin Qinpeng and others can not catch up.

At the moment of Yi Shang’s shot, the figures of several of them suddenly blurred, but the next moment, they returned to the real shape again.

The ability of the black crystal emptiness can not send them away!

"This is impossible!" Yi Shang is really panicked, they can not leave the planet.

This is just the lowest level of the world of planets. As long as Yi Shang is willing to destroy it, it is only a short-lived one. Now, even if he can’t even leave, can’t he do it?

Is there a problem with the transfer treasure?

Yi Shang did not think so much, and now he personally broke through and wanted to highlight the earth world.

However, the earth that was easy to come in before and even did not feel the world's barriers existed, but at the moment, it could not go out.

It was detained by a mysterious force. It was as strong as Yishang, and it was only able to stand before the world barrier and be powerless.

They can't get out.

Then here is a cage for them.

Yi Shang and others are ugly, but they have to accept such a reality. Now, what they need to consider is not the task of the body, but the idea of ​​how to live.

Just then, the void in front of them swayed.

Immediately, Qin Xiaopeng and Qin Fu came together.

Qin Xiaopeng was wounded, and it was definitely not light, but at this moment his breath was strong to the extreme, and his combat power really reached its peak.

This is incredible. It is really more and more brave, and it is very similar to Qin Qi.

This is also a proof of Qin Qi’s son.

"How do you say, die or live?" Qin Fu was indifferent, and the choice given was very simple.

Either die or live!

"Little girl, we have to spare people and spare people, really forced us to death, you will also pay a terrible price!" Yi Shanghan channel.

Qin Fu did not care at all, but instead ridiculed: "Look at your appearance, the position in the dark world is not low, how so stupid?"

"This planet is already a prisoner. No one can go out. Now is your only chance to fight back. When our injuries are restored, do you think your chances of winning will be higher?"

"But you did not shoot, but threatened me, you feel such a contradictory threat, in addition to ridiculous, what else?" Qin Fu sneered.

Yi Shang’s eyes were shaking, and such a proud gesture should have appeared on them.

Why do you feel noble at the moment, but become humble.

Qin family...

Yi still clenched his teeth and his face was gloomy.

"So, as you wish, kill you now!" Yi Shang angered, the light flashed in his hand, a ball appeared.

At the moment when the ball appeared, the surrounding void suddenly collapsed. The power contained in it has made Qin Fu’s smashing suddenly shrink.

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