God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2540: Repression

She possesses the talent of Guanshi's words, and her ability to perceive the world is so great that she can clearly understand the strength of this unknown ball.

Enough to kill them all in an instant.

But I am afraid that such power will explode, and it will not be able to escape.

perish together?

This old man has such awareness?

Qin Fu can not believe.

However, Qin Fu has always acted not to guess. She does not want to gamble. She still can't help her. What she wants is to control the situation.

"Small eight, how?" Qin Fu did not care about Yi Shang, directly ignoring the power of terror.

"Okay," Qin’s answer passed back.

Qin Fu picked up his eyebrows and looked at Yi Shang with ridicule. He sneered: "Start your performance."

Yi Shang's face shook a little.

Deliberately put the imaginary ball in your hand directly on Qin Fu's face.

However, he really can't make up his mind.

In the final analysis, you don't want to die, at least you don't want to die like this.

"Why, the stage is ready for you, and I will give up my righteousness. But when it comes to the end, I dare not?" Qin Fu smiled contemptuously.

Yi Shang's face was shaking again, and his heart was naturally furious.

But in the face of reality, anger is not useful.

In this case, Yi Shang did not put any gestures, and directly said coldly, "At least, you dare not take the old man!"

"The dark genus, have no brains like you, it seems that the threat level of the dark heavens is not too high," Qin Fu sighed.

"You are too arrogant!" Yi Shangshi can't stand this contempt.

His status is noble and he has never been treated like this, but it does not mean that he is poor in his heart and cannot bear these humiliations.

He can sit in this position, but it is not a strong wind.

However, he couldn't stand the attitude of Qin Fu, because Qin Fu is not pretending to humiliate him, but feels stupid from the heart and feels that they are inferior!

Is the Qin family blood awesome, and can it be compared with the blood circulating in the abyss?

"Forget it, don't talk nonsense with you", Qin Fu is not interested in continuing this kind of unnutritive chat, will move a hand, a void, Qin has already appeared.

However, what makes Yi Shang’s heart cold is that Qin Du is not his own. He is coming from his men.

But now, his men have no sense of autonomy at all, just like a beggar, and with Yishang's knowledge, how can you not know, there is a different guy hidden inside.

Is that one that uses poison?

"He is treating us as a nutrient?" Yi Shang only felt a scalp tingling, but also angered.

Who can bear this kind of thing, and their compatriots are treated like this!

It is Qin Xiaopeng, who frowned slightly.

At this moment, Yi Shang really intends to go out and take out the annihilation ball.

However, suddenly he felt a weakness, his eyes began to blur, and the thoughts in his mind could not be carried out on the limbs.

He can't do anything!


Yi Shang 瞳 hole shrinks for a while, he knows that this is poisoned.

But when?

"It turns out that it is no wonder that you can be so confident!" Yi Shang gnawed his teeth.

"It’s not too late to know," Qin Fu shrugged.

"It’s just your means, is it too cruel to give up, how can life and death give you a happy?" Yi Shang couldn’t help but suffer from this kind of torture. He really didn’t want to see it.

"You have ruined the bright roads and you are in the midst of the Guangming community. What are the qualifications to say?" Qin Fu looked indifferent.

The means of Qindu is indeed cruel, and the birth of the dark scorpion into the nourishment of its own growth, and in this process, the other party will experience great pain.

So even if Qin Xiaopeng, there are some people who are not happy.

But Qin Fu is different, she does not care about this kind of thing.

And she knows that Qin is only instinctive and wants to become stronger, not deliberately tormenting people.

"If you don't want to be like this, you will know each other." Qin Fu was straightforward.

Yi Shang and other people's faces have begun to pale, and then they are blue, and they can't stop the spread of toxins in the body, especially the source of toxins is in front of them.

This kind of poison has never been seen before, even if it is knowledgeable, it is unable to stop it.

The antidote in his hands did not produce much effect and only delayed the spread of toxins.

The situation at the moment has become very clear. They have no chance, just like the choice given by Qin Fu, either yielding or dying.

But if he wants to surrender, he will not say anything.

"Just when you default, let's talk about it, what do you want to do here, what is that instrument?" Qin Fudao.

The question is direct enough, but everyone is not an idiot. It should be clear that Qin Fu will not ask for the second time.

In the end, Yi Shang chose to succumb, and he did not want to die.

However, he did not put the whole thing out, but said that looking for something is a kind of utilization of the bright circles, hoping to get more benefits.

Originally, the dark heavens chose to rule, and the night was the supreme achievement of the heavens and the earth. Under the war, the loss was not small.

Second, I want to exploit the bright circles.

So sending someone to plunder is not a rare thing.

"You have something to gain on Mars?" Qin Xiaopeng suddenly said.

"Mars?" Yi Shang stunned, and even said: "Yes, that is the red planet outside the planet, on which we found a mark."

"How many people are there to find these marks?" Qin Fu asked.

She did not ask the specific role of these imprints because they could not be asked at all.

Some things, even if Yi Shang betrayed the dark heavens, intend to say it, but it is also impossible to say.

"A total of 16 teams, half of which are in the Guangming Group", Yi Shangdao.

Qin Fu was surprised and wondered: "How do you have something in common in the two worlds?"

"Yes," Yi Shang nodded.

Qin Fu thought for a moment and continued: "Then you have a harvest on this planet?"

Yi Shang’s eyes shook a little and said: “I haven’t had time to start the instrument completely.”

As for the reasons that have not come, I don’t know.

"Oh," Qin Fu shrugged without hesitation, and then said: "Continue, I want to see, what exactly these marks are."

Yishang hesitated and finally nodded: "Well, as you wish."

Yi Shang and others returned to the position where the instrument was set up before starting further instrumentation, while Qin Fu and others looked at it and his eyes were full of curiosity.

The system of darkness is really amazing.

Because of the death of one person, this time Yishang also personally began to operate the instrument, but the speed is a lot faster, but also more accurate.

When the instrument is fully activated, the invisible sputum of a circle spreads out and penetrates into the earth, almost inaccessible.

However, it has not been given back for a long time.

"How can this be?" Yishang Emei, on the earth so little, scanning once can not be used for a long time, and now a quarter of an hour has passed, that is, the road, they are almost ready to scan.

I suspect that the instrument is broken, but suddenly there is a reaction.

"Really!" Yi Shang eyes bright, even if it is already a prisoner, but really gain something, still can not help but excited.

It’s just that the mark has not yet begun to be extracted, but there has been a reaction.

There are two imprints?

Yishang’s look changed and he became more and more excited.

And then, the reaction reappeared, and began to continue... "Ten... ten stamps?" Yi Shang almost fainted, can't believe this is true.

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