God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2615: Bigger handwriting

In Qin Qi's induction, under the Taikoo mine, there is a force with a holy atmosphere that is hidden.

This power is very weak and almost invisible. Fortunately, Qin Qi’s perception is strong enough to match the power of different Kunlun, even if it is a big god, it is not his opponent.

However, in terms of perception, this power appears to be somewhat special. It is also the power of the sacred system. It is different from the bright priest and does not have a strong attacking ability.

On the contrary, there is a faint smell of all kinds of seals!

And this breath, let Qin Qi think of a person.

In fact, Qin Qi did not really see this person. He only touched his strength and heard many legends about him.

"Is it a thousand feathers, will it be that I perceive mistakes?" Qin Qi whispered, and there was some doubt in his heart.

This breath is exactly the diamond of a thousand feathers.

The diamond powerhouse, who is extremely legendary in the opposite world, has not yet reached the king's realm, and can stand against it.

About his legend, it is widely spread in the outer world, even if it is Qin Qi, it is also heard.

Only he has already left the outer world and explored the universe. There has been no news in the past few years.

In addition to entering a different world, Qin Qi had encountered a feather he left behind, but he never really met with it.

The fluctuation of the breath felt at the moment is also based on the strength of the feathers at the beginning, but whether it is or not, it is temporarily unrecognizable.

Speaking of it, there were still a lot of people in the world, and there have been many kings in history. They are all talented people.

For example, the former King of Hengsha, the crown of the world, the first time in the past, is the real Tianjiao, but after leaving the outside world, it has never appeared again.

Perhaps he is practicing somewhere in the universe, but it is very likely, but it has fallen.

After all, the heavens and the kingdoms see that the original King of Hengsha was only the middle and lower level of power. Compared with the real strong, how can genius and death be possible.

Qin Qi shook his head and did not let his thoughts fly.

In his impression, the ability of a thousand feather drills is a seal.

The person who masters the powerful seal is naturally indifferent to cracking the seal.

Qin Qi is curious. If it is really a thousand feathers, is it capable of helping him to break the six-in-one ban in the body?

And if you think about it, the diamond of the thousand feathers will appear here, it is not a strange thing.

Although the dark genus used an unknown means to build a lighthouse with the blood of hundreds of millions of souls, it neutralized the dangerous entrance of the Taikoo mine and controlled the entrance.

However, if you want to go deeper, you will be afraid to break through this place or the natural or artificial seal prohibition.

The ability of a thousand feather drills will stand out at this moment.

He may have been recruited by the dark scorpion and forced to come here.

Qin Qi thought so in this way, the figure is like a floating leaf, silently falling into a huge pit.

It can be seen that on the rock wall around the crater, a large number of torches are arranged, and the blood fires above it, which is consistent with the blood flames burning on the lighthouses in the blood river.

These torches are obviously arranged in a certain column. With the increasing number, the world and the earth have a huge impact.

Came to this pit, Qin Qi really determined that the air machine here has been changed, although he still does not know what the principle is, but it is certain that the original fierceness of the Taikoo mine has been locked into the cage. .

Or say another way.

The Taikoo mine is like a lion. Once you detect the outsiders, you will wake up and tear them all apart. But now, it is blinded by a force, it will only sleep.

"The technology of this dark heaven is really incredible. This ability has never been seen before." Qin Qi could not help but sigh.

The dark heavens are indeed powerful, and all aspects are the same. To know such a method, the bright circles are completely impossible to achieve.

Carefully did not reveal any breath, Qin Qi came to the bottom of the pit.

Here, even Qin Qi feels that the pressure is not small, and there may be danger everywhere.

An inconspicuous stone at the foot, or a broken object, may contain a strong murder.

These forces are all left over from the ancient times. If you continue to go deep, I am afraid it will be more terrible than the ancient battlefield in the exile.

"Be careful."

Qin Qi followed the fluctuations of the thousand feathers and kept moving forward. Suddenly, different Kunlun gave warnings.

"What's wrong?" Qin Qi stopped.

"The fluctuations in this area are somewhat abnormal. I am afraid that the darkness will leave the detector. Once an outsider enters, there will be no shape."

"My ability can't help?" Qin Qidao.

"This should be the technology that the Sacrificial Offering has just developed in recent years, and in addition to letting the concealed people have nothing to do, they may also link the gas of this ancient mine!"

"Once you are aware, the lion of the Taikoo mine, you may have to choose someone to devour!"

It seems that this dark genus, really really put this Taishen mine to get through, can actually reverse the power of the Taikoo mine!

The horror of the Taikoo mine is unquestionable. Even if it is Qin Qi, if it is alone, it will be fierce.

Otherwise, it is impossible that it has always been a restricted area since ancient times. No one has ever discovered the real secret.

"Fortunately, I have a fixed core," Qin Qi exhaled.

If you change to someone else, even if you are a big god, I am afraid that it will not be able to hide the trace, it will be exposed, and it will be attacked by the Taikoo mine.

However, Qin Qi's indeterminate kernel can confuse all rules. Even if it is the latest technology of the **** offering, Qin Qi can smash it.

And with this technology in place, it is convenient for Qin Qi.

As long as it is passed, the darkness will naturally not be suspicious, and this technology will paralyze themselves.

When Qin Qi operated the power of the indeterminate core, according to the frequency measured by the different Kunlun, it cast a layer of camouflage on itself, and the detector did not respond.

Qin Qi moved forward for several kilometers. When it appeared again, he saw a water polo. The spherical surface was smooth, but it was a thin film of water. Once there was a change, the water layer would pick up.

This is the detector.

"This thing, can we use it?" Qin Qi looked at the detector, and asked some curiously.

“What do you do with it?” asked Yi Kunlun.

"Since it can sense the outsiders and distinguish themselves, can it also pass through it and sense the specific location of these people?" Qin Qidao.

"This is a way," Yi Kunlun agreed.

It quickly consulted the relevant technical points, as well as various operating modes, and with their own deductive ability, it took a quarter of an hour to have an answer.

"You do what I said," Yi Kunlun passed the specific steps to Qin Qi.

Although Qin Qi does not understand, but it is no problem to draw a gourd, and there is no convenience of the kernel, but also suppress the accident as much as possible.

After playing for a while, Qin Qi finally changed some of the settings on the detector, and the water film changed, no longer a calm one.

The spherical water film changes, sinks down, forms a pit, and the terrain inside is complex, and a large number of point marks are very conspicuous.

This is estimated to be the whole picture of this pit.

The dot marks are exactly where the dark scorpions are.

"This expression is similar to you," Qin Qi smiled.

"The civilization of the dark heavens is indeed somewhat special. It is more like the combination of ancient civilization and scientific civilization. But even if it is the historical material of the **** sacrifice, it cannot trace the origin of this civilization."

"In the ancient times, there was a time fault, there was no record at that time, and the origin should be at that point in time," Wen Kunlun said.

"Will you not come from the dark world?" Qin Qidao.

Kunlun said that the overnight stay was just an inadvertent acquisition of a different Kunlun, and he tried to use it instead of creating it.

"No," Xiao Kunlun's answer is very simple.

Qin Qi shrugged. Anyway, he asked casually. It is not important to have an answer.

The full map of the pit formed by the detector, the different Kunlun has been completely copied, in order to be safe, the different Kunlun has been with the detector, keeping the data updated in real time.

With the ability of different Kunlun, the place where Zhao Cai and the thousand feathers were drilled was instantly identified. The two of them were together.

This is to let Qin Qi determine the mind.

According to the direction of the different Kunlun calibration, Qin Qi began to advance rapidly.

At the same time, also carefully look at the situation of this pit.

Throughout the whole picture, it can be clearly seen that there are a large number of dark scorpions inside the pit, and according to the statistics of different Kunlun, the specific figures actually exceed the millions!

Such a huge amount can be said to be beyond imagination.

Even Qin Qi, it was shocked!

To know that this is the Guangming community, not the dark heavens, how can there be such a number of darknesses?

So far, the darkness of the Guangming community has not been a high-rise, or a noble person. Some technicians are white.

The general dark genus, there is no news of large-scale entry into the Guangming community.

But the number of million, it is impossible to be all elites. It seems that the darkness is a secret action, far more than the surface.

The number of millions has already formed a very amazing force, but now it is all deployed in this pit.

Together with the blood river formed by billions of living creatures, and the matching lighthouses and torches, plus the detectors inside the pit.

The input of the dark scorpion here is already an astronomical figure!

It is hard to imagine that what conditions are needed to truly enter the interior of the Taikoo mine?

Qin Qi's brows are locked, and it is increasingly felt that this Taikoo mine is only beyond imagination.

It was only when Qin Qizheng looked at the specific distribution of the millions of dark genus, which represented their mark, and almost disappeared in an instant!

Qin Qi was in a tight heart and felt cold in his heart.

There is only one possibility for this situation.

These dark scorpions died in the moment just now!

Immediately, Qin Qi felt a shock, and the entire Taikoo mine was slightly shaking.

A long and ancient atmosphere, from far to the point, rushed to the ancient mine in all directions.

In the vagueness, Qin Qi heard countless mournings, like the screams before the death of the soul, and the sorrows of the ghosts. The sound of the waves rushed like a tide, and Qin Qi could not help but frown.

He was affected, as if there were countless devils in front of him, and he was going to pull him down.


When Qin Qi was cold, it disappeared without a trace, but the rotten smell floating in the air still made Qin Qi uncomfortable.

Qin Qi glanced at the map. Although the arrangement of the millions of dark genus was somewhat irregular, it was generally presented in the form of a circle.

Presumably, the entrance is in the circle they formed.

When Qin Qi did not delay, he quickly approached, and finally, after a quarter of an hour, he came to the place where the dark scorpions died.

When I came here, Qin Qi had no choice but to see the scenes of the death of the dark.

He widened his eyes and looked forward, his eyes full of coziness!

It was a very large semi-naked woman, but the body was already decaying, and the expression on her face was even more terrible.

And she, with one hand up, seems to grab something.

Or, she wants to escape from here, but in the end, it has not succeeded. The eyes of the black hole, the blood of the cockroaches have not dried up, and the rot of the mouth, as if there are sorrows, let Qin Qi face some whitish.

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